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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.2.1


    Early Transport to Mournhold Description This mod allows travel to Mournhold before the Dark Brotherhood attacks begin. In vanilla Morrowind, it's not possible to travel to Mournhold until you've been attacked by Dark Brotherhood assassins. In vanilla this doesn't matter much, since you can be attacked by the Brotherhood at level 1 fresh off the boat. But if you're using a mod that delays the DB attacks, like Expansion Delay, it's a different matter. Depending on the mod, you'll have to wait until you make significant progress in the main quest, or until you meet high level or reputation requirements, before you can even set foot in Mournhold. This mod changes that by introducing a new mechanism by which you can be referred to Asciene Rane in Ebonheart for transport to Mournhold. The point of introduction is a rumor available from most Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims or Shipmasters about a possible method of transport to Mournhold being available from Ebonheart. Any guard in Ebonheart will refer you to Apelles Matius, who will refer you to Asciene Rane. Rane has to like you to offer you early transport to Mournhold. In addition, a few minor supporting changes have been made: - Dandras Vules is now disabled until you've been told where the DB can be found, to prevent you from skipping the attacks and jumping into the Tribunal main quest. - Fedris Hler's greeting asking you to be of "service to our Lady" has been filtered not to appear until Vules is dead and you've found the DB contract. Again, this prevents you from skipping the attacks and just jumping into the main quest. (You can still skip the optional series of quests out of the Palace, but now you'll at least have to kill Vules.) - Dialogue related to the DB attacks (such as the guards in Mournhold telling you where the DB's hideout is located) has been filtered not to appear until you're actually on that quest. In other words, just because you can travel to Mournhold early doesn't mean you can start the Tribunal main quest early; for that, you'll have to wait until the attacks begin. - It's possible to be attacked by the DB in Mournhold, and to report the attack to a Royal Guard or High Ordinator. In this case, you will not be referred to Apelles Matius and can be told right away the location of the DB hideout, enabling Dandras Vules and unlocking progress in the Tribunal main quest. Details This section lists the changes made by this mod in greater detail. Script The script dandrasScript on Dandras Vules now disables Vules until you receive the journal entry TR_DBAttack 100 (telling you where the DB hideout is). Journal Entries Two new journal entries (stages 35 and 65) are added for the quest TR_DBAttack. Stage 35 is used when reporting the DB attacks to a guard in Mournhold (omitting the referral to Apelles Matius). Stage 65 is used when seeing Asciene Rane for transport to Mournhold to deal with the attacks, after she had already agreed to transport you there as part of the new quest. A new quest (necro_mh_transport) has been added with five stages for securing transport to Mournhold before the DB attacks begin. All journal entries for this quest mark the quest as finished, so that if the quest is interrupted by the DB attacks it won't end up stuck on your active quest list. Greetings Asciene Rane: New greeting asking if you're seeking transport to Mournhold again, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 50 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Fedris Hler: His existing greeting introducing the "Goblin Army" quest has been filtered for TR_DBHunt >= 110. Guards in Mournhold: Two new greetings created for reporting DB attacks to Mournhold guards (otherwise they'd refer you to Apelles Matius). Give journal TR_DBAttack 35. Topic "Asciene Rane" Apelles Matius: Existing entry (that gives journal TR_DBAttack 50) filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 40 (so it will only trigger if on the quest) and < 60 (so it won't trigger when the quest is done). New entry created, identical to the vanilla one, but it gives necro_mh_transport 30 instead. Filtered to necro_mh_transport >= 20 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Topic "Dark Brotherhood" Apelles Matius: Both "perhaps you've been attacked" lines now filtered for TR_DBAttack < 60. Guards in Mournhold: The entries that give TR_DBAttack 100 are now filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 30 (so you can't start this quest before you're attacked). Also "I don't know why" has been changed to "Are you sure", since if you gave your initial report to them, they do know why. The entries where they refuse to tell you anything (low disposition) also filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 30 (because otherwise they'd say it even at high disposition if you haven't been attacked). New entry created just asking why you want anything to do with those scum (same text as an unused vanilla dialogue entry). No requirements (so guards in Mournhold will say this if you haven't been attacked yet instead of pointing you to the sewers). Topic "latest rumors" Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters: Five new entries added, one for each class, pointing you to Ebonheart. Gives necro_mh_transport 10 and addtopic "transport to Mournhold". Filtered for necro_mh_transport < 10 (so you only see it once), TR_DBAttack < 10 (so you don't see it if you're on the DB quest), and disposition >= 30. Topic "The Mainland" Apelles Matius: Both entries now give TR_DBAttacks 40 (a previously unused journal entry) to make dialogue filtering easier, and addtopic "transport to Mournhold" and "Asciene Rane". Filtered to TR_DBAttack < 60. Topic "Transport to Mournhold" Apelles Matius: Existing snarky entry filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 40 (so he'll only give this line when you're on the DB attack quest) and < 60. New entry created referring you to Asciene Rane. Filtered for necro_mh_ transport >= 20 and < 50, and TR_DBAttack < 10. Gives addtopic "Asciene Rane". Asciene Rane: Existing initial lines filtered by TR_DBAttack >= 50 (so she'll only ask in this way if you're on the DB quest). New entry added acknowledging the DB threat and saying she'll continue to offer transport to Mournhold. Gives TR_DBAttack 65 and initiates transport. Filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 50 and necro_mh_transport >= 50 (for if you've already secured transport from her via the new quest). Two new entries. One refuses transport, gives necro_mh_transport 40, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 30 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Second one initiates transport, gives necro_mh_transport 50, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 30 and TR_DBAttack < 10, and disposition >= 70. New lines for asking if you're heading back to Mournhold, not mentioning anything about DB. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 50 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Ten new entries, five filtered for the player having blight disease and five filtered for corprus, refusing transport. Guards in Ebonheart: New line created, referring you to Apelles Matius. Gives necro_mh_transport 20. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 10 and < 30, TR_DBAttack < 10, and Not ID Apelles Matius. Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters: Five new lines added, one for each class, pointing you to Ebonheart. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 10 and < 50, and TR_DBAttack < 10. Version History Version 1.2.1 - 2021-09-14 - Fixed a bug where, if you went straight to Apelles Matius about transport to Mournhold without asking a regular guard first, he would refer you to himself. - Improved filtering for the new "transport to Mournhold" lines for Apelles Matius and Ebonheart guards, so they won't appear after they're no longer needed. - Cleaned plugin of unnecessarily edited dialogue entries. Version 1.2 - 2020-05-10 - The initial rumor that's required to get the ball rolling can now be heard from Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters in addition to Savants. Version 1.1 - 2020-05-08 - Asciene Rane will no longer transport you to Mournhold if you have a blight disease or corprus. Version 1.0 - 2020-05-08 - Initial release. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus or Moddinghall with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692.
