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RRGhostGate_Less_Pointy_MRM_Patch_by_Suki 1.0.0

   (0 reviews)

4 Screenshots

Welcome, Moon and Star

This patch repairs some terrain issues, namely;
    Right outside ghostgate on red mountain side

This was caused by these mods being used together;

1. MRM-Non_Point.esm
2. RR Ghostfence Fortress

After repairing the seams it made some of the terrain impossible to climb up,
    so I added wooden stairs. My reasoning being the Ghostgate forces could remove
    them quickly if the wanted to further limit travel between red mountain and ghostgate.
    On the tehcnical side I picked these stairs because the worked better than others 
    I look at. If these are not to your liking I understand, the are  functional for what I need.
  There is also the issue of a second floating Ghostgate Shrine, I have attempted to remove it but I cannot find where it's being added as the second shrine is not visible in the CS.

  If anyone has any ideas as to the issue you can message me on discord and I'll add the fix to this patch. Suki#9482
Load the above mods in the listed order.
This load order had the least amount of confliction for me
Load my patch AFTER all the above mods.
This may work with the original version of mountainous red mountain as well, I have not tested

    Drop 'RRGhostgate_Less_Ointy_MRM_Patch_by_Suki.ESP' into your Data Files folder
    Remove 'RRGhostgate_Less_Ointy_MRM_Patch_by_Suki.ESP' from your Data Files folder

    Piratelord for their work on the original Mountainous Red Mountain mod
    Hollaajith for their work on the Less Pointy Edition of Mountainous Red Mountain
    The Resdayn Revival Team for RR Ghostgate Fortress
    If your name is left of the credits list and you would like it to be appending just let me know,
        I tried to include everyone I could find.


I did not see DarkKnights patch for this same problem. I'll still post it so you can
    try one if the other doesn't work for you for some reason.

   v1.0 - Initial Release
   v1.1 - Repaired additional seams and holes in the ghostgate fence

All patches by Suki are open permissioned. Distribute, package, build ontop of. Just make sure you have fun with it.


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