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  1. Version 1.3.5


    This MWSE mod implements level requirements to equip all of Morrowind's clothing items. It's basically Remiros' Equipment Requirements for clothing; in fact, it's really just a modification of Remiros' code, adapted to clothing rather than armor and weapons. Since there's no skill associated with clothing, the criterion used for the requirements is the player's level. Requirements range from level 1 (for unenchanted common clothing and low-end enchanted stuff) to level 60 (for the Royal Signet Ring). For unenchanted clothes, level requirements are level 1 for common, 3 for expensive, 5 for extravagant and 10 for exquisite. For enchanted clothing, requirements vary based on the usefulness of the enchantment (mostly ranging from level 1 to in the 20s, but a few exceptional items are higher). The archive contains a spreadsheet listing all clothing items in the game, their enchantments, and their level requirements. Like in Equipment Requirements, clothing items without a requirement specified in the code (i.e. clothing added by mods not specifically accounted for in this mod) will have a requirement determined by a formula. The formula takes into account the item's value and enchant capacity, but not any enchantment on the item. However, all vanilla clothing items have specified requirements, as do items added by certain mods. Unlike in Equipment Requirements, there is no alternate mode with penalties if you equip an item you don't meet the requirement for. If you're not high enough level, you just can't equip the item. The archive also contains an optional modified version of Remiros' Equipment Requirements, my personal edit of that mod that addresses a few issues with it. A few typos in item IDs have been fixed and missing items added. Additionally, a few balance adjustments have been made, and the lowest-tier stuff is generally equippable by anyone. Also, arrows and bolts now have requirements as well, and a few other changes have been made; see the changelog for a list of additional changes/fixes. Requirements This mod requires MGE XE and the latest version of MWSE 2.1. Just install MGE XE and run MWSE-Update.exe to download the latest build. Recommendations I recommend using Consistent Enchanting with this mod. If you're using Consistent Enchanting (and have it configured to carry over enchanted items' base items), the requirements for player-created enchanted items will be 5 higher than the requirement for the base item. (You actually need to have been using Consistent Enchanting at the time the item was created.) This applies to both Clothing Requirements and Equipment Requirements. If you're not using Consistent Enchanting, requirements for player-created enchanted items will be determined by formula, with possibly inconsistent results.
  2. Version 1.0.4


    Fortify MAX causes the Fortify Magicka and Fortify Fatigue magic effects to affect the maximum as well as the current value of the relevant stat. In other words, this mod does for Fortify Magicka and Fatigue what the "Fortify Maximum Health" feature of Morrowind Code Patch does for Fortify Health. Important Note: As of version 1.0.4, the mod Attribute Effect Tweaks is required. See the Requirements section for details. Description Why? In vanilla Morrowind, Fortify Magicka and Fortify Fatigue are broken for more than one reason, the most obvious of which is that they're just plain not very useful for their intended purpose. Fortify Magicka tacks on a certain amount of magicka to your current pool, which can cause your current magicka to exceed your max magicka, but this extra magicka is not added to the maximum. The extra magicka cannot be restored and is one-time use only. When the Fortify Magicka effect expires, you'll lose all that extra magicka, possibly bringing your current magicka total all the way down to 0. The same thing happens with Fortify Fatigue. The effect will give you a one-time use bonus of fatigue that will be gone after a minute of running down the road (or a few weapon swings), and when it expires you'll lose everything you gained, possibly causing you to collapse in exhaustion. Clearly, these effects are of very limited utility in vanilla Morrowind; these effects are far more useful in exploits than for their intended purpose. The most obvious of these exploits is to boost your fatigue ratio. In vanilla, Fortify Fatigue can increase your current fatigue far above the maximum, which will increase your fatigue ratio (current/max fatigue) above 1.0. Fatigue ratio affects a great number of things in Morrowind, among them things like spellcasting success chance, persuasion success chance, and the prices you can get from merchants. This makes Fortify Fatigue much more useful as a bartering or persuasion tool than for its intended use. In addition, other exploits are possible with these effects in vanilla Morrowind. Using a combination of Drain Intelligence and Fortify Magicka, it's possible to end up with an enormous pool of current magicka (thousands or even tens of thousands of points). It's trickier to pull this off with fatigue, since more attributes are used in calculating it, but if done correctly it's broken in the extreme. Clearly something must be done about this. What? The vanilla game has a similar problem with Fortify Health, which Morrowind Code Patch solves by making that effect increase maximum along with current health. This mod does the exact same thing for Fortify Magicka and Fatigue. When you're subject to a Fortify Magicka/Fatigue effect, both the current and max value of the stat will increase by the magnitude of the effect, and both will decrease when the effect wears off. When the game recalculates these stats (for example, when one of the attributes used to calculate them changes), any Fortify Magicka/Fatigue magnitude you're under will be taken into account, and the correct ratio will always be maintained. Note that, even with this mod, Fortify Magicka is still distinct from the Fortify Maximum Magicka effect, which modifies the "magicka multiplier" used along with intelligence to calculate max magicka. This mod affects only the player. It does not affect NPCs or creatures. How? Instead of patching the Morrowind executable like Morrowind Code Patch does, this mod uses MWSE-lua to achieve the same effect. All you need to do is be using an up-to-date MWSE, and install the mod like any other, and you can enjoy actually useful and non-broken Fortify Magicka/Fatigue effects. Configuration Each component of the mod (for magicka and fatigue) can be disabled separately in the Mod Config Menu, so if for some reason you only want the mod's effects for one of these stats, you can do that (you can also disable the mod entirely if you wish). Known Issues There are a few known issues with this mod, all of them minor and/or very rare. The first three of these issues are related to Fortify Magicka/Fatigue abilities (as opposed to regular spells/enchantments/potions). There are no Fortify Magicka/Fatigue abilities in vanilla Morrowind, but mods can implement them. You will not experience these first three issues if you're not using a mod that adds such abilities. 1. If you're using a mod that adds a Fortify Magicka/Fatigue ability to a race or birthsign, the ability will not be reflected in the "stat review" menu during chargen. It will not be reflected in your stats until after chargen is complete, i.e after you leave Sellus Gravius' office. (Note that without this mod, such abilities don't work at all.) 2. If you're using a mod that adds a Fortify Magicka/Fatigue ability to a race or birthsign, and then subsequently removes/re-adds that ability via script, the magnitude will be applied twice to the max stat. I'm not aware of any mods that do this, but if you're using one, the solution is to fix the other mod so that it doesn't do this anymore. Fortify Magicka/Fatigue abilities should either be added to a race or birthsign, or added/removed via script, but not both. 3. There's a potential problem if both of the following things happen during the exact same frame: (1) A Fortify Magicka/Fatigue ability is added or removed via script (2) An attribute that contributes to that stat changes If this happens, the result depends on the order those things happen in. If (1) happens first, everything is fine. If (2) happens first, the Fortify Magicka/Fatigue magnitude will end up being applied twice to the max stat. This is most likely to happen when the effects are part of the same ability. For example, if a mod adds via script an ability with Fortify Intelligence and Fortify Magicka, in that order, the Fortify Magicka magnitude will be applied twice to max magicka. To avoid this problem, other mods can ensure that, in any script-added abilities that contain both Fortify Magicka/Fatigue and an effect that changes a related attribute, the Fortify Magicka/Fatigue effect comes first. Note that it's possible for this to happen in other circumstances, even when the attribute-changing effect is not part of the same ability. For example, a mod might add a Fortify Fatigue ability via script, and, in the exact same frame in which the ability is added, a Fortify Agility potion you were affected by expires. This kind of thing is very unlikely. 4. There's another potential problem if all three of the following things happen during the exact same frame: (1) The Fortify Magicka/Fatigue magnitude you're affected by changes (2) An attribute that contributes to that stat changes (3) The current value of the relevant stat changes due to some other cause If all of these happen during the same frame, the change to the current stat due to the other cause will be basically reverted. For example, let's say you cast a spell, and, in the exact same frame in which you lose magicka due to the spellcast, your intelligence and Fortify Magicka magnitude both also change. In this case, you'll basically get the spell for free, with no magicka cost. It would require extremely precise timing to intentionally exploit this - fortunately, the loss of magicka from casting a spell and the effects of that spell don't happen on the same frame - and it's very unlikely to happen by chance. Interop Fortify MAX includes an interop file, so MWSE-lua mod authors can detect the presence of this mod and/or trigger this mod's calculations. For example, to detect whether or not the magicka component of this mod is enabled, use something like the following: local fortifyMAX = include("FortifyMAX.interop") if fortifyMAX and fortifyMAX.magicka then -- do stuff end You can check for the fatigue feature being enabled with fortifyMAX.fatigue. The interop variables are set on initialized, so don't check for them before then (and if you check on initialized, you might need to assign a negative priority to your initialized event so this mod's interop variables will be set first). It's also possible to instruct Fortify MAX to do its magicka or fatigue calculations. These calculations add any Fortify Magicka/Fatigue magnitude to the max stat, and adjust the current stat as needed to maintain the correct ratio. This mod's calculations are normally done immediately after the game does its own vanilla calculations (usually when one of the relevant attributes changes). If your mod changes the player's max magicka/fatigue under circumstances in which the game would normally not redo the vanilla calculations, you can instruct this mod to do its own calculations with (replace magicka with fatigue as appropriate): fortifyMAX.recalc.magicka = true FortifyMAX will then do its thing, compensating for any Fortify Magicka/Fatigue magnitude the player is under. (Remember that this mod affects only the player.) This mod's loaded and enterFrame events are assigned a priority of -10, to ensure that other mods go first. If your mod changes magicka/fatigue calculations on loaded or enterFrame, don't set an event priority <= -10. See Class-Conscious Character Progression for an example of interop use. Requirements This mod requires MGE XE and the latest version of MWSE 2.1. Just install MGE XE and run MWSE-Update.exe to download the latest build. In particular, this mod requires a recent MWSE build, as it uses a couple of newly-added MWSE features. The build date must be at least 2021-05-18. Just update to the latest version and you're good to go. Fortify MAX also requires the mod Attribute Effect Tweaks. That mod is needed to prevent max magicka and fatigue from being reset to vanilla (ignoring any fortify magnitude) under certain circumstances. Recommendations For consistency (and in general, since Fortify Health sucks much worse without it), I recommend using Morrowind Code Patch's "Fortify Maximum Health" feature. Compatibility As an MWSE-lua mod, Fortify MAX is compatible with most other mods. It is likely to have compatibility issues with any mod that changes how magicka or fatigue is calculated, unless the other mod takes this mod into account (see the interop section). CCCP, as of version 2.0.2, is compatible. If you're using another mod that changes magicka/fatigue calculations and conflicts with this one, you can disable the corresponding component of this mod. Mods that add Fortify Magicka/Fatigue abilities might not play nice with this mod under certain unusual circumstances. See the Known Issues section for details. Contact Feel free to contact me on Moddinghall or the Nexus with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692.