  2. View File Early Transport to Mournhold Early Transport to Mournhold Description This mod allows travel to Mournhold before the Dark Brotherhood attacks begin. In vanilla Morrowind, it's not possible to travel to Mournhold until you've been attacked by Dark Brotherhood assassins. In vanilla this doesn't matter much, since you can be attacked by the Brotherhood at level 1 fresh off the boat. But if you're using a mod that delays the DB attacks, like Expansion Delay, it's a different matter. Depending on the mod, you'll have to wait until you make significant progress in the main quest, or until you meet high level or reputation requirements, before you can even set foot in Mournhold. This mod changes that by introducing a new mechanism by which you can be referred to Asciene Rane in Ebonheart for transport to Mournhold. The point of introduction is a rumor available from most Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims or Shipmasters about a possible method of transport to Mournhold being available from Ebonheart. Any guard in Ebonheart will refer you to Apelles Matius, who will refer you to Asciene Rane. Rane has to like you to offer you early transport to Mournhold. In addition, a few minor supporting changes have been made: - Dandras Vules is now disabled until you've been told where the DB can be found, to prevent you from skipping the attacks and jumping into the Tribunal main quest. - Fedris Hler's greeting asking you to be of "service to our Lady" has been filtered not to appear until Vules is dead and you've found the DB contract. Again, this prevents you from skipping the attacks and just jumping into the main quest. (You can still skip the optional series of quests out of the Palace, but now you'll at least have to kill Vules.) - Dialogue related to the DB attacks (such as the guards in Mournhold telling you where the DB's hideout is located) has been filtered not to appear until you're actually on that quest. In other words, just because you can travel to Mournhold early doesn't mean you can start the Tribunal main quest early; for that, you'll have to wait until the attacks begin. - It's possible to be attacked by the DB in Mournhold, and to report the attack to a Royal Guard or High Ordinator. In this case, you will not be referred to Apelles Matius and can be told right away the location of the DB hideout, enabling Dandras Vules and unlocking progress in the Tribunal main quest. Details This section lists the changes made by this mod in greater detail. Script The script dandrasScript on Dandras Vules now disables Vules until you receive the journal entry TR_DBAttack 100 (telling you where the DB hideout is). Journal Entries Two new journal entries (stages 35 and 65) are added for the quest TR_DBAttack. Stage 35 is used when reporting the DB attacks to a guard in Mournhold (omitting the referral to Apelles Matius). Stage 65 is used when seeing Asciene Rane for transport to Mournhold to deal with the attacks, after she had already agreed to transport you there as part of the new quest. A new quest (necro_mh_transport) has been added with five stages for securing transport to Mournhold before the DB attacks begin. All journal entries for this quest mark the quest as finished, so that if the quest is interrupted by the DB attacks it won't end up stuck on your active quest list. Greetings Asciene Rane: New greeting asking if you're seeking transport to Mournhold again, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 50 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Fedris Hler: His existing greeting introducing the "Goblin Army" quest has been filtered for TR_DBHunt >= 110. Guards in Mournhold: Two new greetings created for reporting DB attacks to Mournhold guards (otherwise they'd refer you to Apelles Matius). Give journal TR_DBAttack 35. Topic "Asciene Rane" Apelles Matius: Existing entry (that gives journal TR_DBAttack 50) filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 40 (so it will only trigger if on the quest) and < 60 (so it won't trigger when the quest is done). New entry created, identical to the vanilla one, but it gives necro_mh_transport 30 instead. Filtered to necro_mh_transport >= 20 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Topic "Dark Brotherhood" Apelles Matius: Both "perhaps you've been attacked" lines now filtered for TR_DBAttack < 60. Guards in Mournhold: The entries that give TR_DBAttack 100 are now filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 30 (so you can't start this quest before you're attacked). Also "I don't know why" has been changed to "Are you sure", since if you gave your initial report to them, they do know why. The entries where they refuse to tell you anything (low disposition) also filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 30 (because otherwise they'd say it even at high disposition if you haven't been attacked). New entry created just asking why you want anything to do with those scum (same text as an unused vanilla dialogue entry). No requirements (so guards in Mournhold will say this if you haven't been attacked yet instead of pointing you to the sewers). Topic "latest rumors" Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters: Five new entries added, one for each class, pointing you to Ebonheart. Gives necro_mh_transport 10 and addtopic "transport to Mournhold". Filtered for necro_mh_transport < 10 (so you only see it once), TR_DBAttack < 10 (so you don't see it if you're on the DB quest), and disposition >= 30. Topic "The Mainland" Apelles Matius: Both entries now give TR_DBAttacks 40 (a previously unused journal entry) to make dialogue filtering easier, and addtopic "transport to Mournhold" and "Asciene Rane". Filtered to TR_DBAttack < 60. Topic "Transport to Mournhold" Apelles Matius: Existing snarky entry filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 40 (so he'll only give this line when you're on the DB attack quest) and < 60. New entry created referring you to Asciene Rane. Filtered for necro_mh_ transport >= 20 and < 50, and TR_DBAttack < 10. Gives addtopic "Asciene Rane". Asciene Rane: Existing initial lines filtered by TR_DBAttack >= 50 (so she'll only ask in this way if you're on the DB quest). New entry added acknowledging the DB threat and saying she'll continue to offer transport to Mournhold. Gives TR_DBAttack 65 and initiates transport. Filtered for TR_DBAttack >= 50 and necro_mh_transport >= 50 (for if you've already secured transport from her via the new quest). Two new entries. One refuses transport, gives necro_mh_transport 40, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 30 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Second one initiates transport, gives necro_mh_transport 50, filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 30 and TR_DBAttack < 10, and disposition >= 70. New lines for asking if you're heading back to Mournhold, not mentioning anything about DB. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 50 and TR_DBAttack < 10. Ten new entries, five filtered for the player having blight disease and five filtered for corprus, refusing transport. Guards in Ebonheart: New line created, referring you to Apelles Matius. Gives necro_mh_transport 20. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 10 and < 30, TR_DBAttack < 10, and Not ID Apelles Matius. Savants, Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters: Five new lines added, one for each class, pointing you to Ebonheart. Filtered for necro_mh_transport >= 10 and < 50, and TR_DBAttack < 10. Version History Version 1.2.1 - 2021-09-14 - Fixed a bug where, if you went straight to Apelles Matius about transport to Mournhold without asking a regular guard first, he would refer you to himself. - Improved filtering for the new "transport to Mournhold" lines for Apelles Matius and Ebonheart guards, so they won't appear after they're no longer needed. - Cleaned plugin of unnecessarily edited dialogue entries. Version 1.2 - 2020-05-10 - The initial rumor that's required to get the ball rolling can now be heard from Rogues, Bards, Pilgrims and Shipmasters in addition to Savants. Version 1.1 - 2020-05-08 - Asciene Rane will no longer transport you to Mournhold if you have a blight disease or corprus. Version 1.0 - 2020-05-08 - Initial release. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus or Moddinghall with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692. Submitter Necrolesian Submitted 11/05/2021 Category Miscellaneous  
  3. Version 1.1.2


    Expansions Integrated Summary This mod integrates (much of) the content of the Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansions within the rest of the game world. Many items and creatures from the expansions, which could previously be found only in Mournhold or Solstheim, can now be found throughout Vvardenfell. Dragon32's Expansion Integration does something very similar, and partly inspired this mod. This mod makes a number of different decisions than Dragon32's mod does in terms of which items/creatures to integrate and how to do so. Use whichever one you like best (though obviously not both). Much of the item placement in this mod (and all of the creature placement) is done via leveled lists, though a number of items are handplaced. This mod incorporates Adamantium Armor Integrated, which handplaces one instance of each Adamantium armor piece in Vvardenfell, so there's no need to use that mod along with this one. The following items and creatures are integrated in one way or another by this mod: - Tribunal armor: Adamantium, Dark Brotherhood - Tribunal weapons: Adamantium (including Adamantium Jinkblade of Wounds), Ebony Scimitar (unenchanted) - Tribunal clothing: Common Pants, Shirt and Shoes - Tribunal ingredients: All except Adamantium Ore - Tribunal creatures: Durzog (four types), Centurion Archer (two types), Advanced Steam Centurion, Greater Ancestor Ghost, Lich - Bloodmoon armor: Wolf, Bear, Nordic Mail - Bloodmoon weapons: Huntsman, Nordic Silver, Berserker (enchanted), Blood Axe, Winterwound Dagger - Bloodmoon clothing: Common Pants, Robe, Shirt and Shoes - Bloodmoon ingredients: All except Raw Stalhrim, Snow Bear and Snow Wolf Pelt, and Wolfsbane Petals - Bloodmoon drink: Nord Mead - Bloodmoon creatures: Grizzly Bear, Plague Bear, Tusked Bristleback, Wolf (two types), Plague Wolf, Dire Frost Atronach, Bonewolf, Skeleton Berserker (two types), Greater Skeleton Champion A couple of the expansions' creatures have been added at levels lower than when they can be found in the expansion. For example, War Durzogs can be encountered at level 20 in Vvardenfell. Users of Tribunal Rebalance and Bloodmoon Rebalance will have an easier time of this. Included is an optional Tribunal-only version, for those who don't like the addition of the Bloodmoon items/creatures. Note that the Tribunal-only version also omits the fix to the Greater Skeleton Champion and the change to the Blood Axe enchantment described below. Also included is a "Fewer BM Creatures" version, which is basically the full version of the mod with the following creatures omitted: Grizzly Bear, Plague Bear, Tusked Bristleback, Wolf (both types), Plague Wolf. The Details section below lists most of the specific changes made by this mod. See also the "spoilers" document in the archive for a list of locations of certain items (Adamantium armor and weapons) that have been placed by hand. Details This section will detail the changes made by this mod - exactly which items and creatures are placed and how. This section contains some spoilers, though the exact locations of Adamantium armor and weapon pieces are omitted (see the spoilers document for those). Tribunal Armor - Adamantium Armor: Each piece is handplaced in exactly one spot on Vvardenfell. See the spoilers document in the archive if you want to know exactly where. (The locations are the same as in Adamantium Armor Integrated, so there's no need to use that mod with this one.) - Dark Brotherhood Armor: Has been given to a number of Dark Brotherhood members (or likely members) on Vvardenfell, specifically: Severa Magia and Nidara Herandus in Ald Sotha, and Durus Marius and Sovisa Adas in Assernerairan. Herandus and Adas have all pieces, while Magia and Marius lack the helm. Tribunal Weapons - Adamantium Weapons: Each weapon has been handplaced in exactly one spot on Vvardenfell. This includes the Axe, Claymore, Mace, Shortsword, Spear, and the Adamantium Jinkblade of Wounds. The spoilers document in the archive lists their locations. - Ebony Scimitar: The unenchanted version has been added to the following leveled lists: random ebony weapon random excellent melee weapon (15) random_golden_saint_weapon (The number in parentheses is the level the item has been added at. Here and elsewhere in this document, where a level is not specified, the item has been added at level 1.) It's also been handplaced in one location on Vvardenfell: Ghostgate: Tower of Dusk Lower Level. The enchanted version (Ebony Scimitar_her) has not been added