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Found 10 results

  1. Version 1.2


    Romancing Vivec LGBTQ+ friendly | Gay Romance | NSFW | NOT Lore-friendly ----------------------------------------------------------- This mod is inspired by fanfiction. It basically IS fanfiction. It is also the very first Mod I made with an actual Quest and Scripts and a little bit of Story. Features of this Mod: A player home in Vivec, St. Delyn Canalworks. ( You can use this even as a female character ) A Romance Story between Vivec ( in some form ) and the Player Character. ONLY if the Player Character is Male. Sexual Scenes ( not animated, only written and described ). ONLY if the Player Character is Male. A small Cave in Molag Amur. You visit it in the course of the Mod's Questline. Be aware, that you won't actually be able romance Vivec in his god form. You still will be romancing Vivec though. Find out what exactly that means by playing the Mod yourself. Requirements: OAAB Data [ SPOILERS ]
  2. View File Romancing Vivec ( NSFW / Gay Romance Mod ) Romancing Vivec LGBTQ+ friendly | Gay Romance | NSFW | NOT Lore-friendly ----------------------------------------------------------- This mod is inspired by fanfiction. It basically IS fanfiction. It is also the very first Mod I made with an actual Quest and Scripts and a little bit of Story. Features of this Mod: A player home in Vivec, St. Delyn Canalworks. ( You can use this even as a female character ) A Romance Story between Vivec ( in some form ) and the Player Character. ONLY if the Player Character is Male. Sexual Scenes ( not animated, only written and described ). ONLY if the Player Character is Male. A small Cave in Molag Amur. You visit it in the course of the Mod's Questline. Be aware, that you won't actually be able romance Vivec in his god form. You still will be romancing Vivec though. Find out what exactly that means by playing the Mod yourself. Requirements: OAAB Data [ SPOILERS ] Submitter Nerevec Submitted 05/26/2022 Category Quests
  3. Version 1.0.2


    Grandfather Frost Description This mod restores Grandfather Frost, Bethesda's original vision for what became Uncle Sweetshare. This is done in a very seamless way. A new cell, "Solstheim, Grandfather Frost's Workshop," replaces Uncle Sweetshare's Workshop, with Grandfather Frost in place of Uncle Sweetshare. Grandfather Frost's elvish assistant, Cingor, has also been restored, in place of M'nashi. In addition, instances of the scroll "The Song of Uncle Sweetshare" have been replaced by the original "The Song of Grandfather Frost." The Red Colovian Fur Helm has been restored as well, now actually red in color (if you used the console to acquire it in vanilla, it was yellow like the regular Colovian Fur Helm). Dialogue entries have been updated as needed, along with journal entries for the quest "The Moon Sugar Mystery," which now has you track down Grandfather Frost and return his signature red helm. Grandfather Frost is a Breton (unlike Uncle Sweetshare who was a Nord), which is actually more consistent with vanilla dialogue - Jeleen says he saw a frail old man who was clearly no Nord. The voice greetings were somewhat of a problem, as there are no Breton voice files with appropriate dialogue, but this has been addressed seamlessly. Those of Uncle Sweetshare's voice lines that don't specifically mention Uncle Sweetshare have been assigned to Grandfather Frost, with the most appropriate of the old idle lines serving as his hello line. He does sound like a Nord, not a Breton, but I think this voice is more consistent with a jolly old man than the Breton voice anyway. He's also been assigned Nord voice lines for attack and hit voices and so on, so his voice will be consistent. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with almost everything. It modifies an exterior Solstheim cell, so there might be conflicts with anything that radically alters the Solstheim landscape, or moves it outright as in Anthology Solstheim or Tomb of the Snow Prince. (There is now a compatibility version for TOTSP created by RandomPal! If you use RandomPal's plugin don't forget you still need the mesh/texture/icon from my archive.) Uncle Sweetshare and his workshop are made inaccessible by this mod, so if any other mod changes either, those changes will not appear in-game. Also expect conflicts with any mod that affects the quest "The Moon Sugar Mystery." This mod edits Bereditte Jastal, the merchant at Thirsk, to swap out the Uncle Sweetshare scroll for the Grandfather Frost one. Any mod that edits him will conflict, though the conflict will be pretty minor, and an object merger like tes3merge should resolve it. Version History Version 1.0.2 - 2021-09-22 - Repackaged mod so the vanilla-based texture and icon are in the core sub-package, and the alternate ones are in optional sub-packages. Version 1.0.1 - 2020-06-17 - Added optional vanilla-based texture and icon for the Red Colovian Fur Helm, for those who prefer vanilla textures. Version 1.0 - 2020-06-01 - Initial release. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus or Moddinghall with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692.