  3. View File CCCP Magicka Regen Summary This mod implements the magicka regen functionality of Class-Conscious Character Progression (CCCP), without any of that mod's other features. Important Note: In order to experience this mod as intended, starting a new game is strongly recommended when installing the mod. Description With this mod, magicka will regenerate over time. The rate of magicka regen depends on several factors: your class (specifically, your starting magic skills compared to the average), your current magic skills, your current willpower (including any fortify or drain/damage effects), and your fatigue ratio. The "magic skills" for the purposes of this mod are the six schools of magicka, plus Alchemy and Enchant. Your current magicka will increase very slightly several times per second when regenerating. In addition, when a significant amount of game time passes (e.g. from waiting, resting, fast travel or training), your magicka will regenerate depending on how much time has passed, so you don't have to just stand around forever while your magicka slowly regenerates. Magicka regenerates relatively slowly in general, though the regen rate can vary significantly for different characters. Highly advanced, heavily magic-focused characters can potentially regenerate several points per second with default settings, though typical characters will regenerate magicka much more slowly (and non-magically inclined characters very slowly). This mod's magicka regen respects the Stunted Magicka effect (e.g. from The Atronach birthsign in vanilla). A character affected by Stunted Magicka will not regenerate magicka. It should also be noted that magicka regeneration with this mod affects only the player. Its calculations depend on your *starting* magic skills, and there's no good way to determine those for NPCs. Several MCM settings affect magicka regen. The "base regen rate" is a straight percentage multiplier to regen rate. The "initial magic skill offset" determines how important your *starting* magic skills are in calculating regen rate. The higher the offset, the less difference there will be between high and low starting magic skills in terms of regen rate, while the lower the offset, the more influence your class (the initial values of your magic skills) has on how fast magicka regenerates. "Regen rate progression" determines how quickly your regen rate increases as you raise your magic skills. The "neutral willpower value" and "neutral fatigue ratio" are values for willpower and fatigue, respectively, that will result in a "normal" regen rate; when your willpower/fatigue are above these values, magicka will regen faster, and the opposite is true when willpower/fatigue are lower than these values. "Willpower influence on regen rate" and "fatigue influence on regen rate" determine the extent to which willpower and fatigue, respectively, influence magicka regen rate. Finally, magicka regen can be disabled entirely in the MCM, and there's a "debug mode" option for extensive logging, primarily during the mod's initial calculations. ----- It is *strongly* recommended that you start a new game with CCCP Magicka Regen, rather than installing the mod with a character in progress. Some of the mod's calculations are derived from your initial skills. These values can only be determined and the calculations performed at the beginning of the game, immediately after chargen (MWSE has no way of determining the initial value of a skill after the fact). If you start using this mod mid-game, the calculations will assume that you started with all skills at average values, which will significantly skew regen calculations. If you want to know more details about how the mod works, the code is pretty extensively (and in some places voluminously) commented. You should be able to look through main.lua and figure out what it's doing. Requirements This mod requires MGE XE and the latest version of MWSE 2.1. Just install MGE XE and run MWSE-Update.exe to download the latest build. Recommendations I recommend using Quest Skill Reward Fix alongside this mod. Quest Skill Reward Fix enables this mod to detect scripted skill increases gained through dialogue (as quest rewards). Unlike CCCP, this mod only monitors skill increases for the purpose of tracking your magic skills total for regen calculations, and there are no vanilla quests that raise any of the magic skills as a reward. However, if you're using any mods that add such quests, Quest Skill Reward Fix will allow this mod to detect those increases and improve your regen rate as intended. Magicka Based Skill Progression is another recommended mod. MBSP makes magic skill progress when casting a spell depend on the spell's magicka cost, so you can't just repeatedly cast cheap 1-magicka spells and get full experience (and this is even more important with this mod's magicka regen). I do recommend lowering MBSP's XP-per-magicka value from the default of 0.2 (vanilla skill experience per 5 magicka expended). I think something like 0.0667 or 0.1 (vanilla skill experience per 15 or 10 magicka expended, respectively) is more reasonable. Compatibility This mod obviously should not be used alongside CCCP (or Galsiah's Character Development). You also probably won't want to use it together with any other magicka regen mod, though you might use a mod that allows NPC-only magicka regen, as this mod's regen applies only to the player. Otherwise, it is generally highly compatible, being an MWSE-lua mod. This should go without saying, but this mod is not compatible with OpenMW. Contact Feel free to contact me on Moddinghall or the Nexus with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692. Submitter Necrolesian Submitted 05/05/2022 Category Miscellaneous  
  4. Version 1.0


    Summary This mod implements the magicka regen functionality of Class-Conscious Character Progression (CCCP), without any of that mod's other features. Important Note: In order to experience this mod as intended, starting a new game is strongly recommended when installing the mod. Description With this mod, magicka will regenerate over time. The rate of magicka regen depends on several factors: your class (specifically, your starting magic skills compared to the average), your current magic skills, your current willpower (including any fortify or drain/damage effects), and your fatigue ratio. The "magic skills" for the purposes of this mod are the six schools of magicka, plus Alchemy and Enchant. Your current magicka will increase very slightly several times per second when regenerating. In addition, when a significant amount of game time passes (e.g. from waiting, resting, fast travel or training), your magicka will regenerate depending on how much time has passed, so you don't have to just stand around forever while your magicka slowly regenerates. Magicka regenerates relatively slowly in general, though the regen rate can vary significantly for different characters. Highly advanced, heavily magic-focused characters can potentially regenerate several points per second with default settings, though typical characters will regenerate magicka much more slowly (and non-magically inclined characters very slowly). This mod's magicka regen respects the Stunted Magicka effect (e.g. from The Atronach birthsign in vanilla). A character affected by Stunted Magicka will not regenerate magicka. It should also be noted that magicka regeneration with this mod affects only the player. Its calculations depend on your *starting* magic skills, and there's no good way to determine those for NPCs. Several MCM settings affect magicka regen. The "base regen rate" is a straight percentage multiplier to regen rate. The "initial magic skill offset" determines how important your *starting* magic skills are in calculating regen rate. The higher the offset, the less difference there will be between high and low starting magic skills in terms of regen rate, while the lower the offset, the more influence your class (the initial values of your magic skills) has on how fast magicka regenerates. "Regen rate progression" determines how quickly your regen rate increases as you raise your magic skills. The "neutral willpower value" and "neutral fatigue ratio" are values for willpower and fatigue, respectively, that will result in a "normal" regen rate; when your willpower/fatigue are above these values, magicka will regen faster, and the opposite is true when willpower/fatigue are lower than these values. "Willpower influence on regen rate" and "fatigue influence on regen rate" determine the extent to which willpower and fatigue, respectively, influence magicka regen rate. Finally, magicka regen can be disabled entirely in the MCM, and there's a "debug mode" option for extensive logging, primarily during the mod's initial calculations. ----- It is *strongly* recommended that you start a new game with CCCP Magicka Regen, rather than installing the mod with a character in progress. Some of the mod's calculations are derived from your initial skills. These values can only be determined and the calculations performed at the beginning of the game, immediately after chargen (MWSE has no way of determining the initial value of a skill after the fact). If you start using this mod mid-game, the calculations will assume that you started with all skills at average values, which will significantly skew regen calculations. If you want to know more details about how the mod works, the code is pretty extensively (and in some places voluminously) commented. You should be able to look through main.lua and figure out what it's doing. Requirements This mod requires MGE XE and the latest version of MWSE 2.1. Just install MGE XE and run MWSE-Update.exe to download the latest build. Recommendations I recommend using Quest Skill Reward Fix alongside this mod. Quest Skill Reward Fix enables this mod to detect scripted skill increases gained through dialogue (as quest rewards). Unlike CCCP, this mod only monitors skill increases for the purpose of tracking your magic skills total for regen calculations, and there are no vanilla quests that raise any of the magic skills as a reward. However, if you're using any mods that add such quests, Quest Skill Reward Fix will allow this mod to detect those increases and improve your regen rate as intended. Magicka Based Skill Progression is another recommended mod. MBSP makes magic skill progress when casting a spell depend on the spell's magicka cost, so you can't just repeatedly cast cheap 1-magicka spells and get full experience (and this is even more important with this mod's magicka regen). I do recommend lowering MBSP's XP-per-magicka value from the default of 0.2 (vanilla skill experience per 5 magicka expended). I think something like 0.0667 or 0.1 (vanilla skill experience per 15 or 10 magicka expended, respectively) is more reasonable. Compatibility This mod obviously should not be used alongside CCCP (or Galsiah's Character Development). You also probably won't want to use it together with any other magicka regen mod, though you might use a mod that allows NPC-only magicka regen, as this mod's regen applies only to the player. Otherwise, it is generally highly compatible, being an MWSE-lua mod. This should go without saying, but this mod is not compatible with OpenMW. Contact Feel free to contact me on Moddinghall or the Nexus with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692.
  5. Version 2.0.15


    Summary This is a modified version of BTB's Game Improvements. All modules except for the character module have been combined into a single plugin (BTB's race- and birthsign-related edits in the character module are in a separate plugin). BTB's edits that he included in his modified versions of Morrowind Advanced and Service Requirements have been incorporated. In addition, quite a number of changes have been made from the original BTBGI, and a number of new things have been added. Introduction to BTBGI BTB's Game Improvements is a massive game balance overhaul that touches on just about every aspect of Morrowind. Among its many changes are: - Races and birthsigns are rebalanced so that each of them are uniquely useful, rather than some being ridiculously overpowered while others are worse than useless. - Magic effects and spells are modified to provide a wider range of genuinely useful options while eliminating many exploits. Your starting spells are also generally more useful. - Magic effect costs have been tweaked to balance their usefulness, both as spells and as potions. - A number of effects have been disabled for spellmaking and enchanting, to prevent exploits. - NPCs have quite a few new powerful spells to use against you. - Ingredient values have been modified to reflect their rarity or difficulty in acquiring them. - Ingredient effects have been rebalanced to make potion creation both more useful and more hazardous (due to negative effects being more common in created potions). - The game's stock potions have been overhauled to make them all useful without being too overpowered, and to prevent certain exploits. - Values of overpriced equipment have been drastically lowered. - Equipment stats and especially enchantments have been painstakingly overhauled. No more is the game's equipment divided into a mountain of useless junk on the one hand and a few overpowered gems on the other hand. - Many game settings have been modified to improve game balance or increase difficulty. - Enchanted items will no longer regain charge over time, requiring the use of soulgems to recharge them. - It's no longer possible to self-enchant items, or to make custom constant effect enchantments. - Skill progression rates have been overhauled in many cases. This is an extremely brief summary of BTBGI, and there are many more changes not mentioned here. I recommend checking out BTB's original documentation, included in the archive, and especially his excellent readme, for a lot more information about BTBGI, along with BTB's reasoning for many of his changes. Changes from BTBGI This section summarizes the more important changes compared to the original BTBGI. See changelog.txt in the archive for a detailed list of all changes from the original. Also see changes.txt for a full list of changes the mod makes to vanilla Morrowind. First, four of the five modules of BTBGI - Spells, Alchemy, Equipment and Settings - have been combined into a single plugin, with a number of changes made to each, while the Character module is still a separate plugin (BTBGI Races and Birthsigns). Some of the important modifications to each module are listed below. (It's convenient to list changes by module even though the modules are mostly no longer separate.) Character - The Level Up Birthsign Remover script was removed. This script removed the attribute-boosting birthsigns on sleeping and re-added them after, so that their bonuses to attributes would not count toward the attribute cap of 100. With the "attribute uncap" feature of Morrowind Code Patch, this is no longer necessary. - The changes from the character module (race- and birthsign-related edits) are not in the main plugin, but in the BTBGI Races and Birthsigns plugin. This is so those using an alternate race and birthsign mod (like Balanced Passive Races and Birthsigns) can skip BTBGI's race and birthsign edits. Spells - BTB changed the magnitude of all Slowfall effects to 1, due to a bug in vanilla Morrowind that eliminated all falling damage even with only 1 magnitude. An MCP feature has since fixed this bug, which means a Slowfall magnitude of 1 is no longer useful. All magnitudes of premade Slowfall spells have been increased to 20, which is enough to ensure no falling damage with the MCP feature applied. This also applies to potions and enchantments. In addition, spellmaking and enchanting have been reenabled for the Slowfall effect. BTB disabled them to prevent you from creating super-cheap custom spells at magnitude 1, but that consideration no longer applies. - Most Light effects were on target instead of on self, which is of very limited usefulness. Now most Light effects are on self. This also applies to a few enchantments. Alchemy - BTB drastically increased the weight of alchemy apparatus, with higher quality apparatus being heavier. I thought this discouraged the use of alchemy, so I partly reversed these changes. The weight of apprentice apparatus has been left as BTB set it (rather heavy), with weight now decreasing rather than increasing with higher quality. - The apparatus rebalance has been extended to Secret Master's apparatus, in case you're using a mod that places them in the game. - In vanilla, some ingredients have a harmful first effect. BTB made it so that all ingredients have a positive first effect. I thought this didn't make sense (and some ingredients, like Bungler's Bane, are supposed to be harmful if eaten raw), so I partly reverted this change. Now, some ingredients have negative first effects again, as in vanilla. The list of