anywhere. Tribunal Clothing Tribunal adds two new each of Common Pants, Common Shirt and Common Shoes (the IDs for each end in 06 and 07). These items have been added to the leveled lists random_de_pants, random_de_shirt and random_de_shoes_common respectively. Tribunal's Common Skirts are not added, nor are the expensive clothing items (due to a lack of appropriate leveled lists to add them to). Tribunal Ingredients All new ingredients except Adamantium Ore (including Durzog Meat, Golden Sedge Flowers, Horn Lily Bulb, Lloramor Spines, Meadow Rye, Nirthfly Stalks, Noble Sedge Flowers, Scrib Cabbage, Sweetpulp and Timsa-Come-By Flowers) have been added to the leveled lists random_ingredient and random_ingredient_diff. Scrib Cabbage has also been added to random_de_cheapfood_01_nc, random_de_cheapfood_01_ne and random_food. Adamantium Ore has not been added anywhere; it's still exclusive to Mournhold. Tribunal Creatures - Durzog: Four types of Durzogs are placed by this mod: durzog_wild_weaker, durzog_wild, durzog_diseased and durzog_war. They've been added to the following leveled lists, at levels 5, 10, 12 and 20 respectively: ex_azurascoast_lev+0 ex_azurascoast_lev+2 ex_azurascoast_lev-1 ex_azurascoast_sleep ex_bittercoast_lev+0 ex_bittercoast_lev+2 ex_bittercoast_lev-1 ex_bittercoast_sleep ex_grazelands_lev+0 ex_grazelands_lev+2 ex_grazelands_lev-1 ex_grazelands_sleep ex_molagmar_lev+0 ex_molagmar_lev+2 ex_molagmar_lev-1 ex_molagmar_sleep ex_westgash_lev+0 ex_westgash_lev+2 ex_westgash_lev-1 ex_westgash_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep in_cave_all_lev+0 in_cave_all_lev+2 in_cave_all_lev-1 (Note that, here and elsewhere, levels have been adjusted as appropriate for the lev+x and lev-x lists.) The special type durzog_war_trained is not included. - Centurion Archer, Advanced Steam Centurion: There are two types of Centurion Archer that have been integrated: centurion_projectile and centurion_projectile_C (the latter is more dangerous because of its enchanted shock bolts). Only the "regular" type of Advanced Steam Centurion is included. They've been added to the following leveled lists, at levels 10, 12 and 20 respectively: in_dwe_all_lev+0 in_dwe_all_lev+2 in_dwe_all_lev-2 in_dwe_cent_lev+0 in_dwe_cent_lev+2 in_dwe_cent_lev-2 - Greater Ancestor Ghost: Has been added to the following leveled lists, at level 15: in_tomb_all_lev+0 in_tomb_all_lev+2 in_tomb_all_lev-2 - Lich: Has been added to the following lists, at level 20: in_tomb_all_lev+0 in_tomb_all_lev+2 in_tomb_all_lev-2 in_tomb_skele_lev+0 in_tomb_skele_lev+2 in_tomb_skele_lev-2 In addition, the "Calculate from all levels <= PC's level" flag has been set for the above leveled lists, and for the three in_tomb_bone lists. They were (almost) the only leveled creature lists in the vanilla game without that flag set. Now there will be much more diversity in tomb undead, rather than always seeing the same creature all the time. Bloodmoon Armor - Wolf Armor: Each piece has been added to the appropriate l_n_armor lists (for boots, cuirass, gauntlets, greaves, helmet, pauldrons and shields) at level 3. In addition, a new leveled list has been created (necro_random_armor_wolf) with all pieces, and this new list has been added to random_smuggler_1-5 and random_bandit_1-5. The enchanted Snow Wolf Armor is not added anywhere. - Bear Armor: Like with Wolf Armor, each piece has been added to the appropriate l_n_armor list at level 3. A new list (necro_random_armor_bear) has been created with all pieces and added to random_smuggler_6-10 and random_bandit_11+. The enchanted Snow Bear Armor is not included. - Nordic Mail Armor: Each piece has been added to the appropriate l_n_armor list at level 20. Bloodmoon Weapons - Huntsman Axe: Has been added to l_n_wpn_melee_axe (6) and random_weapon_melee_basic. - Huntsman War Axe: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_axe (17). - Huntsman Longsword: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_long blade (5) and random_weapon_melee_basic. - Huntsman Spear: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_spear (5) and random_weapon_melee_basic. - Huntsman Crossbow: Added to l_n_wpn_missile_xbow (10) and random_weapon_melee_basic. (It's not a melee weapon, but the Steel Crossbow is already on the latter list in vanilla.) - Huntsman Bolt: Added to l_n_wpn_missile_bolt (7). - Nordic Silver Axe, Battleaxe: Added to the following leveled lists: l_n_wpn_melee_axe (18, 20) random excellent melee weapon (14, 15) random_nordic_weapons (13, 15) - Nordic Silver Mace: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_blunt (15) and random excellent melee weapon (10). - Nordic Silver Longsword: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_long blade (12) and random excellent melee weapon (12). - Nordic Silver Claymore: Added to the following lists: l_n_wpn_melee_long blade (17) random excellent melee weapon (15) random_nordic_weapons (14) - Nordic Silver Dagger, Shortsword: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_short blade (12, 13) and random excellent melee weapon (7, 8). - Berserker Silver Axe, Battleaxe: These enchanted weapons have been added to l_m_wpn_melee_axe (15, 18). - Berserker Silver Longsword, Claymore: Added to l_m_wpn_melee_long blade (9, 20). - Blood Axe: This one is unique in that the weapon's enchantment has also been edited. In vanilla, this weapon's enchantment includes Damage Strength 4 points for 30 seconds, for 120 points total Damage Strength. This is insane. The enchantment "bm bloodaxe" has been changed from Damage Strength to Absorb Strength instead. The weapon (with new, less insane enchantment) has been added to the leveled list l_m_wpn_melee_axe (14). - Winterwound Dagger: Added to l_m_wpn_melee_short blade (20). Bloodmoon Clothing Bloodmoon adds four each of Common Pants, Common Shirts and Common Shoes, and two Common Robes. These items have been added to the lists random_de_pants, random_de_shirt, random_de_shoes_common and random_de_robe respectively. Bloodmoon's Common Gloves are not added anywhere. Bloodmoon Ingredients The ingredients Bear Pelt, Bristleback Leather, Holly Berries, Ripened and Unripened Belladonna Berries and Wolf Pelt have been added to the leveled lists random_ingredient and random_ingredient_diff. Grahl Eyeball, Gravetar, Heartwood and Horker Tusk have been handled a bit differently. All are from creatures that have not been placed in Vvardenfell, and so should be rarer. They've been added to random_ingredient_diff, but not to random_ingredient