  4. View File Grandfather Frost Grandfather Frost Description This mod restores Grandfather Frost, Bethesda's original vision for what became Uncle Sweetshare. This is done in a very seamless way. A new cell, "Solstheim, Grandfather Frost's Workshop," replaces Uncle Sweetshare's Workshop, with Grandfather Frost in place of Uncle Sweetshare. Grandfather Frost's elvish assistant, Cingor, has also been restored, in place of M'nashi. In addition, instances of the scroll "The Song of Uncle Sweetshare" have been replaced by the original "The Song of Grandfather Frost." The Red Colovian Fur Helm has been restored as well, now actually red in color (if you used the console to acquire it in vanilla, it was yellow like the regular Colovian Fur Helm). Dialogue entries have been updated as needed, along with journal entries for the quest "The Moon Sugar Mystery," which now has you track down Grandfather Frost and return his signature red helm. Grandfather Frost is a Breton (unlike Uncle Sweetshare who was a Nord), which is actually more consistent with vanilla dialogue - Jeleen says he saw a frail old man who was clearly no Nord. The voice greetings were somewhat of a problem, as there are no Breton voice files with appropriate dialogue, but this has been addressed seamlessly. Those of Uncle Sweetshare's voice lines that don't specifically mention Uncle Sweetshare have been assigned to Grandfather Frost, with the most appropriate of the old idle lines serving as his hello line. He does sound like a Nord, not a Breton, but I think this voice is more consistent with a jolly old man than the Breton voice anyway. He's also been assigned Nord voice lines for attack and hit voices and so on, so his voice will be consistent. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with almost everything. It modifies an exterior Solstheim cell, so there might be conflicts with anything that radically alters the Solstheim landscape, or moves it outright as in Anthology Solstheim or Tomb of the Snow Prince. (There is now a compatibility version for TOTSP created by RandomPal! If you use RandomPal's plugin don't forget you still need the mesh/texture/icon from my archive.) Uncle Sweetshare and his workshop are made inaccessible by this mod, so if any other mod changes either, those changes will not appear in-game. Also expect conflicts with any mod that affects the quest "The Moon Sugar Mystery." This mod edits Bereditte Jastal, the merchant at Thirsk, to swap out the Uncle Sweetshare scroll for the Grandfather Frost one. Any mod that edits him will conflict, though the conflict will be pretty minor, and an object merger like tes3merge should resolve it. Version History Version 1.0.2 - 2021-09-22 - Repackaged mod so the vanilla-based texture and icon are in the core sub-package, and the alternate ones are in optional sub-packages. Version 1.0.1 - 2020-06-17 - Added optional vanilla-based texture and icon for the Red Colovian Fur Helm, for those who prefer vanilla textures. Version 1.0 - 2020-06-01 - Initial release. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus or Moddinghall with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692. Submitter Necrolesian Submitted 11/05/2021 Category Quests  
  5. Version 1.2.1


    Early Transport to Mournhold Description This mod allows travel to Mournhold before the Dark Brotherhood attacks begin. In vanilla Morrowind, it's not possible to travel to Mournhold until you've been attacked by Dark Brotherhood assassins. In vanilla this doesn't matter much, since you can be attacked by the Brotherhood at level 1 fresh off the boat. But if you're using a mod that delays the DB attacks, like Expansion Delay, it's a different matter. Depending on the mod, you'll have to wait until you make significant progress in the main quest, or until you meet high level or reputation requirements, before you can even set foot in Mournhold. This mod changes that by introducing a new mechanism by which you can be referred to Asciene Rane in Ebonheart for transport to Mournhold. The point of introduction is a rumor available from most Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims or Shipmasters about a possible method of transport to Mournhold being available from Ebonheart. Any guard in Ebonheart will refer you to Apelles Matius, who will refer you to Asciene Rane. Rane has to like you to offer you early transport to Mournhold. In addition, a few minor supporting changes have been made: - Dandras Vules is now disabled until you've been told where the DB can be found, to prevent you from skipping the attacks and jumping into the Tribunal main quest. - Fedris Hler's greeting asking you to be of "service to our Lady" has been filtered not to appear until Vules is dead and you've found the DB contract. Again, this prevents you from skipping the attacks and just jumping into the main quest. (You can still skip the optional series of quests out of the Palace, but now you'll at least have to kill Vules.) - Dialogue related to the DB attacks (such as the guards in Mournhold telling you where the DB's hideout is located) has been filtered not to appear until