effects has not been changed for any ingredient, only their order in some cases. - BTB didn't touch the cursed varieties of ingredients, which made it easy to tell when an ingredient is cursed. Now cursed ingredients are identical to their regular counterparts. Certain unique ingredients have also been adjusted in line with changes made to the normal ingredients they're based on. - BTB changed the Fortify Fatigue potions to Resist Normal Weapons, to prevent an exploit involving using Fortify Fatigue to boost your fatigue ratio above 1.0. There's now an MWSE mod, Fortify MAX, which causes Fortify Fatigue to affect max as well as current fatigue, rendering this exploit no longer possible. Therefore, these potions have been changed back to Fortify Fatigue, with magnitudes and durations the same as the Fortify Health potions. Equipment - A lot of high-end equipment is insanely overpriced in vanilla. BTB drastically reduced the values of a lot of this stuff, but some items were still worth too much. This is particularly notable with glass equipment, which is the highest quality stuff available for purchase. BTB couldn't reduce glass equipment values too much because then it would be too cheap to buy. The result is that glass armor was a lot more expensive than daedric with BTBGI. My solution is to make unenchanted glass equipment no longer available for purchase, then tank the values. The values of base (unenchanted) glass equipment have been significantly lowered. Some other equipment (like adamantium, dreugh, and some of the Bloodmoon stuff) has also seen value reductions. - To go along with the above change, glass equipment is no longer available for purchase. Glass stuff for sale has been replaced with lower-quality equipment. This mainly affects a shop at Ghostgate, but also affects a Mournhold shop, plus three shops throughout Vvardenfell that sold Glass Daggers. This applies only to unenchanted equipment; enchanted glass stuff for sale has not been touched. Note that there is a conflict with Patch for Purists here. PFP deletes a pair of Glass Bracers from Mournhold, Armory and replaces them with a new pair, and I can't touch PFP's new bracers without requiring PFP. Therefore, a patch plugin is included in the archive that deletes PFP's new bracers from that cell so they won't overlap with their replacements made by the main plugin. Also, these changes make Glass Claymores and Bracers extremely rare, so one of each has been placed in the game. - Enchant capacities, which BTB didn't touch, have been overhauled for consistency and balance. The mod basically includes my Enchant Capacity Rebalance mod. Changes are generally modest, and are within vanilla ranges for the most part. Enchant values for weapons, armor and clothing have been modified. See the documentation for details. - BTB increased the gold values of many unenchanted weapons, but the generic enchanted weapons based on them were largely untouched. Gold values for many generic enchanted weapons have been increased for consistency (so they'll be more valuable than their unenchanted counterparts). - A few changes have been made to the "ignores resist" weapon flag. A few weapons have seen the flag removed, either for consistency or because they really shouldn't have it. (Use the MWSE-lua mod Enchanted Weapon Resistance for additional consistency changes to this flag.) In addition, a number of weapons that wrongly did not have the flag set now do, notably adamantium weapons. - A number of weapons made of silver did not have the "silver weapon" flag set. This flag is responsible for silver weapons doing double damage to werewolves. All such weapons now have the flag set. One weapon that wrongly had the flag set now no longer does. - BTB reduced the amount the Mournhold Museum of Artifacts will pay for artifacts in line with their new values, but missed two of them. This oversight has now been rectified. Also, the bounty received when talking to Torasa Aram about an artifact after having stolen it from the museum is now ten times the (new) base value of the artifact, across the board. - Certain cursed or unique varities of equipment have been made identical to their regular counterparts. Also, two "uncursed" varieties of weapons added by PFP have been incorporated with their stats changed to match the regular versions of those weapons, so PFP users will no longer find the uncursed varieties to have different stats. - A couple items with drain/damage enchantments that made absolutely no sense have been fixed. This includes Slave Bracers and Elvul's Black Blindfold. - BTB placed the weapon Wings of the Bat Queen in the game, but the place where he put it didn't make a lot of sense. It's been moved to a more appropriate location. - BTB removed or nerfed a few Chameleon enchantments, to prevent exploits. One of the Chameleon enchantments he changed to a different effect was the Ring of Surroundings, which caused Larrius Varro's dialogue about it being useful for sneaking around to no longer be accurate. The Ring now has a Chameleon enchantment again, though less powerful than in vanilla (and it reuses an enchantment from another item to prevent them from being stacked). Settings - BTB made a number of edits for the purpose of preventing resting outside in the wilderness. To this end, he edited every exterior cell in the game in which resting was legal to make it illegal. He also edited five rest-related GMSTs to make it basically impossible to rest outside for any length of time even if you found a cell in which it was legal. However, there are now two MWSE mods (Limited Resting, Waiting and Regen, and No Rest Without Beds) that do basically the same thing in a much cleaner way via lua. Therefore, the edits to all exterior cells have been removed from the plugin, along with the references to those five GMSTs. - BTB changed the governing attributes of two skills: acrobatics and hand-to-hand. I didn't care for these changes, plus I use a leveling mod that transforms the leveling system in such a way as to make governing attributes less relevant. These changes have been removed from the plugin. - BTB changed the skill progression rates for alchemy, reducing progress gained by creating potions and increasing progress gained by eating ingredients. This change has been reversed and then some, because I don't think eating a flower should make you better at alchemy. Progress for making potions is now higher than in vanilla, while no progress toward the alchemy skill will be gained by eating ingredients. - A few GMST edits have been added that make it harder to successfully bribe NPCs. In addition, a successful barter will no longer increase the merchant's disposition. - BTB intended to prevent all natural growth of misc skills, but in fact misc skill growth was only substantially slowed. It's actually not possible to stop it entirely with a plugin, due to the way the formula works, but misc skill progression has now been slowed even more, to the point that noticeable growth should no longer occur. - BTB also intended to make self-enchanting (creating new enchanted items yourself rather than paying an enchanter for the service) impossible, but it was only made substantially more difficult - self-enchanting was still possible with high enchant skill. It has now been made well and truly impossible. - BTB tweaked a couple of the GMSTs that determine the attribute multipliers gained on levelup, for a more steady progression from x2 to x5. These multipliers have now been made x3 across the board, as long as you gain at one point in a skill governed by that attribute. This was done to take the tedium and minmaxing out of leveling, without being too overpowered. (Note that if you're using a mod like CCCP that overhauls the leveling system, this change won't matter because those multipliers won't be used.) - BTB added restocking filled soulgems to certain merchants, but he had to use a rather convoluted method to do so. These new filled soulgems and the associated script have been removed. Instead, the relevant merchants now sell restocking Soul Trap scrolls, so those not skilled in Mysticism can fill their own soulgems. (The restocking empty soulgems BTB added to merchants have not been touched.) - Rolled Paper (which with BTBGI has a drastically increased enchant capacity) has been added to various merchants, for use in creating scrolls through enchanting (which is cheaper than regular item enchanting due to a GMST edit and an MCP feature). Diseases / Daedric Drops In addition to the revised BTBGI modules, there have been several other additions to the mod. BTB's modifications related to diseases and daedric drops that he added to his edited version of Morrowind Advanced have been incorporated, with the following changes: - BTB removed "Diseased" and "Blighted" from the names of diseased/blighted creatures. These changes have been reversed, because there's an MWSE mod called No Disease Labels that does the same thing and is more thorough. - Among BTB's modifications to disease dialogues were a few changes that were made on the assumption that the player is using a state-based health mod. Those particular changes have been reversed, so the dialogue will be correct regardless of whether you're using such a mod. - The changes to daedric drops (done so you won't end up being up to your eyeballs in daedric equipment dropped by certain creatures) are now identical to those in There Can Be Only One, for compatibility with that mod. This doesn't make much functional difference, except for the addition of a few creatures that BTB missed. Factions Finally, BTB's faction edits that he included in his modified version of Service Requirements have been incorporated. These include changes to attribute and skill requirements, along with favored attributes/skills. No changes have been made on top of BTB's edits here. Creature Buffs A separate add-on plugin has been included that incorporates Morrowind Advanced's buffs to many vanilla creatures, along with buffs to quite a number of additional creatures in line with MWA's changes. See the documentation for details. "Alternate" Plugins Two changes made in BTBGI were controversial enough that BTB created "alternate" versions of two of his modules omitting those changes. First, BTBGI transformed the Khajiit Eye of Night spell into a permanent ability. Some people didn't like the resulting permanent Night-Eye effect, so BTB made an alternate version of his Character module that omitted that change, leaving Eye of Night a spell as in vanilla. Second, the Settings module slowed down the growth of major, minor and misc skills, with misc skill growth stopped entirely (or at least that was the intent). This change was very controversial, so the alternate version of the Settings module omitted the major/minor/misc skill growth rate changes. Both of these changes are found in this version of BTBGI, but no "alternate" plugins are included. The reason for this is that I want to minimize the number of plugins I have to maintain. However, if you really don't like one or both of these changes and preferred BTB's alternate plugins, it's pretty easy to remove them from the mod yourself with Enchanted Editor or TESAME. If you don't like the Khajiit's permanent Night-Eye, open up the Races and Birthsigns plugin in EE/TESAME and delete the reference to the spell "eye of night". If you don't like BTB's changes to skill growth, then, in the main plugin, delete the references to the GMSTs fMajorSkillBonus, fMinorSkillBonus and fMiscSkillBonus. Extra Stuff The original BTBGI archive also includes a directory of "extra stuff," compatibility versions of various mods such as Better Clothes and CanadianIce Robe Replacer. These compatibility versions are not included here, since they're really not necessary. Just use tes3merge to resolve any conflicts. However, there is one exception: Dark Brotherhood Armor Replacer Expanded. If you want to use that mod, you'll want to also download the original BTBGI archive and use BTB's compatibility version of it, which includes BTB's rebalance of DBARE's new equipment. (I recommend using Dark Brotherhood Armor Replacer instead, which does not include new equipment.) Requirements This mod requires Tribunal and Bloodmoon, and the PFP patch requires Patch for Purists. (The Races and Birthsigns add-on requires only Morrowind.) Nothing else is technically required, but a number of changes made in this mod compared to the original BTBGI (in addition to a number of changes made by BTB in the original) are made assuming the use of certain other mods, especially certain MCP patches. See below for details. The optional "Rational Names Addendum" sub-package requires Rational Names, which itself requires MGE XE and the latest version of MWSE 2.1. Just install MGE XE and run MWSE-Update.exe to download the latest build. Compatibility and Load Order This mod touches many aspects of the game, and so has a relatively high potential for conflicts. Using tes3merge will resolve many conflicts. Specific notes regarding conflicts and load order follow. - The Races and Birthsigns add-on can be loaded either before or after the main plugin. - If you're using the "Creature Buffs" add-on, it must load after the main plugin. - The "BTBGI PFP Patch" plugin must also load after the main plugin. - Mort's rebalance mods (Tribunal Rebalance, Bloodmoon Rebalance, Beware the Sixth House There are a few conflicts with these mods, but the conflicts are relatively minor. Specifically there are conflicts regarding Dark Brotherhood, Goblin and Riekling equipment, and with certain Sixth House creatures. It's best to load Mort's rebalance mods after BTBGI, and to use tes3merge. - Morrowind Anti-Cheese: Use Lucas' edited version instead of the original, and load it right after BTBGI and its patches. - More Deadly Morrowind Denizens: The main plugin has no conflicts with BTBGI, though there are a few conflicts with There Can Be Only One. The creatures addon does have a few minor conflicts with BTBGI. I suggest having both plugins load before BTBGI (and before There Can Be Only One if you're using it), and using tes3merge. - There Can Be Only One: There are a few conflicts with both BTBGI and MDMD. This mod should load before BTBGI but after MDMD. - Expansions Integrated: There's a minor conflict with the Blood Axe enchantment. There are also conflicts with MDMD and There Can Be Only One. Load this before BTBGI, MDMD and TCBOO. There are also a number of patches available for the above mods with BTBGI (and with each other), as part of "Lucas' Misc Mods and Patches." Note that there's also a patch for There Can Be Only One and Expansions Integrated missing from that page; it can be found here. If you're using all of the above mods, with patches, the suggested load order is as follows: Expansions Integrated More Deadly Morrowind Denizens MDMD - Creatures Addon MDMD Expansions Integrated Patch There Can Be Only One TCBOO Expansions Integrated Patch TCBOO MDMD Patch BTB's Game Improvements (Necro Edit) BTBGI PFP Patch BTBGI MDMD Creatures Patch Morrowind Anti-Cheese (Lucas' BTBGI compatible version) Tribunal Rebalance Bloodmoon Rebalance Beware the Sixth House And don't forget to use tes3merge. While tes3merge will solve the vast majority of conflicts, it probably won't handle everything perfectly. Using the relevant patches from Lucas' Misc Mods and Patches should solve many problems. - Tamriel Rebuilt: I don't recommend using BTBGI and TR together, since TR's new content is designed with vanilla game balance in mind (which BTBGI tries to move away from). However, if you do want to use both, there is one potential conflict to be aware of. There's a conflict with TR_Factions, but there's a patch for that in Alvazir's Various Patches. - Rational Names: As of BTBGI version 2.0.3, the mod is fully compatible; just install the included MWSE mod to update Rational Names' base names for BTBGI. Recommendations There are quite a few mods that I highly recommend for use with this version of BTBGI. This section is basically a miniature mod list. I'll start off with a few mods that I very strongly recommend. Changes made by BTB, or by me in this version, basically assume the use of some of these mods, so use them. 1. Morrowind Code Patch (Beta Everybody who plays the vanilla Morrowind engine (i.e. not OpenMW) should be using MCP anyway, but there are a number of patches in MCP that are basically essential with this mod. - Slowfall overhaul: Fixes a bug where 1 point of Slowfall effect would be enough to eliminate all falling damage, plus fixes a couple other problematic aspects of the Slowfall effect. The changes to Slowfall effects in this version of BTBGI assume the use of this feature. Without it, you could make extremely cheap and perfectly effective custom Slowfall spells. - Enchanted item cooldown: Not using this feature is highly unbalanced; without it, you can achieve insane DPS with offensive cast on use enchantments. - Enchanted item rebalance: So you won't have an insane number of charges at high enchant skill. - Item recharging rebalance: Makes recharging items with soulgems a more viable option for all character types. This is especially important since BTBGI stops enchanted items from regaining charge over time, requiring the use of soulgems to recharge them. - Soulgem value rebalance: To avoid ridiculously overvalued soulgems when filled with good souls. - Attribute uncap: This version of BTBGI removes the LUBR script that previously allowed birthsign bonuses to help an attribute exceed the cap of 100. This change is made assuming the use of this feature; without this feature, birthsign attribute bonuses would ultimately be wasted. - Allow scroll enchant price modifier: This feature, in combination with a GMST edit made by this mod, allows scrolls to be enchanted at a much lower cost than regular items (since scrolls can only be used once). Without this patch, a few changes made by BTBGI to encourage creating scrolls would be rendered basically useless. 