directly. Instead, a new list has been created (necro_random_ingred_bm_rare, chance none 50) with all four ingredients, and this new list has been added to random_ingredient. This way, there's only one chance each calculation for one of the rare ingredients, and even if the rare list is selected, there's still a 50% chance of nothing. Raw Stalhrim, Snow Bear and Snow Wolf pelts, and Wolfsbane Petals are not added anywhere; they're still exclusive to Solstheim. Bloodmoon Drink - Nord Mead: This one is handled somewhat similarly to the rare Bloodmoon ingredients. It's not added to leveled lists directly. Instead, the vanilla leveled list random_drinks_nord (which contains four other beverages in addition to mead) is itself added to random_drinks_01 and random_alchemy_diff. This way, Nord Mead will be substantially rarer than other beverages on Vvardenfell, but you'll still come across it once in a while. In addition, mugs have been handplaced in two locations in Dagon Fel: End of the World Renter Rooms and Andre Maul's Tower. Bloodmoon Creatures - Grizzly Bear: Has been added to the following leveled lists, at level 7: ex_ascadianisles_lev+0 ex_ascadianisles_lev+2 ex_ascadianisles_lev-1 ex_ascadianisles_sleep ex_grazelands_lev+0 ex_grazelands_lev+2 ex_grazelands_lev-1 ex_grazelands_sleep ex_westgash_lev+0 ex_westgash_lev+2 ex_westgash_lev-1 ex_westgash_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep in_cave_all_lev+0 in_cave_all_lev+2 in_cave_all_lev-1 - Plague Bear: Added to the following lists, at level 10: ex_sheogorad_lev+0 ex_sheogorad_lev+2 ex_sheogorad_lev-1 ex_sheogorad_sleep ex_westgash_lev+0 ex_westgash_lev+2 ex_westgash_lev-1 ex_westgash_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep - Tusked Bristleback: Added to the following lists, at level 12: ex_ascadianisles_lev+0 ex_ascadianisles_lev+2 ex_ascadianisles_lev-1 ex_ascadianisles_sleep ex_grazelands_lev+0 ex_grazelands_lev+2 ex_grazelands_lev-1 ex_grazelands_sleep ex_sheogorad_lev+0 ex_sheogorad_lev+2 ex_sheogorad_lev-1 ex_sheogorad_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep in_cave_all_lev+0 in_cave_all_lev+2 in_cave_all_lev-1 - Wolf: Two types of wolves are added by this mod: bm_wolf_grey_lvl_1 and bm_wolf_grey. They've been added to the following leveled lists, at levels 3 and 7 respectively: ex_ascadianisles_lev+0 ex_ascadianisles_lev+2 ex_ascadianisles_lev-1 ex_ascadianisles_sleep ex_azurascoast_lev+0 ex_azurascoast_lev+2 ex_azurascoast_lev-1 ex_azurascoast_sleep ex_grazelands_lev+0 ex_grazelands_lev+2 ex_grazelands_lev-1 ex_grazelands_sleep ex_molagmar_lev+0 ex_molagmar_lev+2 ex_molagmar_lev-1 ex_molagmar_sleep ex_sheogorad_lev+0 ex_sheogorad_lev+2 ex_sheogorad_lev-1 ex_sheogorad_sleep ex_westgash_lev+0 ex_westgash_lev+2 ex_westgash_lev-1 ex_westgash_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep in_cave_all_lev+0 in_cave_all_lev+2 in_cave_all_lev-1 - Plague Wolf: Added to the following lists, at level 8: ex_grazelands_lev+0 ex_grazelands_lev+2 ex_grazelands_lev-1 ex_grazelands_sleep ex_sheogorad_lev+0 ex_sheogorad_lev+2 ex_sheogorad_lev-1 ex_sheogorad_sleep ex_westgash_lev+0 ex_westgash_lev+2 ex_westgash_lev-1 ex_westgash_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep - Dire Frost Atronach: This one required special handling. This creature (atronach_frost_bm) is placed in vanilla only in Aesliip's Lair, with a script attached associated with the related quest. The script can't be removed without breaking (one path of) that quest, and it would cause problems if attached to creatures anywhere else. So, a copy of this creature has been created (necro_atronach_frost_bm). The script has been removed from the new creature, and it's been added to the following lists at level 15: in_dae_all_lev+0 in_dae_all_lev+2 in_dae_all_lev-2 in_dae_atronach_lev+0 in_dae_atronach_lev+2 in_dae_atronach_lev-2 and the following lists at level 18: ex_molagmar_lev+0 ex_molagmar_lev+2 ex_molagmar_lev-1 ex_molagmar_sleep The original creature remains unmodified and exclusive to Aesliip's Lair. - Bonewolf: Added to the following lists, at level 5: in_tomb_all_lev+0 in_tomb_all_lev+2 in_tomb_all_lev-2 in_tomb_all_lev_trib in_tomb_bone_lev+0 in_tomb_bone_lev+2 in_tomb_bone_lev-2 It was added to the in_tomb_bone lists and not the in_tomb_skele lists because otherwise the in_tomb_bone lists would have remained unchanged, and the Bonewolf is the most appropriate creature to add to them. Also, the addition to in_tomb_all_lev_trib will diversify the undead in Mournhold. (Skeleton Berserkers and Greater Skeleton Champions below are also added to this list.) - Skeleton Berserker: There are two creatures added here, skeleton nord and skeleton nord_2, which are very similar except the _2 variant has more health. They've been added to the following leveled lists, at levels 9 and 10 respectively: in_tomb_all_lev+0 in_tomb_all_lev+2 in_tomb_all_lev-2 in_tomb_all_lev_trib in_tomb_skele_lev+0 in_tomb_skele_lev+2 in_tomb_skele_lev-2 - Greater Skeleton Champion: This one also required some special handling. There are actually three different types of this creature. The creatures bm_sk_champ_bloodskal01 and 02 are placed only in Bloodskal Barrow, and have a script attached to them which disables them until you pick up the sword in that barrow. The third type, bm skeleton champion gr, is not in Bloodskal Barrow, but instead just on a few generic Bloodmoon leveled creature lists. However, it also has the bloodskal script attached to it, which causes all instances of this creature to not appear until the sword in Bloodskal Barrow has been picked up. Since this is clearly a mistake, the script has been removed from bm skeleton champion gr. This creature, now that it will actually show up as intended, has been added to the following lists at level 15: in_tomb_all_lev+0 in_tomb_all_lev+2 in_tomb_all_lev-2 in_tomb_all_lev_trib in_tomb_skele_lev+0 in_tomb_skele_lev+2 in_tomb_skele_lev-2 Version History Version 1.1.2 - 2021-01-19 - Added "Fewer BM Creatures" version omitting the more conventional Bloodmoon creatures such as bears and wolves. Version 1.1.1 - 2020-10-27 - Incorporated Patch for Purists fixes for Hrordis, Durus Marius and Severa Magia (now in Dark Brotherhood faction). Version 1.1 - 2020-04-23 - Added optional Tribunal-only version. - Removed Greater Ancestor Ghost from in_tomb_skele lists. Version 1.0 - 2020-04-21 - Initial release. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus or Moddinghall with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692.