you're actually on that quest. In other words, just because you can travel to Mournhold early doesn't mean you can start the Tribunal main quest early; for that, you'll have to wait until the attacks begin. - It's possible to be attacked by the DB in Mournhold, and to report the attack to a Royal Guard or High Ordinator. In this case, you will not be referred to Apelles Matius and can be told right away the location of the DB hideout, enabling Dandras Vules and unlocking progress in the Tribunal main quest. Details This section lists the changes made by this mod in greater detail. Script The script dandrasScript on Dandras Vules now disables Vules until you receive the journal entry TR_DBAttack 100 (telling you where the DB hideout is). Journal Entries Two new journal entries (stages 35 and 65) are added for the quest TR_DBAttack. Stage 35 is used when reporting the DB attacks to a guard in Mournhold (omitting the referral to Apelles Matius). Stage 65 is used when seeing Asciene Rane for transport to Mournhold to deal with the attacks, after she had already agreed to transport you there as part of the new quest. A new quest (necro_mh_transport) has been added with five stages for securing transport to Mournhold before the DB attacks begin. All journal entries for this quest mark the quest as finished, so that if the quest is interrupted by the DB attacks it won't end up stuck on your active quest list. Greetings Asciene Rane: New greeting asking if you're seeking transport to Mournhold again, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 50 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Fedris Hler: His existing greeting introducing the "Goblin Army" quest has been filtered for TR_DBHunt >= 110. Guards in Mournhold: Two new greetings created for reporting DB attacks to Mournhold guards (otherwise they'd refer you to Apelles Matius). Give journal TR_DBAttack 35. Topic "Asciene Rane" Apelles Matius: Existing entry (that gives journal TR_DBAttack 50) filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 40 (so it will only trigger if on the quest) and < 60 (so it won't trigger when the quest is done). New entry created, identical to the vanilla one, but it gives necro_mh_transport 30 instead. Filtered to necro_mh_transport >= 20 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Topic "Dark Brotherhood" Apelles Matius: Both "perhaps you've been attacked" lines now filtered for TR_DBAttack < 60. Guards in Mournhold: The entries that give TR_DBAttack 100 are now filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 30 (so you can't start this quest before you're attacked). Also "I don't know why" has been changed to "Are you sure", since if you gave your initial report to them, they do know why. The entries where they refuse to tell you anything (low disposition) also filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 30 (because otherwise they'd say it even at high disposition if you haven't been attacked). New entry created just asking why you want anything to do with those scum (same text as an unused vanilla dialogue entry). No requirements (so guards in Mournhold will say this if you haven't been attacked yet instead of pointing you to the sewers). Topic "latest rumors" Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters: Five new entries added, one for each class, pointing you to Ebonheart. Gives necro_mh_transport 10 and addtopic "transport to Mournhold". Filtered for necro_mh_transport < 10 (so you only see it once), TR_DBAttack < 10 (so you don't see it if you're on the DB quest), and disposition >= 30. Topic "The Mainland" Apelles Matius: Both entries now give TR_DBAttacks 40 (a previously unused journal entry) to make dialogue filtering easier, and addtopic "transport to Mournhold" and "Asciene Rane". Filtered to TR_DBAttack < 60. Topic "Transport to Mournhold" Apelles Matius: Existing snarky entry filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 40 (so he'll only give this line when you're on the DB attack quest) and < 60. New entry created referring you to Asciene Rane. Filtered for necro_mh_ transport >= 20 and < 50, and TR_DBAttack < 10. Gives addtopic "Asciene Rane". Asciene Rane: Existing initial lines filtered by TR_DBAttack >= 50 (so she'll only ask in this way if you're on the DB quest). New entry added acknowledging the DB threat and saying she'll continue to offer transport to Mournhold. Gives TR_DBAttack 65 and initiates transport. Filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 50 and necro_mh_transport >= 50 (for if you've already secured transport from her via the new quest). Two new entries. One refuses transport, gives necro_mh_transport 40, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 30 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Second one initiates transport, gives necro_mh_transport 50, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 30 and TR_DBAttack < 10, and disposition >= 70. New lines for asking if you're heading back to Mournhold, not mentioning anything about DB. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 50 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Ten new entries, five filtered for the player having blight disease and five filtered for corprus, refusing transport. Guards in Ebonheart: New line created, referring you to Apelles Matius. Gives necro_mh_transport 20. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 10 and < 30, TR_DBAttack < 10, and Not ID Apelles Matius. Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters: Five new lines added, one for each class, pointing you to Ebonheart. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 10 and < 50, and TR_DBAttack < 10. Version History Version 1.2.1 - 2021-09-14 - Fixed a bug where, if you went straight to Apelles Matius about transport to Mournhold without asking a regular guard first, he would refer you to himself. - Improved filtering for the new "transport to Mournhold" lines for Apelles Matius and Ebonheart guards, so they won't appear after they're no longer needed. - Cleaned plugin of unnecessarily edited dialogue entries. Version 1.2 - 2020-05-10 - The initial rumor that's required to get the ball rolling can now be heard from Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters in addition to Savants. Version 1.1 - 2020-05-08 - Asciene Rane will no longer transport you to Mournhold if you have a blight disease or corprus. Version 1.0 - 2020-05-08 - Initial release. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus or Moddinghall with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692.
  6. View File Early Transport to Mournhold Early Transport to Mournhold Description This mod allows travel to Mournhold before the Dark Brotherhood attacks begin. In vanilla Morrowind, it's not possible to travel to Mournhold until you've been attacked by Dark Brotherhood assassins. In vanilla this doesn't matter much, since you can be attacked by the Brotherhood at level 1 fresh off the boat. But if you're using a mod that delays the DB attacks, like Expansion Delay, it's a different matter. Depending on the mod, you'll have to wait until you make significant progress in the main quest, or until you meet high level or reputation requirements, before you can even set foot in Mournhold. This mod changes that by introducing a new mechanism by which you can be referred to Asciene Rane in Ebonheart for transport to Mournhold. The point of introduction is a rumor available from most Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims or Shipmasters about a possible method of transport to Mournhold being available from Ebonheart. Any guard in Ebonheart will refer you to Apelles Matius, who will refer you to Asciene Rane. Rane has to like you to offer you early transport to Mournhold. In addition, a few minor supporting changes have been made: - Dandras Vules is now disabled until you've been told where the DB can be found, to prevent you from skipping the attacks and jumping into the Tribunal main quest. - Fedris Hler's greeting asking you to be of "service to our Lady" has been filtered not to appear until Vules is dead and you've found the DB contract. Again, this prevents you from skipping the attacks and just jumping into the main quest. (You can still skip the optional series of quests out of the Palace, but now you'll at least have to kill Vules.) - Dialogue related to the DB attacks (such as the guards in Mournhold telling you where the DB's hideout is located) has been filtered not to appear until you're actually on that quest. In other words, just because you can travel to Mournhold early doesn't mean you can start the Tribunal main quest early; for that, you'll have to wait until the attacks begin. - It's possible to be attacked by the DB in Mournhold, and to report the attack to a Royal Guard or High Ordinator. In this case, you will not be referred to Apelles Matius and can be told right away the location of the DB hideout, enabling Dandras Vules and unlocking progress in the Tribunal main quest. Details This section lists the changes made by this mod in greater detail. Script The script dandrasScript on Dandras Vules now disables Vules until you receive the journal entry TR_DBAttack 100 (telling you where the DB hideout is). Journal Entries Two new journal entries (stages 35 and 65) are added for the quest TR_DBAttack. Stage 35 is used when reporting the DB attacks to a guard in Mournhold (omitting the referral to Apelles Matius). Stage 65 is used when seeing Asciene Rane for transport to Mournhold to deal with the attacks, after she had already agreed to transport you there as part of the new quest. A new quest (necro_mh_transport) has been added with five stages for securing transport to Mournhold before the DB attacks begin. All journal entries for this quest mark the quest as finished, so that if the quest is interrupted by the DB attacks it won't end up stuck on your active quest list. Greetings Asciene Rane: New greeting asking if you're seeking transport to Mournhold again, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 50 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Fedris Hler: His existing greeting introducing the "Goblin Army" quest has been filtered for TR_DBHunt >= 110. Guards in