2. Patch for Purists: As always, PFP is highly recommended. All PFP fixes to relevant objects have been painstakingly incorporated into the mod, except where they're intentionally overridden. A patch plugin for PFP is included with this mod, to address an issue with the way PFP handles the Glass Bracers in Mournhold, Armory, and to pull forward a few additional fixes that required a patch. 3. Fortify MAX: Makes Fortify Magicka and Fortify Fatigue affect the maximum as well as the current stat, and is basically essential with this mod. This version of BTBGI restores Fortify Fatigue potions that BTB removed; without Fortify MAX, these potions could be used for a significant exploit. Fortify MAX also makes a couple constant effect Fortify Magicka enchantments in this mod actually useful. 4. Economy Adjuster Crime - Necro Edit: This one is very highly recommended. The penalties for crime are piddling in vanilla Morrowind. You can murder a shopkeeper, pay the small fine, then take all his stuff to sell to the next shop over. This mod significantly increases the penalties for crime. Crime no longer pays (unless you get away with it, of course). 5. HardTrade: Also highly recommended. Makes merchants iron-fisted traders who are almost impossible to exploit the way you can in vanilla Morrowind, by buying for more than you sell for to clean them out. This mod really reduces your ability to become filthy rich by exploiting the economy. 6. Limited Resting, Waiting and Regen, or No Rest Without Beds: Strongly recommended. Either of these mods will prevent you from resting unless you're using a bed. A bunch of edits in the original BTBGI were removed assuming the use of one of these mods. 7. Enchanted Weapon Resistance: Makes the "ignores resist" flag of enchanted weapons (including ammunition) match their unenchanted counterparts; mostly this removes the flag from a bunch of low-end enchanted weapons (made of materials of lower quality than silver). Many similar edits were removed from the BTBGI plugin assuming the use of this mod. 8. No Disease Labels: Removes terms like "Diseased" or "Blighted" from the names of creatures, so you'll no longer know in advance that a creature is diseased. Similar (though less thorough) changes were removed from BTBGI assuming the use of this mod. ----- Beyond the above, there are quite a few additional mods with game balance or difficulty effects that I recommend using with BTBGI: 9. Morrowind Code Patch again: - Pickpocket overhaul: Balances the pickpocket mechanic to not be incredibly stupid. - Healthy appetite: Makes it so that eating ingredients never fails. A huge realism improvement. This works well with changes made to Alchemy skill progression, where eating ingredients no longer grants any skill gain. Also see Controlled Consumption below, which I very highly recommend if you use this feature. - Two-handed weapon removes shield: So you can't benefit from a shield's enchantment while equipping a two-handed weapon. - Alchemy potion weight rebalance: So you can't easily make 0.1 weight potions. - Enchanting increases item value: This is okay since you have to pay to enchant items with BTBGI anyway. - Arrow enchanting: Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to make use of the tweaks to projectile enchant capacities included in this mod. - Fortify maximum health: Otherwise Fortify Health is completely useless. - Exhaust NPCs with Damage Fatigue: Makes this effect more useful. - Strength-based hand to hand damage: Makes hand-to-hand combat more viable, especially with high strength, which enhances the utility of some races' hand- to-hand skill bonuses. - Spellmaker area effect cost: Makes the magicka cost of adding an area effect to a custom spell depend on the spell magnitude, increasing the cost of large area effects. - Spellmaking matches editor: Fixes a bug that caused custom spells to cost more magicka than they should. - Permanent barter disposition changes: With this version of BTBGI, successful barters will no longer increase merchant disposition, but a failed haggle will still lower it. With this feature, such decreases are permanent. Merchants are hard to please but easy to make angry. - Detect life spell variant: Gives the Detect Animal spell effect the ability to also detect NPCs (without this patch, it can only detect creatures). This makes this effect much more useful. BTBGI renames the Detect Creatures spell "Detect Life" assuming the use of this patch. - Hidden traps: This feature is required by one of my other recommendations, so go ahead and enable this if you plan to use Locks and Traps Detection. (If you don't plan on using that mod for some reason, then I wouldn't recommend this patch.) - Hidden locks: Also required by Locks and Traps Detection (without which I would not recommend this patch). - Skill uncap: This one is a matter of personal preference, but I like it, especially if using CCCP. - Weapon resistance change: A mod I highly recommend, Enchanted Weapon Resistance, requires this feature to work properly. - Level-up skills tooltip: Recommended especially if you use CCCP; it will cause that mod to display more useful information. - Mercantile fix: MCP's description does not fully explain what this feature does. This feature has the effect of making it significantly more difficult to exploit merchants. See the readme of my edited version of Economy Adjuster for more details about this. I highly recommend this feature to help balance the economy (though with HardTrade it doesn't really matter because HardTrade totally overrides merchant prices). - Unarmored fix: Allows the unarmored skill to be effective when you're fully unarmored. This works well with this mod's increase in the effectiveness of the unarmored skill. - Reflected spells fix: This is more of a gameplay change than a bugfix. With this feature enabled, when an absorb spell is reflected, the effect is reversed. In other words, cast Absorb Health on an enemy with reflect and the enemy will absorb health from you instead. Note: Do NOT use the "NPC AI casts zero cost powers" MCP feature with this mod, unless you really enjoy dying. 10. Area Effect Arrows Integrated: Adds the area effect arrows from the official plugin to Vvardenfell, without being confined to a single shop. Included is an integrated version of Area Effect Projectiles, which is BTB's edited version of AEA with various balance improvements. 11. Expansions Integrated: Adds some of the content from Tribunal and Bloodmoon (creatures, equipment) to Vvardenfell. Liches and Durzogs and Bears, oh my! Alternatively, you can use Adamantium Armor Integrated, which adds only adamantium armor to Vvardenfell, without any other expansion content. (However, I do NOT recommend using the official plugin Adamantium Armor, which makes the armor available for purchase. This would not work well with this mod's significant reduction to the value of the armor.) 12. Enhanced Detection Lite: Adds a visual effect on screen when under a Detect Animal/Key/Enchantment effect, instead of just circles on the local map. This makes those effects more useful, not to mention more awesome. This is basically needed if you use Map and Compass, which disables the local map. I actually recommend using the "Less Lite" version, especially if you use Locks and Traps Detection and/or Map and Compass. Note that the Less Lite version requires Magicka Expanded, while the Lite version does not. 13. Let There Be Darkness: A good lighting overhaul not only makes the game look much better generally and makes lighting much more realistic, but it's also essential for making the Night-Eye effect at all useful. With vanilla lighting, there are very few circumstances in which you would need Night-Eye, which would render the Khajiit's constant Night-Eye mostly useless. 14. True Lights and Darkness - Necro Edit: I suggest using this along with LTBD for lighting. I use the MWSE lighting overrides in TLAD Necro Edit, along with the interior daylight. 15. Class-Conscious Character Progression: A leveling mod that radically overhauls the game's leveling system. CCCP also includes a state-based health feature, which makes the endurance attribute much more useful (and Drain Endurance effects more dangerous). If you don't use CCCP, I suggest using another mod that implements a state-based health system, like MWSE State-Based Health. 16. Quest Skill Reward Fix: Highly recommended if you use CCCP, because it allows that mod to detect certain scripted skill increases it wouldn't otherwise. 17. Magicka Based Skill Progression: Makes progression in the magic skills depend on how much magicka is expended. This is a definite improvement, but I recommend lowering the progress per magicka point in the MCM; the default value of 0.2 is too high. I use 0.067 myself, though you can use 0.1 if you find that too slow. 18. Nimble Armor: Unarmored skill now contributes to your evasion rating rather than armor rating (you avoid attacks with it rather than reduce their damage). Not only is this nifty, but it also completely avoids the problem of, to use BTB's phrasing, "funny naked people," where NPCs who should be wearing armor go around naked instead because BTBGI increases the effectiveness of the unarmored skill. With Nimble Armor, NPCs will always wear armor if they have it. 19. The Publicans: Gives you more places where you can rent a bed. This is important if you're using Limited Resting, Waiting and Regen, or No Rest Without Beds (highly recommended). 20. Cinia: Adds the medium armor master trainer to the game. 21. Lua Lockbashing: Gives combat-focused characters an option for opening locked containers. 22. Hold Your Breath: Makes the length of time you can hold your breath underwater vary depending on your endurance. 23. Creeping Blight: Implements the possibility of blight storms outside of Red Mountain before the main quest is complete. Works very well with Blighted Blight. Use the MWSE version. 24. Better Character Classes: Rebalances the default classes, turning them into options that a reasonable person might actually choose rather than always creating a custom class. Note that this can exacerbate the "funny naked people" problem, but if you're using Nimble Armor that's a non-issue. 25. Balanced Passive Races and Birthsigns: This one is a matter of personal preference. It's a modified version of the original BTBGI's Character module, with all once-a-day powers replaced with permanent abilities. If you want to use it, then skip the Races and Birthsigns add-on in the BTBGI archive. 26. Service Requirements Lore: In general, makes merchants in factions refuse to serve you unless you're at least the same rank as them. There are a number of exceptions where it makes sense. I suggest using Lucas' edited version. BTB's edited version of Service Requirements is no longer needed, as BTB's faction edits have been incorporated into this mod. 27. Ownership Overhaul: Makes lots and lots of stuff that should be owned actually owned, so you'll have to actually be sneaky if you want to make off with it. Use the .esm version. 28. Equipment Requirements: I highly recommend using my edited version, which is packaged along with Clothing Requirements (though I don't recommend actually using Clothing Requirements). Weapons and armor now have skill requirements to use. Now you can no longer go out and grab top-tier stuff at the beginning of the game just because you know where it is. 29. Armor Rating: Changes how armor rating is calculated. Armor provides more protection than vanilla at low skill, and less protection than vanilla at high skill. The difference between 5 and 100 armor skill is 2x AR, as opposed to 20x in vanilla. 30. Sneaky Strike: Makes the sneak attack multiplier depend on the type of weapon you're holding, with faster weapons like daggers having higher multipliers. You'll also need to edit the config file, which can be found at MWSE\config\sneakyStrike.json, to change the coefShift setting from 3 to 1.5, in order to ensure a reasonable multiplier range (1.0 for very slow weapons, up to 4.75 for very fast weapons). 31. Locks and Traps Detection: Makes whether or not you can detect a trap (and how much information you can see about a lock) depend on your security skill, among other things. A great improvement over the vanilla mechanic. This makes racial bonuses to security even more useful. 32. Stealth Improved: A great balance tweak to the sneak mechanic. In particular, Chameleon and Invisibility no longer guarantee that you will not be detected. 33. Controlled Consumption (MMC Edit): Use the "Vanilla NPC Style (Necro Edit)" module, which implements a five-second cooldown between drinking potions or eating ingredients. This is a significant balance improvement; you can no longer become stronger than god by chugging 20 Fortify Strength potions at once. It's also pretty much essential with MCP's Healthy Appetite feature, which makes eating ingredients never fail. 34. MAB0's Manipulated: Can be used to make certain manipulative spell effects, most importantly Frenzy Humanoid, a crime. No longer can you use a spell to force a friendly NPC to attack you in front of witnesses with no consequences. This requires MAB0's Foundations. 35. DragonDoor: Hostile NPCs will now follow you through loading doors, and can also summon other NPCs in the same cell for help depending on how the mod is configured (the latter feature might be too intense). 36. Dungeons Rest: Enemies are fully restored if you leave their dungeon and then return. Prevents you from wearing them down a bit at a time and resting in between. 37. Limited Leaping: Allows you to set restrictions on jumping so you can't just bunny-hop indefinitely. I suggest setting the cooldown time to one second (the minimum without disabling the cooldown requirement altogether), and the minimum fatigue requirement equal to the fatigue cost of jumping, which is 20 with BTBGI (possibly as high as 35 with Alvazir's More Meaningful Encumbrance Tweak, for which see below). 38. Blighted Blight: Restores the possibility of catching blight diseases when out in a blight storm. Works very well with Creeping Blight. 39. There Can Be Only One: Daedric equipment is now unique; there is only one of each piece in the entire game. 40. Map and Compass: Disables the world map and local map (and the minimap) and replaces them with a static paper map (and you can choose which one(s) to use). Allows you to get genuinely lost and greatly enhances roleplay and exploration. 41. Map Replacements: A set of alternative maps for Map and Compass that I very much prefer. 42. Morrowind Anti-Cheese: Makes a number of additional game balance changes. Use Lucas' edited version, and make sure it loads right after BTBGI and its patches. 43. Tribunal Rebalance: Rebalances the Tribunal expansion content as though it had been created at the same time as the main Morrowind content. 44. Bloodmoon Rebalance: Does the same for the Bloodmoon content. 45. Beware the Sixth House: Makes Sixth House enemies truly fearsome, worthy of being called endgame bosses. 46. More Deadly Morrowind Denizens: Most enemy NPCs in vanilla Morrowind are easy and boring, with the same old useless spells and the same old ho-hum equipment. Not anymore. 47. Lucas' Misc Mods and Patches: Contains patches for a few of the above mods, in particular MDMD. 48. Lucas' BTBGI Patches: Contains more BTBGI patches, along with Lucas' modified version of BTBGI for those who prefer it. Use the Equipment Patch if you're using any of the affected mods. 49. Alvazir's Various Patches: Contains even more BTBGI patches and various tweaks. In particular the More Meaningful Encumbrance tweak (in the BTBGI patch archive) is worth considering - it provides an incentive to watch what you're carrying and avoid loading up unnecessarily. There are also "No MWSE" plugins for OpenMW users. Contact Feel free to contact me on Moddinghall or the Nexus with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692.
