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Found 2 results

  1. Version 1.0


    This mod allows customizing merchants' barter gold using MWSE-lua. There are three settings on the main Mod Config Menu page: Multiplier: All merchants' barter gold (except for those on the blacklist) will be multiplied by this value. Floor: Barter gold will be increased to match this value if it's lower after the multiplier is applied. Cap: Barter gold will be lowered to match this value if it's higher after the multiplier is applied. Setting a negative value here means there's no cap. There's also a blacklist; any merchants added to the blacklist will not be affected by the mod at all. A couple important notes: First, the default settings are identical to vanilla, so you won't notice any difference in-game until you customize your settings. Second, if you've recently encountered any merchants in-game when you install the mod or change the settings, your changes won't be effective for those particular merchants until their barter gold resets (which takes 24 in-game hours in unmodded Morrowind). Requirements This mod requires MGE XE and the latest version of MWSE 2.1. Just install MGE XE and run MWSE-Update.exe to download the latest build. Compatibility This mod is compatible with any plugin that changes merchants' barter gold. The barter gold value set by your plugins is the value that will be modified by this mod's multiplier. It should be compatible with pretty much everything, except other MWSE-lua mods that change merchants' barter gold. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692.
  2. View File Barter Gold Adjuster This mod allows customizing merchants' barter gold using MWSE-lua. There are three settings on the main Mod Config Menu page: Multiplier: All merchants' barter gold (except for those on the blacklist) will be multiplied by this value. Floor: Barter gold will be increased to match this value if it's lower after the multiplier is applied. Cap: Barter gold will be lowered to match this value if it's higher after the multiplier is applied. Setting a negative value here means there's no cap. There's also a blacklist; any merchants added to the blacklist will not be affected by the mod at all. A couple important notes: First, the default settings are identical to vanilla, so you won't notice any difference in-game until you customize your settings. Second, if you've recently encountered any merchants in-game when you install the mod or change the settings, your changes won't be effective for those particular merchants until their barter gold resets (which takes 24 in-game hours in unmodded Morrowind). Requirements This mod requires MGE XE and the latest version of MWSE 2.1. Just install MGE XE and run MWSE-Update.exe to download the latest build. Compatibility This mod is compatible with any plugin that changes merchants' barter gold. The barter gold value set by your plugins is the value that will be modified by this mod's multiplier. It should be compatible with pretty much everything, except other MWSE-lua mods that change merchants' barter gold. Contact Feel free to contact me on the Nexus with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692. Submitter Necrolesian Submitted 06/02/2022 Category Miscellaneous  
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