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Found 12 results

  1. Version 1.2


     This mod adds some extra Legion goodies for the roleplaying legionnaire wanting to add some flavour and immersion to their playthough, complete with automatic Ashfall compatibility. |Features| Apart from weapons and armour, there is very little gear that the Legion actually uses, when an army such as itself should be equiping its troops with useful tools and equiptment. This mod adds two items to the game, a legion canteen and an entrenching tool so that the soldiers of the Legion have something to demonstrate they are an actual army and not some common mercenaries like the Fighters Guild. You can find the gear throughout the Legion forts and installations, so you'll have no trouble finding it during the course of the Imperial Legion questline. The OAAB leveled lists also have the new items in them, meaning you'll find them crop up in OAAB containers and other containers that use those leveled lists. There are also rumours of a magical antique canteen brought back from a Legion campaign in Elsweyr. The owner of this canteen, a deserter legionnaire, seems to have lost it in his cave hideout, much to his displeasure... While the items added don't have much use on their own, they do have automatic Ashfall compatibility. The entrenching tool can be used as a wood chopping axe, meaning it will chop wood without loosing as much durability as a normal axe, and the canteen can be used as a water bottle and keep your water ration safe and sound. This mod will require OAAB Data as all items are bundled in it. Future plans for this mod include adding more items to make the Legion feel more functional and immersive. These items are also going to be part of my Legion expansion, coming out soon. |Compatibility| The only changes this mod makes to vanilla content is the placing of the items in interior cells belonging to the Legion. No changes were made to the layout of furniture or clutter. If you want to follow development the mod, report any bugs or contribute to the my Legion expansion project, you can join my discord here.   
  2. View File Companion Stop Companion Stop - a simple convenience mod requires MWSE Stops all player followers with a single keypress assignable keybind with MCM note: some vanilla quest followers have no way to resume following by themselves, you may need another mod or use console to make them follow again. Submitter Stripes Submitted 07/21/2021 Category NPCs & Companions  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Companion Stop - a simple convenience mod requires MWSE Stops all player followers with a single keypress assignable keybind with MCM note: some vanilla quest followers have no way to resume following by themselves, you may need another mod or use console to make them follow again.
  4. Version 0.0.2


    This mod adds basic mantling. You can now climb onto obstacles given they are within reach. This includes getting out of water and steep surfaces as long as they are not 90 degrees vertical unless you can catch a dent or bump on them.
  5. Version 2.1


    Memory Monitor Part of the May Modathon Month 2018 This simple mod provides an in-game HUD element as the game approaches critical memory limits. At a critical threshold, it can prompt to save and quit. Features: Displays a HUD element above the minimap, showing the current memory usage. Shows up at a given threshold (default: 50%) as green, and becomes increasingly red as it nears 100%. Shows a message box at a critical threshold (default: 90%). From this message, you can continue, save, or save & quit. This message will only display once per game launch. Configurable. The HUD element display threshold, critical warning threshold and save file/name can be edited in Memory Monitor.json.
  6. Memory Monitor View File Memory Monitor Part of the May Modathon Month 2018 This simple mod provides an in-game HUD element as the game approaches critical memory limits. At a critical threshold, it can prompt to save and quit. Features: Displays a HUD element above the minimap, showing the current memory usage. Shows up at a given threshold (default: 50%) as green, and becomes increasingly red as it nears 100%. Shows a message box at a critical threshold (default: 90%). From this message, you can continue, save, or save & quit. This message will only display once per game launch. Configurable. The HUD element display threshold, critical warning threshold and save file/name can be edited in Memory Monitor.json. Submitter NullCascade Submitted 07/13/2021 Category Miscellaneous  
  7. View File Mantle of Ascension - A Climbing Mod This mod adds basic mantling. You can now climb onto obstacles given they are within reach. This includes getting out of water and steep surfaces as long as they are not 90 degrees vertical unless you can catch a dent or bump on them. Submitter vtastek Submitted 07/03/2021 Category Miscellaneous  
  8. View File Legion Field Gear  This mod adds some extra Legion goodies for the roleplaying legionnaire wanting to add some flavour and immersion to their playthough, complete with automatic Ashfall compatibility. |Features| Apart from weapons and armour, there is very little gear that the legion actually uses, when an army such as itself should be equiping its troops with useful and tools and equiptment. This mod adds two items to the game, a legion canteen and an entrenching tool so that the soldiers of the Legion have something to demonstrate they are an actual army and not some common mercenaries like the Fighters Guild. You can find the gear throughout the Legion forts and installations, so you'll have no trouble finding it during the course of the Imperial Legion questline. There are also rumours of a magical antique canteen brought back from a Legion campaign in Elsweyr. The owner of this canteen, a deserter legionnaire, seems to have lost it in his cave hideout, much to his displeasure... While the items added don't have much use on their own, they do have automatic Ashfall compatibility. The entrenching tool can be used as a wood chopping axe, meaning it will chop wood without loosing as much durability as a normal axe, and the canteen can be used as a water bottle and keep your water ration safe and sound. This mod will require OAAB Data as the canteen item has been added to it. Future plans for this mod include adding more items to make the Legion feel more functional and immersive. These items are also going to be part of my Legion expansion, coming out soon. |Compatibility| The only changes this mod makes to vanilla content is the placing of the items in interior cells belonging to the Legion. No changes were made to the layout of furniture or clutter. If you want to follow development the mod, report any bugs or contribute to the my Legion expansion project, you can join my discord here.    Submitter EndoranWest Submitted 06/20/2021 Category Items  
  9. View File Lame Corprus Vibing to Guar Skin Drum This mod expands on the small vanilla quest to give Uupse Fyr a guar skin drum to pacify the Corprusarium inmates by using mwse-lua 2.1 to make her actually play the drum after the quest is completed. Submitter Discontinuous Qualia Submitted 02/15/2021 Category NPCs & Companions  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This mod expands on the small vanilla quest to give Uupse Fyr a guar skin drum to pacify the Corprusarium inmates by using mwse-lua 2.1 to make her actually play the drum after the quest is completed.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    In vanilla Morrowind, all scrolls use the exact same icon. To my knowledge, there have been two mods to remedy this - Lurlock's Scroll Icons, and Erasmus' Scrolls, the latter of which was later updated by PeterBitt. Both simply assigned the new icons through an ESP, which was fine and dandy back in 2002, but times have changed! This mod automatically assigns icons to scrolls using MWSE-Lua, which means it won't take up an ESP slot, won't cause any conflicts, and will cover any new scrolls added by mods. I think it'll even change the icons of any scrolls you enchant yourself, though I haven't tested that yet!
  12. View File MWSE Scroll Icons In vanilla Morrowind, all scrolls use the exact same icon. To my knowledge, there have been two mods to remedy this - Lurlock's Scroll Icons, and Erasmus' Scrolls, the latter of which was later updated by PeterBitt. Both simply assigned the new icons through an ESP, which was fine and dandy back in 2002, but times have changed! This mod automatically assigns icons to scrolls using MWSE-Lua, which means it won't take up an ESP slot, won't cause any conflicts, and will cover any new scrolls added by mods. I think it'll even change the icons of any scrolls you enchant yourself, though I haven't tested that yet! Submitter Gilboron Submitted 02/11/2021 Category Miscellaneous  
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