  4. View File Expansions Integrated Expansions Integrated Summary This mod integrates (much of) the content of the Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansions within the rest of the game world. Many items and creatures from the expansions, which could previously be found only in Mournhold or Solstheim, can now be found throughout Vvardenfell. Dragon32's Expansion Integration does something very similar, and partly inspired this mod. This mod makes a number of different decisions than Dragon32's mod does in terms of which items/creatures to integrate and how to do so. Use whichever one you like best (though obviously not both). Much of the item placement in this mod (and all of the creature placement) is done via leveled lists, though a number of items are handplaced. This mod incorporates Adamantium Armor Integrated, which handplaces one instance of each Adamantium armor piece in Vvardenfell, so there's no need to use that mod along with this one. The following items and creatures are integrated in one way or another by this mod: - Tribunal armor: Adamantium, Dark Brotherhood - Tribunal weapons: Adamantium (including Adamantium Jinkblade of Wounds), Ebony Scimitar (unenchanted) - Tribunal clothing: Common Pants, Shirt and Shoes - Tribunal ingredients: All except Adamantium Ore - Tribunal creatures: Durzog (four types), Centurion Archer (two types), Advanced Steam Centurion, Greater Ancestor Ghost, Lich - Bloodmoon armor: Wolf, Bear, Nordic Mail - Bloodmoon weapons: Huntsman, Nordic Silver, Berserker (enchanted), Blood Axe, Winterwound Dagger - Bloodmoon clothing: Common Pants, Robe, Shirt and Shoes - Bloodmoon ingredients: All except Raw Stalhrim, Snow Bear and Snow Wolf Pelt, and Wolfsbane Petals - Bloodmoon drink: Nord Mead - Bloodmoon creatures: Grizzly Bear, Plague Bear, Tusked Bristleback, Wolf (two types), Plague Wolf, Dire Frost Atronach, Bonewolf, Skeleton Berserker (two types), Greater Skeleton Champion A couple of the expansions' creatures have been added at levels lower than when they can be found in the expansion. For example, War Durzogs can be encountered at level 20 in Vvardenfell. Users of Tribunal Rebalance and Bloodmoon Rebalance will have an easier time of this. Included is an optional Tribunal-only version, for those who don't like the addition of the Bloodmoon items/creatures. Note that the Tribunal-only version also omits the fix to the Greater Skeleton Champion and the change to the Blood Axe enchantment described below. Also included is a "Fewer BM Creatures" version, which is basically the full version of the mod with the following creatures omitted: Grizzly Bear, Plague Bear, Tusked Bristleback, Wolf (both types), Plague Wolf. The Details section below lists most of the specific changes made by this mod. See also the "spoilers" document in the archive for a list of locations of certain items (Adamantium armor and weapons) that have been placed by hand. Details This section will detail the changes made by this mod - exactly which items and creatures are placed and how. This section contains some spoilers, though the exact locations of Adamantium armor and weapon pieces are omitted (see the spoilers document for those). Tribunal Armor - Adamantium Armor: Each piece is handplaced in exactly one spot on Vvardenfell. See the spoilers document in the archive if you want to know exactly where. (The locations are the same as in Adamantium Armor Integrated, so there's no need to use that mod with this one.) - Dark Brotherhood Armor: Has been given to a number of Dark Brotherhood members (or likely members) on Vvardenfell, specifically: Severa Magia and Nidara Herandus in Ald Sotha, and Durus Marius and Sovisa Adas in Assernerairan. Herandus and Adas have all pieces, while Magia and Marius lack the helm. Tribunal Weapons - Adamantium Weapons: Each weapon has been handplaced in exactly one spot on Vvardenfell. This includes the Axe, Claymore, Mace, Shortsword, Spear, and the Adamantium Jinkblade of Wounds. The spoilers document in the archive lists their locations. - Ebony Scimitar: The unenchanted version has been added to the following leveled lists: random ebony weapon random excellent melee weapon (15) random_golden_saint_weapon (The number in parentheses is the level the item has been added at. Here and elsewhere in this document, where a level is not specified, the item has been added at level 1.) It's also been handplaced in one location on Vvardenfell: Ghostgate: Tower of Dusk Lower Level. The enchanted version (Ebony Scimitar_her) has not been added anywhere. Tribunal Clothing Tribunal adds two new each of Common Pants, Common Shirt and Common Shoes (the IDs for each end in 06 and 07). These items have been added to the leveled lists random_de_pants, random_de_shirt and random_de_shoes_common respectively. Tribunal's Common Skirts are not added, nor are the expensive clothing items (due to a lack of appropriate leveled lists to add them to). Tribunal Ingredients All new ingredients except Adamantium Ore (including Durzog Meat, Golden Sedge Flowers, Horn Lily Bulb, Lloramor Spines, Meadow Rye, Nirthfly Stalks, Noble Sedge Flowers, Scrib Cabbage, Sweetpulp and Timsa-Come-By Flowers) have been added to the leveled lists random_ingredient and random_ingredient_diff. Scrib Cabbage has also been added to random_de_cheapfood_01_nc, random_de_cheapfood_01_ne and random_food. Adamantium Ore has not been added anywhere; it's still exclusive to Mournhold. Tribunal Creatures - Durzog: Four types of Durzogs are placed by this mod: durzog_wild_weaker, durzog_wild, durzog_diseased and durzog_war. They've been added to the following leveled lists, at levels 5, 10, 12 and 20 respectively: ex_azurascoast_lev+0 ex_azurascoast_lev+2 ex_azurascoast_lev-1 ex_azurascoast_sleep ex_bittercoast_lev+0 ex_bittercoast_lev+2 ex_bittercoast_lev-1 ex_bittercoast_sleep ex_grazelands_lev+0 ex_grazelands_lev+2 ex_grazelands_lev-1 ex_grazelands_sleep ex_molagmar_lev+0 ex_molagmar_lev+2 ex_molagmar_lev-1 ex_molagmar_sleep ex_westgash_lev+0 ex_westgash_lev+2 ex_westgash_lev-1 ex_westgash_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep in_cave_all_lev+0 in_cave_all_lev+2 in_cave_all_lev-1 (Note that, here and elsewhere, levels have been adjusted as appropriate for the lev+x and lev-x lists.) The special type durzog_war_trained is not included. - Centurion Archer, Advanced Steam Centurion: There are two types of Centurion Archer that have been integrated: centurion_projectile and centurion_projectile_C (the latter is more dangerous because of its enchanted shock bolts). Only the "regular" type of Advanced Steam Centurion is included. They've been added to the following leveled lists, at levels 10, 12 and 20 respectively: in_dwe_all_lev+0 in_dwe_all_lev+2 in_dwe_all_lev-2 in_dwe_cent_lev+0 in_dwe_cent_lev+2 in_dwe_cent_lev-2 - Greater Ancestor Ghost: Has been added to the following leveled lists, at level 15: in_tomb_all_lev+0 in_tomb_all_lev+2 in_tomb_all_lev-2 - Lich: Has been added to the following lists, at level 20: in_tomb_all_lev+0 in_tomb_all_lev+2 in_tomb_all_lev-2 in_tomb_skele_lev+0 in_tomb_skele_lev+2 in_tomb_skele_lev-2 In addition, the "Calculate from all levels <= PC's level" flag has been set for the above leveled lists, and for the three in_tomb_bone lists. They were (almost) the only leveled creature lists in the vanilla game without