  6. View File Fortify MAX Fortify MAX Summary Fortify MAX causes the Fortify Magicka and Fortify Fatigue magic effects to affect the maximum as well as the current value of the relevant stat. In other words, this mod does for Fortify Magicka and Fatigue what the "Fortify Maximum Health" feature of Morrowind Code Patch does for Fortify Health. Description Why? In vanilla Morrowind, Fortify Magicka and Fortify Fatigue are broken for more than one reason, the most obvious of which is that they're just plain not very useful for their intended purpose. Fortify Magicka tacks on a certain amount of magicka to your current pool, which can cause your current magicka to exceed your max magicka, but this extra magicka is not added to the maximum. The extra magicka cannot be restored and is one-time use only. When the Fortify Magicka effect expires, you'll lose all that extra magicka, possibly bringing your current magicka total all the way down to 0. The same thing happens with Fortify Fatigue. The effect will give you a one-time use bonus of fatigue that will be gone after a minute of running down the road (or a few weapon swings), and when it expires you'll lose everything you gained, possibly causing you to collapse in exhaustion. Clearly, these effects are of very limited utility in vanilla Morrowind; these effects are far more useful in exploits than for their intended purpose. The most obvious of these exploits is to boost your fatigue ratio. In vanilla, Fortify Fatigue can increase your current fatigue far above the maximum, which will increase your fatigue ratio (current/max fatigue) above 1.0. Fatigue ratio affects a great number of things in Morrowind, among them things like spellcasting success chance, persuasion success chance, and the prices you can get from merchants. This makes Fortify Fatigue much more useful as a bartering or persuasion tool than for its intended use. In addition, other exploits are possible with these effects in vanilla Morrowind. Using a combination of Drain Intelligence and Fortify Magicka, it's possible to end up with an enormous pool of current magicka (thousands or even tens of thousands of points). It's trickier to pull this off with fatigue, since more attributes are used in calculating it, but if done correctly it's broken in the extreme. Clearly something must be done about this. What? The vanilla game has a similar problem with Fortify Health, which Morrowind Code Patch solves by making that effect increase maximum along with current health. This mod does the exact same thing for Fortify Magicka and Fatigue. When you're subject to a Fortify Magicka/Fatigue effect, both the current and max value of the stat will increase by the magnitude of the effect, and both will decrease when the effect wears off. When the game recalculates these stats (for example, when one of the attributes used to calculate them changes), any Fortify Magicka/Fatigue magnitude you're under will be taken into account, and the correct ratio will always be maintained. Note that, even with this mod, Fortify Magicka is still distinct from the Fortify Maximum Magicka effect, which modifies the "magicka multiplier" used along with intelligence to calculate max magicka. This mod affects only the player. It does not affect NPCs or creatures. How? Instead of patching the Morrowind executable like Morrowind Code Patch does, this mod uses MWSE-lua to achieve the same effect. All you need to do is be using an up-to-date MWSE, and install the mod like any other, and you can enjoy actually useful and non-broken Fortify Magicka/Fatigue effects. Configuration Each component of the mod (for magicka and fatigue) can be disabled separately in the Mod Config Menu, so if for some reason you only want the mod's effects for one of these stats, you can do that (you can also disable the mod entirely if you wish). One MCM setting that requires some additional explanation is the "attribute-modifying effect tweaks" setting. For technical reasons, it's necessary to make a couple minor tweaks to how Restore and Damage Attribute effects work, in order for the mod to work as intended. Otherwise, max magicka or fatigue might get reset to vanilla under certain unusual circumstances. The tweaks made are listed below: 1. When an attribute is restored to full, any restore effect for that particular attribute will end early, rather than continue trying to restore the attribute. 2. When an attribute is damaged to 0, any damage effect for that particular attribute will end early, rather than continue trying to damage the attribute. 3. When an attribute is being drained (and only then), it is no longer possible to restore that attribute all the way up to full, only up to 1 less than full. (It will be further restored to full when the drain effect ends). See the comments in the code to learn exactly why these changes are needed. These tweaks are very minor, and shouldn't bother anybody, but, just in case, they can be disabled in the MCM - just keep in mind that if you do so, max magicka and fatigue might get reset to vanilla under certain circumstances when you use these effects while under a Fortify Magicka/Fatigue effect. Known Issues There are a few known issues with this mod, all of them minor and/or very rare. The first three of these issues are related to Fortify Magicka/Fatigue abilities (as opposed to regular spells/enchantments/potions). There are no Fortify Magicka/Fatigue abilities in vanilla Morrowind, but mods can implement them. You will not experience these first three issues if you're not using a mod that adds such abilities. 1. If you're using a mod that adds a Fortify Magicka/Fatigue ability to a race or birthsign, the ability will not be reflected in the "stat review" menu during chargen. It will not be reflected in your stats until after chargen is complete, i.e after you leave Sellus Gravius' office. (Note that without this mod, such abilities don't work at all.) 2. If you're using a mod that adds a Fortify Magicka/Fatigue ability to a race or birthsign, and then subsequently removes/re-adds that ability via script, the magnitude will be applied twice to the max stat. I'm not aware of any mods that do this, but if you're using one, the solution is to fix the other mod so that it doesn't do this anymore. Fortify Magicka/Fatigue abilities should either be added to a race or birthsign, or added/removed via script, but not both. 3. There's a potential problem if both of the following things happen during the exact same frame: (1) A Fortify Magicka/Fatigue ability is added or removed via script (2) An attribute that contributes to that stat changes If this happens, the result depends on the order those things happen in. If (1) happens first, everything is fine. If (2) happens first, the Fortify Magicka/Fatigue magnitude will end up being applied twice to the max stat. This is most likely to happen when the effects are part of the same ability. For example, if a mod adds via script an ability with Fortify Intelligence and Fortify Magicka, in that order, the Fortify Magicka magnitude will be applied twice to max magicka. To avoid this problem, other mods can ensure that, in any script-added abilities that contain both Fortify Magicka/Fatigue and an effect that changes a related attribute, the Fortify Magicka/Fatigue effect comes first. Note that it's possible for this to happen in other circumstances, even when the attribute-changing effect is not part of the same ability. For example, a mod might add a Fortify Fatigue ability via script, and, in the exact same frame in which the ability is added, a Fortify Agility potion you were affected by expires. This kind of thing is very unlikely. 4. There's another potential problem if all three of the following things happen during the exact same frame: (1) The Fortify Magicka/Fatigue magnitude you're affected by changes (2) An attribute that contributes to that stat changes (3) The current value of the relevant stat changes due to some other cause If all of these happen during the same frame, the change to the current stat due to the other cause will be basically reverted. For example, let's say you cast a spell, and, in the exact same frame in which you lose magicka due to the spellcast, your intelligence and Fortify Magicka magnitude both also change. In this case, you'll basically get the spell for free, with no magicka cost. It would require extremely precise timing to intentionally exploit this - fortunately, the loss of magicka from casting a spell and the effects of that spell don't happen on the same frame - and it's very unlikely to happen by chance. Interop Fortify MAX includes an interop file, so MWSE-lua mod authors can detect the presence of this mod and/or trigger this mod's calculations. For example, to detect whether or not the magicka component of this mod is enabled, use something like the following: local fortifyMAX = include("FortifyMAX.interop") if fortifyMAX and fortifyMAX.magicka then -- do stuff end You can check for the fatigue or "attribute-modifying effect tweaks" features being enabled with fortifyMAX.fatigue and fortifyMAX.spellTick, respectively. The interop variables are set on initialized, so don't check for them before then (and if you check on initialized, you might need to assign a negative priority to your initialized event so this mod's interop variables will be set first). It's also possible to instruct Fortify MAX to do its magicka or fatigue calculations. These calculations add any Fortify Magicka/Fatigue magnitude to the max stat, and adjust the current stat as needed to maintain the correct ratio. This mod's calculations are normally done immediately after the game does its own vanilla calculations (usually when one of the relevant attributes changes). If your mod changes the player's max magicka/fatigue under circumstances in which the game would normally not redo the vanilla calculations, you can instruct this mod to do its own calculations with (replace magicka with fatigue as appropriate): fortifyMAX.recalc.magicka = true FortifyMAX will then do its thing, compensating for any Fortify Magicka/Fatigue magnitude the player is under. (Remember that this mod affects only the player.) This mod's loaded and enterFrame events are assigned a priority of -10, to ensure that other mods go first. If your mod changes magicka/fatigue calculations on loaded or enterFrame, don't set an event priority <= -10. See Class-Conscious Character Progression for an example of interop use. Requirements This mod requires MGE XE and the latest version of MWSE 2.1. Just install MGE XE and run MWSE-Update.exe to download the latest build. In particular, this mod requires a recent MWSE build, as it uses a couple of newly-added MWSE features. The build date must be at least 2021-05-18. Just update to the latest version and you're good to go. Recommendations Morrowind Code Patch is a soft requirement for this mod. Parts of this mod assume that you're using MCP's bugfix patches regarding Fortify/Drain/Restore Attribute. If you're not, the "attribute-modifying effect tweaks" won't work as intended. For consistency (and in general, since Fortify Health sucks much worse without it), I also recommend using MCP's "Fortify Maximum Health" feature. Compatibility As an MWSE-lua mod, Fortify MAX is compatible with most other mods. It is likely to have compatibility issues with any mod that changes how magicka or fatigue is calculated, unless the other mod takes this mod into account (see the interop section). CCCP, as of version 2.0.2, is compatible. If you're using another mod that changes magicka/fatigue calculations and conflicts with this one, you can disable the corresponding component of this mod. Mods that add Fortify Magicka/Fatigue abilities might not play nice with this mod under certain unusual circumstances. See the Known Issues section for details. Version History Version 1.0.3 - 2021-07-14 - Fixed more weirdness when magicka/fatigue would have been exactly 0 if not for a fortify effect, and was then recalculated. Version 1.0.2 - 2021-07-10 - Fixed a bug where weird things could happen if magicka/fatigue was damaged to less than your Fortify Magicka/Fatigue magnitude and was then recalculated. Version 1.0.1 - 2021-07-07 - (Mostly) fixed a bug where Fortify Magicka/Fatigue abilities added via script counted twice towards the max stat (see Known Issues section for caveats). - Fortify Magicka/Fatigue abilities on a race or birthsign will now be effective immediately after chargen is complete, instead of having to save/load or change a related attribute as in 1.0 (in vanilla, such abilities did not work at all). - Made the code that runs while the player is under a Restore Attribute effect more efficient. - Minor coding improvements. Version 1.0 - 2021-05-21 - Initial release. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus or Moddinghall with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692. Submitter Necrolesian Submitted 11/05/2021 Category Miscellaneous  
  7. View File Clothing Requirements Clothing Requirements Description This MWSE mod implements level requirements to equip all of Morrowind's clothing items. It's basically Remiros' Equipment Requirements for clothing; in fact, it's really just a modification of Remiros' code, adapted to clothing rather than armor and weapons. Since there's no skill associated with clothing, the criterion used for the requirements is the player's level. Requirements range from level 1 (for unenchanted common clothing and low-end enchanted stuff) to level 60 (for the Royal Signet Ring). For unenchanted clothes, level requirements are level 1 for common, 3 for expensive, 5 for extravagant and 10 for exquisite. For enchanted clothing, requirements vary based on the usefulness of the enchantment (mostly ranging from level 1 to in the 20s, but a few exceptional items are higher). The archive contains a spreadsheet listing all clothing items in the game, their enchantments, and their level requirements. Like in Equipment Requirements, clothing items without a requirement specified in the code (i.e. clothing added by mods not specifically accounted for in this mod) will have a requirement determined by a formula. The formula takes into account the item's value and enchant capacity, but not any enchantment on the item. However, all vanilla clothing items have specified requirements, as do items added by certain mods. Unlike in Equipment Requirements, there is no alternate mode with penalties if you equip an item you don't meet the requirement for. If you're not high enough level, you just can't equip the item. The archive also contains an optional modified version of Remiros' Equipment Requirements, my personal edit of that mod that addresses a few issues with it. A few typos in item IDs have been fixed and missing items added. Additionally, a few balance adjustments have been made, and the lowest-tier stuff is generally equippable by anyone. Also, arrows and bolts now have requirements as well, and a few other changes have been made; see the changelog for a list of additional changes/fixes. Requirements This mod requires MGE XE and the latest version of MWSE 2.1. Just install MGE XE and run MWSE-Update.exe to download the latest build. Recommendations I recommend using Consistent Enchanting with this mod. If you're using Consistent Enchanting (and have it configured to carry over enchanted items' base items), the requirements for player-created enchanted items will be 5 higher than the requirement for the base item. (You actually need to have been using Consistent Enchanting at the time the item was created.) This applies to both Clothing Requirements and Equipment Requirements. If you're not using Consistent Enchanting, requirements for player-created enchanted items will be determined by formula, with possibly inconsistent results. Version History Version 1.3.4 - 2021-08-14 Both mods: - Fixed errors caused by how I implemented the feature related to player-created enchanted items in the last update. Should be working correctly now. Version 1.3.3 - 2021-08-12 Both mods: - Requirements for player-created enchanted items will be 5 higher than the requirement for the base item, rather than going by the formula, if you're using Consistent Enchanting. - Updated the code that gets Rational Names' display name for an object to work with version 2.0 of Rational Names. - Various coding improvements. Version 1.3.2 - 2021-07-17 Both mods: - Fixed a bug where the level/skill requirement for an item not present in the data tables (i.e. calculated by formula) could display in the tooltip 1 lower than the real requirement. - For users of Rational Names, the messagebox that displays when the mod prevents you from equipping an item will now display the item's full name, if applicable (names longer than 31 characters). - Items with a level requirement <= 1 (for Clothing Requirements) or a skill requirement <= 5 (for Equipment Requirements) now have no requirement at all. - Various coding improvements. Version 1.3.1 - 2021-01-24 - Equipment Requirements: Specified requirement of 5 for Ashfall's Wood Axe and backpacks. Version 1.3 - 2020-10-15 Clothing Requirements: - Specified requirements for clothing from More Deadly Morrowind Denizens. Equipment Requirements: - Specified requirements for new equipment from MDMD. - Specified requirements for two weapons added by Patch for Purists. - Skill Requirement for Redoran Banner Shield increased from 30 to 35. Version 1.2.1 - 2020-10-01 - Fixed an issue with the directory structure of Equipment Requirements that caused it to not work. Version 1.2 - 2020-09-30 Clothing Requirements: - Level requirements for the following have been lowered to 1: Daedric Sanctuary Amulet, Aundae/Berne/Quarra Amulet. - Various coding improvements. Equipment Requirements: - Skill requirements are now compared with the base skill, not current skill, in order to prevent Fortify Skill cheese. - Skill requirements for the following have been lowered to 5: Fork of Horripilation, Native Gah-Julan Bonemold Helm (quest version), Steel Longbow (quest version), Elberoth's Saber, Wolfgiver Silver Dagger. - Penalty-related code no longer runs if alternate mode is off, for improved performance. - Fixed a bug that caused the armor penalty to not lower cast chance unless cast chance was greater than 100. - Removed weapon damage penalty because it's bugged and I can't figure out how to fix it. - Fatigue reduction for the armor fatigue penalties is now based on max not current fatigue. This means the reduction rate while running won't slow down at low fatigue. - Rate of fatigue loss while running with an armor penalty no longer depends on framerate. - MCM improvements. - Various coding improvements. Version 1.1 - 2020-04-23 - Equipment Requirements: Arrows and bolts now have requirements. - Equipment Requirements: Ancient Nordic Pick Axe requirement lowered to 5. Version 1.0 - 2020-04-12 - Initial release. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus or Moddinghall with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692. Submitter Necrolesian Submitted 11/04/2021 Category Miscellaneous  
  8. View File BTB's Game Improvements - Necro Edit BTB's Game Improvements - Necro Edit Summary This is a modified version of BTB's Game Improvements. All modules except for the character module have been combined into a single plugin (BTB's race- and birthsign-related edits in the character module are in a separate plugin). BTB's edits that he included in his modified versions of Morrowind Advanced and Service Requirements have been incorporated. In addition, quite a number of changes have been made from the original BTBGI, and a number of new things have been added. Introduction to BTBGI BTB's Game Improvements is a massive game balance overhaul that touches on just about every aspect of Morrowind. Among its many changes are: - Races and birthsigns are rebalanced so that each of them are uniquely useful, rather than some being ridiculously overpowered while others are worse than useless. - Magic effects and spells are modified to provide a wider range of genuinely useful options while eliminating many exploits. Your starting spells are also generally more useful. - Magic effect costs have been tweaked to balance their usefulness, both as spells and as potions. - A number of effects have been disabled for spellmaking and enchanting, to prevent exploits. - NPCs have quite a few new powerful spells to use against you. - Ingredient values have been modified to reflect their rarity or difficulty in acquiring them. - Ingredient effects have been rebalanced to make potion creation both more useful and more hazardous (due to negative effects being more common in created potions). - The game's stock potions have been overhauled to make them all useful without being too overpowered, and to prevent certain exploits. - Values of overpriced equipment have been drastically lowered. - Equipment stats and especially enchantments have been painstakingly overhauled. No more is the game's equipment divided into a mountain of useless junk on the one hand and a few overpowered gems on the other hand. - Many game settings have been modified to improve game balance or increase difficulty. - Enchanted items will no longer regain charge over time, requiring the use of soulgems to recharge them. - It's no longer possible to self-enchant items, or to make custom constant effect enchantments. - Skill progression rates have been overhauled in many cases. This is an extremely brief summary of BTBGI, and there are many more changes not mentioned here. I recommend checking out BTB's original documentation, included in the archive, and especially his excellent readme, for a lot more information about BTBGI, along with BTB's reasoning for many of his changes. Changes from BTBGI This section summarizes the more important changes compared to the original BTBGI. See changelog.txt in the archive for a detailed list of all changes from the original. Also see changes.txt for a full list of changes the mod makes to vanilla Morrowind. First, four of the five modules of BTBGI - Spells, Alchemy, Equipment and Settings - have been combined into a single plugin, with a number of changes made to each, while the Character module is still a separate plugin (BTBGI Races and Birthsigns). Some of the important modifications to each module are listed below. (It's convenient to list changes by module even though the modules are mostly no longer separate.) Character - The Level Up Birthsign Remover script was removed. This script removed the attribute-boosting birthsigns on sleeping and re-added them after, so that their bonuses to attributes would not count toward the attribute cap of 100. With the "attribute uncap" feature of Morrowind Code Patch, this is no longer necessary. - The changes from the character module (race- and birthsign-related edits) are not in the main plugin, but in the BTBGI Races and Birthsigns plugin. This is so those using an alternate race and birthsign mod (like Balanced Passive Races and Birthsigns) can skip BTBGI's race and birthsign edits. Spells - BTB changed the magnitude of all Slowfall effects to 1, due to a bug in vanilla Morrowind that eliminated all falling damage even with only 1 magnitude. An MCP feature has since fixed this bug, which means a Slowfall magnitude of 1 is no longer useful. All magnitudes of premade Slowfall spells have been increased to 20, which is enough to ensure no falling damage with the MCP feature applied. This also applies to potions and enchantments. In addition, spellmaking and enchanting have been reenabled for the Slowfall effect. BTB disabled them to prevent you from creating super-cheap custom spells at magnitude 1, but that consideration no longer applies. - Most Light effects were on target instead of on self, which is of very limited usefulness. Now most Light effects are on self. This also applies to a few enchantments. Alchemy - BTB drastically increased the weight of alchemy apparatus, with higher quality apparatus being heavier. I thought this discouraged the use of alchemy, so I partly reversed these changes. The weight of apprentice apparatus has been left as BTB set it (rather heavy), with weight now decreasing rather than increasing with higher quality. - The apparatus rebalance has been extended to Secret Master's apparatus, in case you're using a mod that places them in the game. - In vanilla, some ingredients have a harmful first effect. BTB made it so that all ingredients have a positive first effect. I thought this didn't make sense (and some ingredients, like Bungler's Bane, are supposed to be harmful if eaten raw), so I partly reverted this change. Now, some ingredients have negative first effects again, as in vanilla. The list of effects has not been changed for any ingredient, only their order in some cases. - BTB didn't touch the cursed varieties of ingredients, which made it easy to tell when an ingredient is cursed. Now cursed ingredients are identical to their regular counterparts. Certain unique ingredients have also been adjusted in line with changes made to the normal ingredients they're based on. - BTB changed the Fortify Fatigue potions to Resist Normal Weapons, to prevent an exploit involving using Fortify Fatigue to boost your fatigue ratio above 1.0. There's now an MWSE mod, Fortify MAX, which causes Fortify Fatigue to affect max as well as current fatigue, rendering this exploit no longer possible. Therefore, these potions have been changed back to Fortify Fatigue, with magnitudes and durations the same as the Fortify Health potions. Equipment - A lot of high-end equipment is insanely overpriced in vanilla. BTB drastically reduced the values of a lot of this stuff, but some items were still worth too much. This is particularly notable with glass equipment, which is the highest quality stuff available for purchase. BTB couldn't reduce glass equipment values too much because then it would be too cheap to buy. The result is that glass armor was a lot more expensive than daedric with BTBGI. My solution is to make unenchanted glass equipment no longer available for purchase, then tank the values. The values of base (unenchanted) glass equipment have been significantly lowered. Some other equipment (like adamantium, dreugh, and some of the Bloodmoon stuff) has also seen value reductions. - To go along with the above change, glass equipment is no longer available for purchase. Glass stuff for sale has been replaced with lower-quality equipment. This mainly affects a shop at Ghostgate, but also affects a Mournhold shop, plus three shops throughout Vvardenfell that sold Glass Daggers. This applies only to unenchanted equipment; enchanted glass stuff for sale has not been touched. Note that there is a conflict with Patch for Purists here. PFP deletes a pair of Glass Bracers from Mournhold, Armory and replaces them with a new pair, and I can't touch PFP's new bracers without requiring PFP. Therefore, a patch plugin is included in the archive that deletes PFP's new bracers from that cell so they won't overlap with their replacements made by the main plugin. Also, these changes make Glass Claymores and Bracers extremely rare, so one of each has been placed in the game. - Enchant capacities, which BTB didn't touch, have been overhauled for consistency and balance. The mod basically includes my Enchant Capacity Rebalance mod. Changes are generally modest, and are within vanilla ranges for the most part. Enchant values for weapons, armor and clothing have been modified. See the documentation for details. - BTB increased the gold values of many unenchanted weapons, but the generic enchanted weapons based on them were largely untouched. Gold values for many generic enchanted weapons have been increased for consistency (so they'll be more valuable than their unenchanted counterparts). - A few changes have been made to the "ignores resist" weapon flag. A few weapons have seen the flag removed, either for consistency or because they really shouldn't have it. (Use the MWSE-lua mod Enchanted Weapon Resistance for additional consistency changes to this flag.) In addition, a number of weapons that wrongly did not have the flag set now do, notably adamantium weapons. - A number of weapons made of silver did not have the "silver weapon" flag set. This flag is responsible for silver weapons doing double damage to werewolves. All such weapons now have the flag set. One weapon that wrongly had the flag set now no longer does. - BTB reduced the amount the Mournhold Museum of Artifacts will pay for artifacts in line with their new values, but missed two of them. This oversight has now been rectified. Also, the bounty received when talking to Torasa Aram about an artifact after having stolen it from the museum is now ten times the (new) base value of the artifact, across the board. - Certain cursed or unique varities of equipment have been made identical to their regular counterparts. Also, two "uncursed" varieties of weapons added by PFP have been incorporated with their stats changed to match the regular versions of those weapons, so PFP users will no longer find the uncursed varieties to have different stats. - A couple items with drain/damage enchantments that made absolutely no sense have been fixed. This includes Slave Bracers and Elvul's Black Blindfold. - BTB placed the weapon Wings of the Bat Queen in the game, but the place where he put it didn't make a lot of sense. It's been moved to a more appropriate location. - BTB removed or nerfed a few Chameleon enchantments, to prevent exploits. One of the Chameleon enchantments he changed to a different effect was the Ring of Surroundings, which caused Larrius Varro's dialogue about it being useful for sneaking around to no longer be accurate. The Ring now has a Chameleon enchantment again, though less powerful than in vanilla (and it reuses an enchantment from another item to prevent them from being stacked). Settings - BTB made a number of edits for the purpose of preventing resting outside in the wilderness. To this end, he edited every exterior cell in the game in which resting was legal to make it illegal. He also edited five rest-related GMSTs to make it basically impossible to rest outside for any length of time even if you found a cell in which it was legal. However, there are now two MWSE mods (Limited Resting, Waiting and Regen, and No Rest Without Beds) that do basically the same thing in a much cleaner way via lua. Therefore, the edits to all exterior cells have been removed from the plugin, along with the references to those five GMSTs. - BTB changed the governing attributes of two skills: acrobatics and hand-to-hand. I didn't care for these changes, plus I use a leveling mod that transforms the leveling system in such a way as to make governing attributes less relevant. These changes have been removed from the plugin. - BTB changed the skill progression rates for alchemy, reducing progress gained by creating potions and increasing progress gained by eating ingredients. This change has been reversed and then some, because I don't think eating a flower should make you better at alchemy. Progress for making potions is now higher than in vanilla, while no progress toward the alchemy skill will be gained by eating ingredients. - A few GMST edits have been added that make it harder to successfully bribe NPCs. In addition, a successful barter will no longer increase the merchant's disposition. - BTB intended to prevent all natural growth of misc skills, but in fact misc skill growth was only substantially slowed. It's actually not possible to stop it entirely with a plugin, due to the way the formula works, but misc skill progression has now been slowed even more, to the point that noticeable growth should no longer occur. - BTB also intended to make self-enchanting (creating new enchanted items yourself rather than paying an enchanter for the service) impossible, but it was only made substantially more difficult - self-enchanting was still possible with high enchant skill. It has now been made well and truly impossible. - BTB tweaked a couple of the GMSTs that determine the attribute multipliers gained on levelup, for a more steady progression from x2 to x5. These multipliers have now been made x3 across the board, as long as you gain at one point in a skill governed by that attribute. This was done to take the tedium and minmaxing out of leveling, without being too overpowered. (Note that if you're using a mod like CCCP that overhauls the leveling system, this change won't matter because those multipliers won't be used.) - BTB added restocking filled soulgems to certain merchants, but he had to use a rather convoluted method to do so. These new filled soulgems and the associated script have been removed. Instead, the relevant merchants now sell restocking Soul Trap scrolls, so those not skilled in Mysticism can fill their own soulgems. (The restocking empty soulgems BTB added to merchants have not been touched.) - Rolled Paper (which with BTBGI has a drastically increased enchant capacity) has been added to various merchants, for use in creating scrolls through enchanting (which is cheaper than regular item