Mournhold: Two new greetings created for reporting DB attacks to Mournhold guards (otherwise they'd refer you to Apelles Matius). Give journal TR_DBAttack 35. Topic "Asciene Rane" Apelles Matius: Existing entry (that gives journal TR_DBAttack 50) filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 40 (so it will only trigger if on the quest) and < 60 (so it won't trigger when the quest is done). New entry created, identical to the vanilla one, but it gives necro_mh_transport 30 instead. Filtered to necro_mh_transport >= 20 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Topic "Dark Brotherhood" Apelles Matius: Both "perhaps you've been attacked" lines now filtered for TR_DBAttack < 60. Guards in Mournhold: The entries that give TR_DBAttack 100 are now filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 30 (so you can't start this quest before you're attacked). Also "I don't know why" has been changed to "Are you sure", since if you gave your initial report to them, they do know why. The entries where they refuse to tell you anything (low disposition) also filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 30 (because otherwise they'd say it even at high disposition if you haven't been attacked). New entry created just asking why you want anything to do with those scum (same text as an unused vanilla dialogue entry). No requirements (so guards in Mournhold will say this if you haven't been attacked yet instead of pointing you to the sewers). Topic "latest rumors" Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters: Five new entries added, one for each class, pointing you to Ebonheart. Gives necro_mh_transport 10 and addtopic "transport to Mournhold". Filtered for necro_mh_transport < 10 (so you only see it once), TR_DBAttack < 10 (so you don't see it if you're on the DB quest), and disposition >= 30. Topic "The Mainland" Apelles Matius: Both entries now give TR_DBAttacks 40 (a previously unused journal entry) to make dialogue filtering easier, and addtopic "transport to Mournhold" and "Asciene Rane". Filtered to TR_DBAttack < 60. Topic "Transport to Mournhold" Apelles Matius: Existing snarky entry filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 40 (so he'll only give this line when you're on the DB attack quest) and < 60. New entry created referring you to Asciene Rane. Filtered for necro_mh_ transport >= 20 and < 50, and TR_DBAttack < 10. Gives addtopic "Asciene Rane". Asciene Rane: Existing initial lines filtered by TR_DBAttack >= 50 (so she'll only ask in this way if you're on the DB quest). New entry added acknowledging the DB threat and saying she'll continue to offer transport to Mournhold. Gives TR_DBAttack 65 and initiates transport. Filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 50 and necro_mh_transport >= 50 (for if you've already secured transport from her via the new quest). Two new entries. One refuses transport, gives necro_mh_transport 40, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 30 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Second one initiates transport, gives necro_mh_transport 50, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 30 and TR_DBAttack < 10, and disposition >= 70. New lines for asking if you're heading back to Mournhold, not mentioning anything about DB. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 50 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Ten new entries, five filtered for the player having blight disease and five filtered for corprus, refusing transport. Guards in Ebonheart: New line created, referring you to Apelles Matius. Gives necro_mh_transport 20. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 10 and < 30, TR_DBAttack < 10, and Not ID Apelles Matius. Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters: Five new lines added, one for each class, pointing you to Ebonheart. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 10 and < 50, and TR_DBAttack < 10. Version History Version 1.2.1 - 2021-09-14 - Fixed a bug where, if you went straight to Apelles Matius about transport to Mournhold without asking a regular guard first, he would refer you to himself. - Improved filtering for the new "transport to Mournhold" lines for Apelles Matius and Ebonheart guards, so they won't appear after they're no longer needed. - Cleaned plugin of unnecessarily edited dialogue entries. Version 1.2 - 2020-05-10 - The initial rumor that's required to get the ball rolling can now be heard from Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters in addition to Savants. Version 1.1 - 2020-05-08 - Asciene Rane will no longer transport you to Mournhold if you have a blight disease or corprus. Version 1.0 - 2020-05-08 - Initial release. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus or Moddinghall with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692. Submitter Necrolesian Submitted 11/05/2021 Category Miscellaneous  
  7. Version 1.2