that flag set. Now there will be much more diversity in tomb undead, rather than always seeing the same creature all the time. Bloodmoon Armor - Wolf Armor: Each piece has been added to the appropriate l_n_armor lists (for boots, cuirass, gauntlets, greaves, helmet, pauldrons and shields) at level 3. In addition, a new leveled list has been created (necro_random_armor_wolf) with all pieces, and this new list has been added to random_smuggler_1-5 and random_bandit_1-5. The enchanted Snow Wolf Armor is not added anywhere. - Bear Armor: Like with Wolf Armor, each piece has been added to the appropriate l_n_armor list at level 3. A new list (necro_random_armor_bear) has been created with all pieces and added to random_smuggler_6-10 and random_bandit_11+. The enchanted Snow Bear Armor is not included. - Nordic Mail Armor: Each piece has been added to the appropriate l_n_armor list at level 20. Bloodmoon Weapons - Huntsman Axe: Has been added to l_n_wpn_melee_axe (6) and random_weapon_melee_basic. - Huntsman War Axe: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_axe (17). - Huntsman Longsword: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_long blade (5) and random_weapon_melee_basic. - Huntsman Spear: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_spear (5) and random_weapon_melee_basic. - Huntsman Crossbow: Added to l_n_wpn_missile_xbow (10) and random_weapon_melee_basic. (It's not a melee weapon, but the Steel Crossbow is already on the latter list in vanilla.) - Huntsman Bolt: Added to l_n_wpn_missile_bolt (7). - Nordic Silver Axe, Battleaxe: Added to the following leveled lists: l_n_wpn_melee_axe (18, 20) random excellent melee weapon (14, 15) random_nordic_weapons (13, 15) - Nordic Silver Mace: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_blunt (15) and random excellent melee weapon (10). - Nordic Silver Longsword: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_long blade (12) and random excellent melee weapon (12). - Nordic Silver Claymore: Added to the following lists: l_n_wpn_melee_long blade (17) random excellent melee weapon (15) random_nordic_weapons (14) - Nordic Silver Dagger, Shortsword: Added to l_n_wpn_melee_short blade (12, 13) and random excellent melee weapon (7, 8). - Berserker Silver Axe, Battleaxe: These enchanted weapons have been added to l_m_wpn_melee_axe (15, 18). - Berserker Silver Longsword, Claymore: Added to l_m_wpn_melee_long blade (9, 20). - Blood Axe: This one is unique in that the weapon's enchantment has also been edited. In vanilla, this weapon's enchantment includes Damage Strength 4 points for 30 seconds, for 120 points total Damage Strength. This is insane. The enchantment "bm bloodaxe" has been changed from Damage Strength to Absorb Strength instead. The weapon (with new, less insane enchantment) has been added to the leveled list l_m_wpn_melee_axe (14). - Winterwound Dagger: Added to l_m_wpn_melee_short blade (20). Bloodmoon Clothing Bloodmoon adds four each of Common Pants, Common Shirts and Common Shoes, and two Common Robes. These items have been added to the lists random_de_pants, random_de_shirt, random_de_shoes_common and random_de_robe respectively. Bloodmoon's Common Gloves are not added anywhere. Bloodmoon Ingredients The ingredients Bear Pelt, Bristleback Leather, Holly Berries, Ripened and Unripened Belladonna Berries and Wolf Pelt have been added to the leveled lists random_ingredient and random_ingredient_diff. Grahl Eyeball, Gravetar, Heartwood and Horker Tusk have been handled a bit differently. All are from creatures that have not been placed in Vvardenfell, and so should be rarer. They've been added to random_ingredient_diff, but not to random_ingredient directly. Instead, a new list has been created (necro_random_ingred_bm_rare, chance none 50) with all four ingredients, and this new list has been added to random_ingredient. This way, there's only one chance each calculation for one of the rare ingredients, and even if the rare list is selected, there's still a 50% chance of nothing. Raw Stalhrim, Snow Bear and Snow Wolf pelts, and Wolfsbane Petals are not added anywhere; they're still exclusive to Solstheim. Bloodmoon Drink - Nord Mead: This one is handled somewhat similarly to the rare Bloodmoon ingredients. It's not added to leveled lists directly. Instead, the vanilla leveled list random_drinks_nord (which contains four other beverages in addition to mead) is itself added to random_drinks_01 and random_alchemy_diff. This way, Nord Mead will be substantially rarer than other beverages on Vvardenfell, but you'll still come across it once in a while. In addition, mugs have been handplaced in two locations in Dagon Fel: End of the World Renter Rooms and Andre Maul's Tower. Bloodmoon Creatures - Grizzly Bear: Has been added to the following leveled lists, at level 7: ex_ascadianisles_lev+0 ex_ascadianisles_lev+2 ex_ascadianisles_lev-1 ex_ascadianisles_sleep ex_grazelands_lev+0 ex_grazelands_lev+2 ex_grazelands_lev-1 ex_grazelands_sleep ex_westgash_lev+0 ex_westgash_lev+2 ex_westgash_lev-1 ex_westgash_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep in_cave_all_lev+0 in_cave_all_lev+2 in_cave_all_lev-1 - Plague Bear: Added to the following lists, at level 10: ex_sheogorad_lev+0 ex_sheogorad_lev+2 ex_sheogorad_lev-1 ex_sheogorad_sleep ex_westgash_lev+0 ex_westgash_lev+2 ex_westgash_lev-1 ex_westgash_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep - Tusked Bristleback: Added to the following lists, at level 12: ex_ascadianisles_lev+0 ex_ascadianisles_lev+2 ex_ascadianisles_lev-1 ex_ascadianisles_sleep ex_grazelands_lev+0 ex_grazelands_lev+2 ex_grazelands_lev-1 ex_grazelands_sleep ex_sheogorad_lev+0 ex_sheogorad_lev+2 ex_sheogorad_lev-1 ex_sheogorad_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep in_cave_all_lev+0 in_cave_all_lev+2 in_cave_all_lev-1 - Wolf: Two types of wolves are added by this mod: bm_wolf_grey_lvl_1 and bm_wolf_grey. They've been added to the following leveled lists, at levels 3 and 7 respectively: ex_ascadianisles_lev+0 ex_ascadianisles_lev+2 ex_ascadianisles_lev-1 ex_ascadianisles_sleep ex_azurascoast_lev+0 ex_azurascoast_lev+2 ex_azurascoast_lev-1 ex_azurascoast_sleep ex_grazelands_lev+0 ex_grazelands_lev+2 ex_grazelands_lev-1 ex_grazelands_sleep ex_molagmar_lev+0 ex_molagmar_lev+2 ex_molagmar_lev-1 ex_molagmar_sleep ex_sheogorad_lev+0 ex_sheogorad_lev+2 ex_sheogorad_lev-1 ex_sheogorad_sleep ex_westgash_lev+0 ex_westgash_lev+2 ex_westgash_lev-1 ex_westgash_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep in_cave_all_lev+0 in_cave_all_lev+2 in_cave_all_lev-1 - Plague Wolf: Added to the following lists, at level 8: ex_grazelands_lev+0 ex_grazelands_lev+2 ex_grazelands_lev-1 ex_grazelands_sleep ex_sheogorad_lev+0 ex_sheogorad_lev+2 ex_sheogorad_lev-1 ex_sheogorad_sleep ex_westgash_lev+0 ex_westgash_lev+2 ex_westgash_lev-1 ex_westgash_sleep ex_wild_all_lev+0 ex_wild_all_lev+2 ex_wild_all_lev-1 ex_wild_all_sleep - Dire Frost Atronach: This one required special handling. This creature (atronach_frost_bm) is placed in vanilla only in Aesliip's Lair, with a script attached associated with the related quest. The script can't be removed without breaking (one path of) that quest, and it would cause problems if attached to creatures anywhere else. So, a copy of this creature has been created (necro_atronach_frost_bm). The script has been