enchanting due to a GMST edit and an MCP feature). Diseases / Daedric Drops In addition to the revised BTBGI modules, there have been several other additions to the mod. BTB's modifications related to diseases and daedric drops that he added to his edited version of Morrowind Advanced have been incorporated, with the following changes: - BTB removed "Diseased" and "Blighted" from the names of diseased/blighted creatures. These changes have been reversed, because there's an MWSE mod called No Disease Labels that does the same thing and is more thorough. - Among BTB's modifications to disease dialogues were a few changes that were made on the assumption that the player is using a state-based health mod. Those particular changes have been reversed, so the dialogue will be correct regardless of whether you're using such a mod. - The changes to daedric drops (done so you won't end up being up to your eyeballs in daedric equipment dropped by certain creatures) are now identical to those in There Can Be Only One, for compatibility with that mod. This doesn't make much functional difference, except for the addition of a few creatures that BTB missed. Factions Finally, BTB's faction edits that he included in his modified version of Service Requirements have been incorporated. These include changes to attribute and skill requirements, along with favored attributes/skills. No changes have been made on top of BTB's edits here. Creature Buffs A separate add-on plugin has been included that incorporates Morrowind Advanced's buffs to many vanilla creatures, along with buffs to quite a number of additional creatures in line with MWA's changes. See the documentation for details. "Alternate" Plugins Two changes made in BTBGI were controversial enough that BTB created "alternate" versions of two of his modules omitting those changes. First, BTBGI transformed the Khajiit Eye of Night spell into a permanent ability. Some people didn't like the resulting permanent Night-Eye effect, so BTB made an alternate version of his Character module that omitted that change, leaving Eye of Night a spell as in vanilla. Second, the Settings module slowed down the growth of major, minor and misc skills, with misc skill growth stopped entirely (or at least that was the intent). This change was very controversial, so the alternate version of the Settings module omitted the major/minor/misc skill growth rate changes. Both of these changes are found in this version of BTBGI, but no "alternate" plugins are included. The reason for this is that I want to minimize the number of plugins I have to maintain. However, if you really don't like one or both of these changes and preferred BTB's alternate plugins, it's pretty easy to remove them from the mod yourself with Enchanted Editor or TESAME. If you don't like the Khajiit's permanent Night-Eye, open up the Races and Birthsigns plugin in EE/TESAME and delete the reference to the spell "eye of night". If you don't like BTB's changes to skill growth, then, in the main plugin, delete the references to the GMSTs fMajorSkillBonus, fMinorSkillBonus and fMiscSkillBonus. Extra Stuff The original BTBGI archive also includes a directory of "extra stuff," compatibility versions of various mods such as Better Clothes and CanadianIce Robe Replacer. These compatibility versions are not included here, since they're really not necessary. Just use tes3merge to resolve any conflicts. However, there is one exception: Dark Brotherhood Armor Replacer Expanded. If you want to use that mod, you'll want to also download the original BTBGI archive and use BTB's compatibility version of it, which includes BTB's rebalance of DBARE's new equipment. (I recommend using Dark Brotherhood Armor Replacer instead, which does not include new equipment.) Requirements This mod requires Tribunal and Bloodmoon, and the PFP patch requires Patch for Purists. (The Races and Birthsigns add-on requires only Morrowind.) Nothing else is technically required, but a number of changes made in this mod compared to the original BTBGI (in addition to a number of changes made by BTB in the original) are made assuming the use of certain other mods, especially certain MCP patches. See below for details. The optional "Rational Names Addendum" sub-package requires Rational Names, which itself requires MGE XE and the latest version of MWSE 2.1. Just install MGE XE and run MWSE-Update.exe to download the latest build. Compatibility and Load Order This mod touches many aspects of the game, and so has a relatively high potential for conflicts. Using tes3merge will resolve many conflicts. Specific notes regarding conflicts and load order follow. - The Races and Birthsigns add-on can be loaded either before or after the main plugin. - If you're using the "Creature Buffs" add-on, it must load after the main plugin. - The "BTBGI PFP Patch" plugin must also load after the main plugin. - Mort's rebalance mods (Tribunal Rebalance, Bloodmoon Rebalance, Beware the Sixth House There are a few conflicts with these mods, but the conflicts are relatively minor. Specifically there are conflicts regarding Dark Brotherhood, Goblin and Riekling equipment, and with certain Sixth House creatures. It's best to load Mort's rebalance mods after BTBGI, and to use tes3merge. - Morrowind Anti-Cheese: Use Lucas' edited version instead of the original, and load it right after BTBGI and its patches. - More Deadly Morrowind Denizens: The main plugin has no conflicts with BTBGI, though there are a few conflicts with There Can Be Only One. The creatures addon does have a few minor conflicts with BTBGI. I suggest having both plugins load before BTBGI (and before There Can Be Only One if you're using it), and using tes3merge. - There Can Be Only One: There are a few conflicts with both BTBGI and MDMD. This mod should load before BTBGI but after MDMD. - Expansions Integrated: There's a minor conflict with the Blood Axe enchantment. There are also conflicts with MDMD and There Can Be Only One. Load this before BTBGI, MDMD and TCBOO. There are also a number of patches available for the above mods with BTBGI (and with each other), as part of "Lucas' Misc Mods and Patches." Note that there's also a patch for There Can Be Only One and Expansions Integrated missing from that page; it can be found here. If you're using all of the above mods, with patches, the suggested load order is as follows: Expansions Integrated More Deadly Morrowind Denizens MDMD - Creatures Addon MDMD Expansions Integrated Patch There Can Be Only One TCBOO Expansions Integrated Patch TCBOO MDMD Patch BTB's Game Improvements (Necro Edit) BTBGI PFP Patch BTBGI MDMD Creatures Patch Morrowind Anti-Cheese (Lucas' BTBGI compatible version) Tribunal Rebalance Bloodmoon Rebalance Beware the Sixth House And don't forget to use tes3merge. While tes3merge will solve the vast majority of conflicts, it probably won't handle everything perfectly. Using the relevant patches from Lucas' Misc Mods and Patches should solve many problems. - Tamriel Rebuilt: I don't recommend using BTBGI and TR together, since TR's new content is designed with vanilla game balance in mind (which BTBGI tries to move away from). However, if you do want to use both, there is one potential conflict to be aware of. There's a conflict with TR_Factions, but there's a patch for that in Alvazir's Various Patches. - Rational Names: As of BTBGI version 2.0.3, the mod is fully compatible; just install the included MWSE mod to update Rational Names' base names for BTBGI. Recommendations There are quite a few mods that I highly recommend for use with this version of BTBGI. This section is basically a miniature mod list. I'll start off with a few mods that I very strongly recommend. Changes made by BTB, or by me in this version, basically assume the use of some of these mods, so use them. 1. Morrowind Code Patch (Beta Everybody who plays the vanilla Morrowind engine (i.e. not OpenMW) should be using MCP anyway, but there are a number of patches in MCP that are basically essential with this mod. - Slowfall overhaul: Fixes a bug where 1 point of Slowfall effect would be enough to eliminate all falling damage, plus fixes a couple other problematic aspects of the Slowfall effect. The changes to Slowfall effects in this version of BTBGI assume the use of this feature. Without it, you could make extremely cheap and perfectly effective custom Slowfall spells. - Enchanted item cooldown: Not using this feature is highly unbalanced; without it, you can achieve insane DPS with offensive cast on use enchantments. - Enchanted item rebalance: So you won't have an insane number of charges at high enchant skill. - Item recharging rebalance: Makes recharging items with soulgems a more viable option for all character types. This is especially important since BTBGI stops enchanted items from regaining charge over time, requiring the use of soulgems to recharge them. - Soulgem value rebalance: To avoid ridiculously overvalued soulgems when filled with good souls. - Attribute uncap: This version of BTBGI removes the LUBR script that previously allowed birthsign bonuses to help an attribute exceed the cap of 100. This change is made assuming the use of this feature; without this feature, birthsign attribute bonuses would ultimately be wasted. - Allow scroll enchant price modifier: This feature, in combination with a GMST edit made by this mod, allows scrolls to be enchanted at a much lower cost than regular items (since scrolls can only be used once). Without this patch, a few changes made by BTBGI to encourage creating scrolls would be rendered basically useless. 2. Patch for Purists: As always, PFP is highly recommended. All PFP fixes to relevant objects have been painstakingly incorporated into the mod, except where they're intentionally overridden. A patch plugin for PFP is included with this mod, to address an issue with the way PFP handles the Glass Bracers in Mournhold, Armory, and to pull forward a few additional fixes that required a patch. 3. Fortify MAX: Makes Fortify Magicka and Fortify Fatigue affect the maximum as well as the current stat, and is basically essential with this mod. This version of BTBGI restores Fortify Fatigue potions that BTB removed; without Fortify MAX, these potions could be used for a significant exploit. Fortify MAX also makes a couple constant effect Fortify Magicka enchantments in this mod actually useful. 4. Economy Adjuster Crime - Necro Edit: This one is very highly recommended. The penalties for crime are piddling in vanilla Morrowind. You can murder a shopkeeper, pay the small fine, then take all his stuff to sell to the next shop over. This mod significantly increases the penalties for crime. Crime no longer pays (unless you get away with it, of course). 5. HardTrade: Also highly recommended. Makes merchants iron-fisted traders who are almost impossible to exploit the way you can in vanilla Morrowind, by buying for more than you sell for to clean them out. This mod really reduces your ability to become filthy rich by exploiting the economy. 6. Limited Resting, Waiting and Regen, or No Rest Without Beds: Strongly recommended. Either of these mods will prevent you from resting unless you're using a bed. A bunch of edits in the original BTBGI were removed assuming the use of one of these mods. 7. Enchanted Weapon Resistance: Makes the "ignores resist" flag of enchanted weapons (including ammunition) match their unenchanted counterparts; mostly this removes the flag from a bunch of low-end enchanted weapons (made of materials of lower quality than silver). Many similar edits were removed from the BTBGI plugin assuming the use of this mod. 8. No Disease Labels: Removes terms like "Diseased" or "Blighted" from the names of creatures, so you'll no longer know in advance that a creature is diseased. Similar (though less thorough) changes were removed from BTBGI assuming the use of this mod. ----- Beyond the above, there are quite a few additional mods with game balance or difficulty effects that I recommend using with BTBGI: 9. Morrowind Code Patch again: - Pickpocket overhaul: Balances the pickpocket mechanic to not be incredibly stupid. - Healthy appetite: Makes it so that eating ingredients never fails. A huge realism improvement. This works well with changes made to Alchemy skill progression, where eating ingredients no longer grants any skill gain. Also see Controlled Consumption below, which I very highly recommend if you use this feature. - Two-handed weapon removes shield: So you can't benefit from a shield's enchantment while equipping a two-handed weapon. - Alchemy potion weight rebalance: So you can't easily make 0.1 weight potions. - Enchanting increases item value: This is okay since you have to pay to enchant items with BTBGI anyway. - Arrow enchanting: Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to make use of the tweaks to projectile enchant capacities included in this mod. - Fortify maximum health: Otherwise Fortify Health is completely useless. - Exhaust NPCs with Damage Fatigue: Makes this effect more useful. - Strength-based hand to hand damage: Makes hand-to-hand combat more viable, especially with high strength, which enhances the utility of some races' hand- to-hand skill bonuses. - Spellmaker area effect cost: Makes the magicka cost of adding an area effect to a custom spell depend on the spell magnitude, increasing the cost of large area effects. - Spellmaking matches editor: Fixes a bug that caused custom spells to cost more magicka than they should. - Permanent barter disposition changes: With this version of BTBGI, successful barters will no longer increase merchant disposition, but a failed haggle will still lower it. With this feature, such decreases are permanent. Merchants are hard to please but easy to make angry. - Detect life spell variant: Gives the Detect Animal spell effect the ability to also detect NPCs (without this patch, it can only detect creatures). This makes this effect much more useful. BTBGI renames the Detect Creatures spell "Detect Life" assuming the use of this patch. - Hidden traps: This feature is required by one of my other recommendations, so go ahead and enable this if you plan to use Locks and Traps Detection. (If you don't plan on using that mod for some reason, then I wouldn't recommend this patch.) - Hidden locks: Also required by Locks and Traps Detection (without which I would not recommend this patch). - Skill uncap: This one is a matter of personal preference, but I like it, especially if using CCCP. - Weapon resistance change: A mod I highly recommend, Enchanted Weapon Resistance, requires this feature to work properly. - Level-up skills tooltip: Recommended especially if you use CCCP; it will cause that mod to display more useful information. - Mercantile fix: MCP's description does not fully explain what this feature does. This feature has the effect of making it significantly more difficult to exploit merchants. See the readme of my edited version of Economy Adjuster for more details about this. I highly recommend this feature to help balance the economy (though with HardTrade it doesn't really matter because HardTrade totally overrides merchant prices). - Unarmored fix: Allows the unarmored skill to be effective when you're fully unarmored. This works well with this mod's increase in the effectiveness of the unarmored skill. - Reflected spells fix: This is more of a gameplay change than a bugfix. With this feature enabled, when an absorb spell is reflected, the effect is reversed. In other words, cast Absorb Health on an enemy with reflect and the enemy will absorb health from you instead. Note: Do NOT use the "NPC AI casts zero cost powers" MCP feature with this mod, unless you really enjoy dying. 10. Area Effect Arrows Integrated: Adds the area effect arrows from the official plugin to Vvardenfell, without being confined to a single shop. Included is an integrated version of Area Effect Projectiles, which is BTB's edited version of AEA with various balance improvements. 11. Expansions Integrated: Adds some of the content from Tribunal and Bloodmoon (creatures, equipment) to Vvardenfell. Liches and Durzogs and Bears, oh my! Alternatively, you can use Adamantium Armor Integrated, which adds only adamantium armor to Vvardenfell, without any other expansion content. (However, I do NOT recommend using the official plugin Adamantium Armor, which makes the armor available for purchase. This would not work well with this mod's significant reduction to the value of the armor.) 