    "Do not speak of it. Do not go there. Only the legions of the dead guard the walls now." This is a mod that overhauls the Siege at Firemoth official plugin and makes it a legion-exclusive quest. I thought it was strange that the siege was considered a great disgrace to the legion and a matter of honour, but Sellus Gravius would sent the player on a mission with a bunch of hired mercenaries to liberate the fort. This mod changes many aspects of the original plugin, including The quest is now Legion exclusive: the player must be a Knight Bachelor of the Legion to accept this quest. The mercenaries are now proper legionnaires, no more of the Legion hiring rando mercs to do their dirty work. The lich boss Grurm is significantly easier, though will still be a tough fight. The fort interrior has been optimised and made more logic-friendly; no more hidden doors in illogical places or huge empty halls filled with nothing but enemies. The fort and mine are now repopulated by the Legion after your successful liberation. No longer will the fort sit abandoned after you clear it out. Several new areas have been added to the fort, including a bunkhouse where miners live in between shifts, and a new Census and Excise warehouse where contraband goods are kept in Legion custody and a clerk keeps tabs on them. The Ward of Akavir is no longer removed from the game when you complete the quest, and will be availible to borrow when the player challenges Varus Vantinius for the position of the Knight of the Imperial Dragon, and can subsequently borrowed and returned once the player gets the position. Check with the fort priest in the barracks if you want to use the shield. A player home in the upper chambers upon the fort's successful liberation. This includes several services, including a trader, trainer and bartender. Some things I want to update later on include New mesh for the Ward of Akavir and maybe unique enemies Some commander duties for the player to do post liberation, or some other quests/events. Unique rewards based on choices and surviving legionnaires. This mod will also be part of my legion expansion mod coming out soon.  This mod is built on the original plugin, meaning you only need to download this mod. This means it's incompatible with the original mod, and any other Firemoth mod for that matter. This also includes the Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched mod, which has a patched version of Firemoth (Though Legion at the Siege of Firemoth also includes most of the same fixes anyway). A possible workaround would be to delete the Firemoth references from UMOPP, but I might try look into a patch for it. This mod should be compatible with Tamriel Rebuilt. If you want to follow development the mod, report any bugs or contribute to the my Legion expansion project, you can join my discord here.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    "The Master Index is what I hope to make out of all my research. It combines the combined magical patterns and enchantments into one, making a universal index for all of the propylons on Vvardenfel. Of course, to make it I'd need to copy the enchantment from the other indexes first, which is where you'd help in my project." This mod intends to revise certain aspects of the Master Index official plugin and make it more streamlined and sensible. This mod changes several aspects of the Master Index quest and plugin, including Changes to dialogue and quest entries. I felt some where rather wooden and made Folms Mirel a robotic and ungrateful sounding individual. Some dialogue added to Folms and other NPCs to add some depth and backround to the quest. The functionality of the Master Index has changed, with it needing the use of a Propylon in the Caldera Mages Guildhall instead of talking to Folms for transport to strongholds, making it useful for players taking the Silent Pilgrimage. Some quest aspects have changed, including the aquisition of certain Propylon indices. Some alterations to the Caldera Mages Guildhall, including a basement workshop for Folms and his custom Propylon. Some things I want to update later include Updating the basement workshop and maybe some new meshes to tidy up the Propylon on display there. Adding some more quest enhancers to improve the overall quality of the quest. An oppurtunity for Folms to show off his work to the guild and replace the guild guides with some successfully replicated Propylons. Some documents and notes to add some more backround to Folm's research, maybe with some illustrations and schematics.  This mod is built on the original plugin, meaning you only need to download this mod. This means it's incompatible with the original mod, and any other Master Index mod for that matter. It may also conflict with any mods that edit the interrior of the Mages Guildhall or Irgola's pawnshop in Caldera. This mod has been tested and works with Caldera Mage's Guild Expanded. There is a compatibility patch availible for Caldera Mage's Quarters, which should be loaded after Caldera Mage's Quarters.  Some recommended mods: Improved Propylon Particles by starwarsgal9875: Adds nicer, more FPS-friendly particles which fill the entire propylon chamber. Propylon Pillar Retexture by Alaisiagae: Adds glowmaps to the propylon pillar text, adding some nice visual variety.  