removed from the new creature, and it's been added to the following lists at level 15: in_dae_all_lev+0 in_dae_all_lev+2 in_dae_all_lev-2 in_dae_atronach_lev+0 in_dae_atronach_lev+2 in_dae_atronach_lev-2 and the following lists at level 18: ex_molagmar_lev+0 ex_molagmar_lev+2 ex_molagmar_lev-1 ex_molagmar_sleep The original creature remains unmodified and exclusive to Aesliip's Lair. - Bonewolf: Added to the following lists, at level 5: in_tomb_all_lev+0 in_tomb_all_lev+2 in_tomb_all_lev-2 in_tomb_all_lev_trib in_tomb_bone_lev+0 in_tomb_bone_lev+2 in_tomb_bone_lev-2 It was added to the in_tomb_bone lists and not the in_tomb_skele lists because otherwise the in_tomb_bone lists would have remained unchanged, and the Bonewolf is the most appropriate creature to add to them. Also, the addition to in_tomb_all_lev_trib will diversify the undead in Mournhold. (Skeleton Berserkers and Greater Skeleton Champions below are also added to this list.) - Skeleton Berserker: There are two creatures added here, skeleton nord and skeleton nord_2, which are very similar except the _2 variant has more health. They've been added to the following leveled lists, at levels 9 and 10 respectively: in_tomb_all_lev+0 in_tomb_all_lev+2 in_tomb_all_lev-2 in_tomb_all_lev_trib in_tomb_skele_lev+0 in_tomb_skele_lev+2 in_tomb_skele_lev-2 - Greater Skeleton Champion: This one also required some special handling. There are actually three different types of this creature. The creatures bm_sk_champ_bloodskal01 and 02 are placed only in Bloodskal Barrow, and have a script attached to them which disables them until you pick up the sword in that barrow. The third type, bm skeleton champion gr, is not in Bloodskal Barrow, but instead just on a few generic Bloodmoon leveled creature lists. However, it also has the bloodskal script attached to it, which causes all instances of this creature to not appear until the sword in Bloodskal Barrow has been picked up. Since this is clearly a mistake, the script has been removed from bm skeleton champion gr. This creature, now that it will actually show up as intended, has been added to the following lists at level 15: in_tomb_all_lev+0 in_tomb_all_lev+2 in_tomb_all_lev-2 in_tomb_all_lev_trib in_tomb_skele_lev+0 in_tomb_skele_lev+2 in_tomb_skele_lev-2 Version History Version 1.1.2 - 2021-01-19 - Added "Fewer BM Creatures" version omitting the more conventional Bloodmoon creatures such as bears and wolves. Version 1.1.1 - 2020-10-27 - Incorporated Patch for Purists fixes for Hrordis, Durus Marius and Severa Magia (now in Dark Brotherhood faction). Version 1.1 - 2020-04-23 - Added optional Tribunal-only version. - Removed Greater Ancestor Ghost from in_tomb_skele lists. Version 1.0 - 2020-04-21 - Initial release. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus or Moddinghall with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692. Submitter Necrolesian Submitted 11/04/2021 Category Overhauls & Expansions  
  5. View File ReligousPlaces by DerLarsi "DLS" This mod expands and modifies eight of the most important religious sites in Vvardenfell. The importance of the places was taken into account and mostly themed according to the history. The changes were made to: Assarnibibi, Ghostgate, Kand, Koalcave (interior), Kummu, Maar Gan (interior), Sanctus shrine and Vivec shrine of Daring. The changes in detail: Assarnibibi: At the birthplace of Almalexia you will now find the possibility to pray. Candles in woven baskets symbolize the light of hope towards the "Lady of Mercy" in the cradle. Ghostgate: The pilgrimage site is also an important military facility. As such, it has been expanded into a fortress. Guards patrol near the gate and guard the way to the shrine. This has been expanded and additionally protected against the dangers of the red mountain. Kand: The changes of the Kandberg are a decoration of the entrance, making it stand out better against the surrounding woods. The actual shrine was also decorated with offerings. Koal: A chamber was added to the Koal Cave. There you can find the shrine decorated with symbols of Vivec's fight against the Dreugh's father. Candles and glowing mushrooms illuminate the cave atmospherically. Kummu: The shrine was highlighted by surrounded walls. On the steps, pilgrims shed their clothes to commemorate Vivec's humility when he took off his clothes to work in the field. Maar Gan: The small church was expanded underground and now offers enough space for pilgrims to admire the stone. (Note: Due to its size, the escape from Anhaedra will be more difficult during the quest "Pilgrimage to Maar Gan") Sanctus shrine: The Sanctus shrine was decorated with offerings. Instruments invite to use his voice again after the long silence, a copy of Saryoni's Sermons to reflect to the sound of wind chimes. Vivec, Shrine of daring: In the shadow of the moon, whose debris now hovers like a tail behind the celestial body, tracing its path, one can sit down to pray. At the altar you will find one of the lessons of Vivec, which tells the history of the place, probably sermons were held here recently. Submitter DerLarsi Submitted 04/12/2021 Category Overhauls & Expansions  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This mod expands and modifies eight of the most important religious sites in Vvardenfell. The importance of the places was taken into account and mostly themed according to the history. The changes were made to: Assarnibibi, Ghostgate, Kand, Koalcave (interior), Kummu, Maar Gan (interior), Sanctus shrine and Vivec shrine of Daring. The changes in detail: Assarnibibi: At the birthplace of Almalexia you will now find the possibility to pray. Candles in woven baskets symbolize the light of hope towards the "Lady of Mercy" in the cradle. Ghostgate: The pilgrimage site is also an important military facility. As such, it has been expanded into a fortress. Guards patrol near the gate and guard the way to the shrine. This has been expanded and additionally protected against the dangers of the red mountain. Kand: The changes of the Kandberg are a decoration of the entrance, making it stand out better against the surrounding woods. The actual shrine was also decorated with offerings. Koal: A chamber was added to the Koal Cave. There you can find the shrine decorated with symbols of Vivec's fight against the Dreugh's father. Candles and glowing mushrooms illuminate the cave atmospherically. Kummu: The shrine was highlighted by surrounded walls. On the steps, pilgrims shed their clothes to commemorate Vivec's humility when he took off his clothes to work in the field. Maar Gan: The small church was expanded underground and now offers enough space for pilgrims to admire the stone. (Note: Due to its size, the escape from Anhaedra will be more difficult during the quest "Pilgrimage to Maar Gan") Sanctus shrine: The Sanctus shrine was decorated with offerings. Instruments invite to use his voice again after the long silence, a copy of Saryoni's Sermons to reflect to the sound of wind chimes. Vivec, Shrine of daring: In the shadow of the moon, whose debris now hovers like a tail behind the celestial body, tracing its path, one can sit down to pray. At the altar you will find one of the lessons of Vivec, which tells the history of the place, probably sermons were held here recently.
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