12. Enhanced Detection Lite: Adds a visual effect on screen when under a Detect Animal/Key/Enchantment effect, instead of just circles on the local map. This makes those effects more useful, not to mention more awesome. This is basically needed if you use Map and Compass, which disables the local map. I actually recommend using the "Less Lite" version, especially if you use Locks and Traps Detection and/or Map and Compass. Note that the Less Lite version requires Magicka Expanded, while the Lite version does not. 13. Let There Be Darkness: A good lighting overhaul not only makes the game look much better generally and makes lighting much more realistic, but it's also essential for making the Night-Eye effect at all useful. With vanilla lighting, there are very few circumstances in which you would need Night-Eye, which would render the Khajiit's constant Night-Eye mostly useless. 14. True Lights and Darkness - Necro Edit: I suggest using this along with LTBD for lighting. I use the MWSE lighting overrides in TLAD Necro Edit, along with the interior daylight. 15. Class-Conscious Character Progression: A leveling mod that radically overhauls the game's leveling system. CCCP also includes a state-based health feature, which makes the endurance attribute much more useful (and Drain Endurance effects more dangerous). If you don't use CCCP, I suggest using another mod that implements a state-based health system, like MWSE State-Based Health. 16. Quest Skill Reward Fix: Highly recommended if you use CCCP, because it allows that mod to detect certain scripted skill increases it wouldn't otherwise. 17. Magicka Based Skill Progression: Makes progression in the magic skills depend on how much magicka is expended. This is a definite improvement, but I recommend lowering the progress per magicka point in the MCM; the default value of 0.2 is too high. I use 0.067 myself, though you can use 0.1 if you find that too slow. 18. Nimble Armor: Unarmored skill now contributes to your evasion rating rather than armor rating (you avoid attacks with it rather than reduce their damage). Not only is this nifty, but it also completely avoids the problem of, to use BTB's phrasing, "funny naked people," where NPCs who should be wearing armor go around naked instead because BTBGI increases the effectiveness of the unarmored skill. With Nimble Armor, NPCs will always wear armor if they have it. 19. The Publicans: Gives you more places where you can rent a bed. This is important if you're using Limited Resting, Waiting and Regen, or No Rest Without Beds (highly recommended). 20. Cinia: Adds the medium armor master trainer to the game. 21. Lua Lockbashing: Gives combat-focused characters an option for opening locked containers. 22. Hold Your Breath: Makes the length of time you can hold your breath underwater vary depending on your endurance. 23. Creeping Blight: Implements the possibility of blight storms outside of Red Mountain before the main quest is complete. Works very well with Blighted Blight. Use the MWSE version. 24. Better Character Classes: Rebalances the default classes, turning them into options that a reasonable person might actually choose rather than always creating a custom class. Note that this can exacerbate the "funny naked people" problem, but if you're using Nimble Armor that's a non-issue. 25. Balanced Passive Races and Birthsigns: This one is a matter of personal preference. It's a modified version of the original BTBGI's Character module, with all once-a-day powers replaced with permanent abilities. If you want to use it, then skip the Races and Birthsigns add-on in the BTBGI archive. 26. Service Requirements Lore: In general, makes merchants in factions refuse to serve you unless you're at least the same rank as them. There are a number of exceptions where it makes sense. I suggest using Lucas' edited version. BTB's edited version of Service Requirements is no longer needed, as BTB's faction edits have been incorporated into this mod. 27. Ownership Overhaul: Makes lots and lots of stuff that should be owned actually owned, so you'll have to actually be sneaky if you want to make off with it. Use the .esm version. 28. Equipment Requirements: I highly recommend using my edited version, which is packaged along with Clothing Requirements (though I don't recommend actually using Clothing Requirements). Weapons and armor now have skill requirements to use. Now you can no longer go out and grab top-tier stuff at the beginning of the game just because you know where it is. 29. Armor Rating: Changes how armor rating is calculated. Armor provides more protection than vanilla at low skill, and less protection than vanilla at high skill. The difference between 5 and 100 armor skill is 2x AR, as opposed to 20x in vanilla. 30. Sneaky Strike: Makes the sneak attack multiplier depend on the type of weapon you're holding, with faster weapons like daggers having higher multipliers. You'll also need to edit the config file, which can be found at MWSE\config\sneakyStrike.json, to change the coefShift setting from 3 to 1.5, in order to ensure a reasonable multiplier range (1.0 for very slow weapons, up to 4.75 for very fast weapons). 31. Locks and Traps Detection: Makes whether or not you can detect a trap (and how much information you can see about a lock) depend on your security skill, among other things. A great improvement over the vanilla mechanic. This makes racial bonuses to security even more useful. 32. Stealth Improved: A great balance tweak to the sneak mechanic. In particular, Chameleon and Invisibility no longer guarantee that you will not be detected. 33. Controlled Consumption (MMC Edit): Use the "Vanilla NPC Style (Necro Edit)" module, which implements a five-second cooldown between drinking potions or eating ingredients. This is a significant balance improvement; you can no longer become stronger than god by chugging 20 Fortify Strength potions at once. It's also pretty much essential with MCP's Healthy Appetite feature, which makes eating ingredients never fail. 34. MAB0's Manipulated: Can be used to make certain manipulative spell effects, most importantly Frenzy Humanoid, a crime. No longer can you use a spell to force a friendly NPC to attack you in front of witnesses with no consequences. This requires MAB0's Foundations. 35. DragonDoor: Hostile NPCs will now follow you through loading doors, and can also summon other NPCs in the same cell for help depending on how the mod is configured (the latter feature might be too intense). 36. Dungeons Rest: Enemies are fully restored if you leave their dungeon and then return. Prevents you from wearing them down a bit at a time and resting in between. 37. Limited Leaping: Allows you to set restrictions on jumping so you can't just bunny-hop indefinitely. I suggest setting the cooldown time to one second (the minimum without disabling the cooldown requirement altogether), and the minimum fatigue requirement equal to the fatigue cost of jumping, which is 20 with BTBGI (possibly as high as 35 with Alvazir's More Meaningful Encumbrance Tweak, for which see below). 38. Blighted Blight: Restores the possibility of catching blight diseases when out in a blight storm. Works very well with Creeping Blight. 39. There Can Be Only One: Daedric equipment is now unique; there is only one of each piece in the entire game. 40. Map and Compass: Disables the world map and local map (and the minimap) and replaces them with a static paper map (and you can choose which one(s) to use). Allows you to get genuinely lost and greatly enhances roleplay and exploration. 41. Map Replacements: A set of alternative maps for Map and Compass that I very much prefer. 42. Morrowind Anti-Cheese: Makes a number of additional game balance changes. Use Lucas' edited version, and make sure it loads right after BTBGI and its patches. 43. Tribunal Rebalance: Rebalances the Tribunal expansion content as though it had been created at the same time as the main Morrowind content. 44. Bloodmoon Rebalance: Does the same for the Bloodmoon content. 45. Beware the Sixth House: Makes Sixth House enemies truly fearsome, worthy of being called endgame bosses. 46. More Deadly Morrowind Denizens: Most enemy NPCs in vanilla Morrowind are easy and boring, with the same old useless spells and the same old ho-hum equipment. Not anymore. 47. Lucas' Misc Mods and Patches: Contains patches for a few of the above mods, in particular MDMD. 48. Lucas' BTBGI Patches: Contains more BTBGI patches, along with Lucas' modified version of BTBGI for those who prefer it. Use the Equipment Patch if you're using any of the affected mods. 49. Alvazir's Various Patches: Contains even more BTBGI patches and various tweaks. In particular the More Meaningful Encumbrance tweak (in the BTBGI patch archive) is worth considering - it provides an incentive to watch what you're carrying and avoid loading up unnecessarily. There are also "No MWSE" plugins for OpenMW users. Version History Version 2.0.14 - 2022-02-15 - Increased gold value of Iron Wakizashi for consistency with other iron weapons. - Increased gold value of many generic enchanted weapons for consistency (so they'll be more valuable than their unenchanted counterparts). Version 2.0.13 - 2021-11-17 - Fixed a bug where Clannfear could sometimes drop two Daedra Hearts. They now have a chance (but not a guarantee) of having one, like most other daedra. Version 2.0.12 - 2021-11-16 - The race and birthsign edits have been split off into a separate plugin. Now there's only one version of the main plugin. - Fixed a bug where the damage values for the Iron Halberd, Iron Long Spear, Iron Saber and Dart of Judgement had not been modified as intended. This results in a nerf to the Iron Saber, and a buff to the other three weapons. Version 2.0.11 - 2021-11-03 - Fixed a bug where the AR/health of Glass Boots had not been lowered as intended. - Fixed a bug where some NPCs would cast Blind on themselves. The offending NPC spell has been changed to Fortify Attack instead. Version 2.0.10 - 2021-11-01 - Nerfed the Bound Dagger's damage to match the Daedric Dagger. - Changed equipment health for Bound Longbow, Spear and Dagger to match their daedric counterparts. - Lowered Daedric Longbow minimum chop damage to match BTB's documentation. - Increased Second Barrier Belt's value to match BTB's documentation. Version 2.0.9 - 2021-10-14 - Adamantium spear's reach increased from 1.0 to 1.8 for consistency with all other spears. - Thousand separator removed from Torasa Aram's museum dialogues (e.g. 4,500 -> 4500). - PFP Patch plugin now includes copies of the cursed items edited by BTBGI with PFP's cursed item script, along with BTBGI's changes. Version 2.0.8 - 2021-09-25 - Bumped up the speed/strength of a few creatures to fix a bug where they would be slowed to a crawl or even stopped in their tracks due to the effects of diseases. (Basically incorporates Sigourn's "Creature Tweaks" plugin.) Version 2.0.7 - 2021-09-22 - Helseth now has an ability containing all effects the Royal Signet Ring had in vanilla, so he'll no longer be easier to kill than in vanilla. (The ring itself is just as gimped as in previous versions.) - Fixed a couple bugs where the Fiend Spear/Tanto enchantments were inconsistent with other "fiend" weapons. (The documentation was correct all along, but the plugin was wrong.) Version 2.0.6 - 2021-09-14 - Removed edits that unchecked the "ignore resist" flag for ammunition, as Enchanted Weapon Resistance now affects ammo as well as weapons. - Also removed the edit to this flag for Widowmaker, as it's no longer on Enchanted Weapon Resistance's default blacklist. - Removed a few unneeded edits that were vestiges of the original BTBGI (and that I missed earlier). Version 2.0.5 - 2021-09-13 - Removed most edits that unchecked the "ignore normal weapon resistance" flag, because there's now an MWSE-lua mod (Enchanted Weapon Resistance) that does the same thing in a better and more compatible way. - The Light of Day now uses the mesh/icon of an Ebony Mace rather than Iron Mace, and has the "ignore normal weapon resistance" flag set again. Also adjusted weight, health and weapon speed to match Ebony Mace. - Jacked up a GMST to make self-enchanting truly impossible (as was BTB's original intent - he just didn't raise the GMST high enough). - Fixed a conflict with Tamriel Rebuilt related to the honorguard_en enchantment. (This does not result in any actual in-game change). Version 2.0.4 - 2021-08-12 - Updated Rational Names addendum to work with version 2.0 of Rational Names. Version 2.0.3 - 2021-07-19 - For users of Rational Names, added MWSE mod to update Rational Names' base names for certain items (mostly potions) changed by BTBGI such that Rational Names' default base name was no longer accurate. Version 2.0.2 - 2021-06-06 - Actually changed the effect of the Fortify Fatigue potions from Resist Normal Weapons back to Fortify Fatigue, like I said I did in 2.0.1. Version 2.0.1 - 2021-05-30 - The creature buffs are now a separate plugin. - Added a "No RAB" version omitting the race and birthsign edits, intended for use with a different race/birthsign mod. - All levelup attribute multipliers are now x3. - Ring of Surroundings now has a Chameleon enchantment again, for consistency with dialogue. - Restored BTB's change to the time you can hold your breath underwater (from 20 to 15 seconds). - Restored BTB's change to the sneak attack multiplier (from 4.0 to 2.5). - Restored the two constant effect Fortify Magicka enchantments from BTB's original (they're no longer Fortify Maximum Magicka). This change assumes the use of Fortify MAX. - Resist Weapons potions changed back to Fortify Fatigue, with the same magnitude and duration as Fortify Health potions. This change also assumes the use of Fortify MAX. - Corrected a few mistakes in potions. Version 2.0 - 2020-09-26 - Combined all five BTBGI modules into one plugin. - Level Up Birthsign Remover script removed. - Slowfall magnitudes increased, assuming use of MCP slowfall fix. - Most Light effects are now on self. - Alchemy apparatus weight now decreases rather than increases with quality. - Some ingredients now have negative first effects. - Cursed/unique ingredients are now affected. - Constant effect Fortify Magicka enchantments changed to Fortify Maximum Magicka. - Lowered values for certain equipment that was still worth too much. - Unenchanted glass equipment is no longer for sale. - Overhauled weapon/armor/clothing enchant capacities. - "Ignores resist" and "silver weapon" flags now make sense, depending on the material a weapon is made of. - Certain cursed/unique equipment is now affected. - A couple nonsensical damage/drain enchantments have been fixed. - Wings of the Bat Queen has been moved to a more logical location. - Removed BTB's changes related to resting, governing attributes, sneak attack multiplier, hold breath time, and levelup attribute multipliers. - Alchemy skill progression has been modified to make more sense. - Bribing NPCs is harder. - BTB's restocking filled soulgems have been replaced with Soultrap scrolls. - Rolled Paper added to several merchants, for scroll enchanting. - Incorporated BTB's edits related to diseases and daedric drops in his edited version of Morrowind Advanced. - Removed BTB's changes to diseased/blighted creature names. - Edits related to daedric drops are now identical to those in There Can Be Only One. - Added vanilla creature buffs from Morrowind Advanced. - Buffed many additional vanilla creatures based on MWA's buffs. - Incorporated BTB's faction edits in his edited version of Service Requirements. - Changed the name of the mod because it's not just minor tweaks to a couple modules anymore. - A number of other changes not listed here. See documentation in the archive for a full/detailed list. Version 1.0 - 2019-08-22 - Initial release. Contact Feel free to contact me on Moddinghall or the Nexus with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692. Submitter Necrolesian Submitted 11/04/2021 Category Overhauls & Expansions  
  9. Version 0.0.2


    This mod adds basic mantling. You can now climb onto obstacles given they are within reach. This includes getting out of water and steep surfaces as long as they are not 90 degrees vertical unless you can catch a dent or bump on them.
  10. View File Mantle of Ascension - A Climbing Mod This mod adds basic mantling. You can now climb onto obstacles given they are within reach. This includes getting out of water and steep surfaces as long as they are not 90 degrees vertical unless you can catch a dent or bump on them. Submitter vtastek Submitted 07/03/2021 Category Miscellaneous  
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