  9. View File Master Index Redux "The Master Index is what I hope to make out of all my research. It combines the combined magical patterns and enchantments into one, making a universal index for all of the propylons on Vvardenfel. Of course, to make it I'd need to copy the enchantment from the other indexes first, which is where you'd help in my project." This mod intends to revise certain aspects of the Master Index official plugin and make it more streamlined and sensible. This mod changes several aspects of the Master Index quest and plugin, including Changes to dialogue and quest entries. I felt some where rather wooden and made Folms Mirel a robotic and ungrateful sounding individual. Some dialogue added to Folms and other NPCs to add some depth and backround to the quest. The functionality of the Master Index has changed, with it needing the use of a Propylon in the Caldera Mages Guildhall instead of talking to Folms for transport to strongholds, making it useful for players taking the Silent Pilgrimage. Some quest aspects have changed, including the aquisition of certain Propylon indices. Some alterations to the Caldera Mages Guildhall, including a basement workshop for Folms and his custom Propylon. Some things I want to update later include Updating the basement workshop and maybe some new meshes to tidy up the Propylon on display there. Adding some more quest enhancers to improve the overall quality of the quest. An oppurtunity for Folms to show off his work to the guild and replace the guild guides with some successfully replicated Propylons. Some documents and notes to add some more backround to Folm's research, maybe with some illustrations and schematics.  This mod is built on the original plugin, meaning you only need to download this mod. This means it's incompatible with the original mod, and any other Master Index mod for that matter. It may also conflict with any mods that edit the interrior of the Mages Guildhall or Irgola's pawnshop in Caldera. This mod has been tested and works with Caldera Mage's Guild Expanded. There is a compatibility patch availible for Caldera Mage's Quarters, which should be loaded after Caldera Mage's Quarters.  Some recommended mods: Improved Propylon Particles by starwarsgal9875: Adds nicer, more FPS-friendly particles which fill the entire propylon chamber. Propylon Pillar Retexture by Alaisiagae: Adds glowmaps to the propylon pillar text, adding some nice visual variety.   Submitter EndoranWest Submitted 02/01/2021 Category Overhauls & Expansions  
  10. View File Legion at Firemoth "Do not speak of it. Do not go there. Only the legions of the dead guard the walls now." This is a mod that overhauls the Siege at Firemoth official plugin and makes it a legion-exclusive quest. I thought it was strange that the siege was considered a great disgrace to the legion and a matter of honour, but Sellus Gravius would sent the player on a mission with a bunch of hired mercenaries to liberate the fort. This mod changes many aspects of the original plugin, including The quest is now Legion exclusive: the player must be a Knight Bachelor of the Legion to accept this quest. The mercenaries are now proper legionnaires. The lich boss Grurm is significantly easier, though will still be a tough fight. The fort interrior has been optimised and made more lore-friendly; no more hidden doors in illogical places or huge spacious halls filled with enemies. The fort is now repopulated by the Legion after your successful liberation. The Ward of Akavir is no longer removed from the game when you complete the quest, and will be availible to borrow when the player challenges Varus Vantinius for the position of the Knight of the Imperial Dragon, and can subsequently borrowed and returned once the player gets the position. Check with the fort priest in the barracks if you want to use the shield. A player home and fort post liberation. Some things I want to update later on include New mesh for the Ward of Akavir and maybe unique enemies Some commander duties for the player to do post liberation, or some other quests/events. Some additions to the player's quarters in the fort. Unique rewards based on choices and surviving legionnaires. Add vanilla wood and rope textures to Momo's cranes. This mod will also be part of my legion expansion mod coming out soon. To check on progress, I post my WIPs on my discord server.  This mod is built on the original plugin, meaning you only need to download this mod. This means it's incompatible with the original mod, and any other Firemoth mod for that matter. This also includes the Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched mod, which has a patched version of Firemoth (Though Legion at the Siege of Firemoth also includes most of the same fixes anyway). A possible workaround would be to delete the Firemoth references from UMOPP, but I might try look into a patch for it. This mod should be compatible with Tamriel Rebuilt. Submitter EndoranWest Submitted 01/13/2021 Category Overhauls & Expansions  
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