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Found 8 results

  1. Version 1.2


    OAAB Dwemer Pavements In the vanilla game, many of the dwemer ruins use regular cobblestone land textures in their exteriors. For most of them, this doesn't stand out too much. A major exception being of Arkngthunch-Sturdumz in the West Gash which uses the same very polished cobblestone texture as is used in Balmora, High Town (where the manors are located). Did House Hlaalu come and pave the exterior of this isolated ruin? That doesn't make any sense. So I decided that it would be better for dwemer ruins to have their own pavement texture outside of their entrances. This mod replaces the cobblestone textures outside of all Vvardenfell-based dwemer ruins with a new texture. In addition to the texture swap, I also made a "road edge" mesh which helps blend this new pavement into the ruins and the surrounding landscape. Some of my reasoning for making this mod is that the designer who used that cobblestone texture outside of Arkngthunch-Sturdumz clearly wanted to show that it was stone bricks on the ground outside of the ruin, but didn't have the texture asset available to properly visualize that intention. So I tried to create what I thought a dedicated cobblestone/pavement texture may have looked for the dwemer set. Compatibility: This mod edits the exterior of most dwemer ruins. Therefore it has the potential to conflict with mods which do the same. With that said, my edits are very minimal. I do not change the landscape shape (but I do change landscape textures), and my mesh additions are relatively minimal. But if a mod makes drastic changes to the exterior, then it could definitely conflict. I would appreciate players notify me if anything is found and I may be able to create patches.
  2. View File OAAB Dwemer Pavements OAAB Dwemer Pavements In the vanilla game, many of the dwemer ruins use regular cobblestone land textures in their exteriors. For most of them, this doesn't stand out too much. A major exception being of Arkngthunch-Sturdumz in the West Gash which uses the same very polished cobblestone texture as is used in Balmora, High Town (where the manors are located). Did House Hlaalu come and pave the exterior of this isolated ruin? That doesn't make any sense. So I decided that it would be better for dwemer ruins to have their own pavement texture outside of their entrances. This mod replaces the cobblestone textures outside of all Vvardenfell-based dwemer ruins with a new texture. In addition to the texture swap, I also made a "road edge" mesh which helps blend this new pavement into the ruins and the surrounding landscape. Some of my reasoning for making this mod is that the designer who used that cobblestone texture outside of Arkngthunch-Sturdumz clearly wanted to show that it was stone bricks on the ground outside of the ruin, but didn't have the texture asset available to properly visualize that intention. So I tried to create what I thought a dedicated cobblestone/pavement texture may have looked for the dwemer set. Compatibility: This mod edits the exterior of most dwemer ruins. Therefore it has the potential to conflict with mods which do the same. With that said, my edits are very minimal. I do not change the landscape shape (but I do change landscape textures), and my mesh additions are relatively minimal. But if a mod makes drastic changes to the exterior, then it could definitely conflict. I would appreciate players notify me if anything is found and I may be able to create patches. Submitter MelchiorDahrk Submitted 09/10/2021 Category Overhauls & Expansions  
  3. Version 1.0.0


     If you look closely at the steamstack exhaust pipes at dwemer ruins, you may or may not have noticed that the spike on the side of them appears to be a large lightning rod. Did the dwemer harness the energy of thunderstorms? Or were they just safety conscious? We may never know. But with this mod, if you visit a dwemer ruin during a thunderstorm, you'll be greeted by blinding flashes as lightning strikes the steamstack rods. But be careful not to get too close lest you be shocked!  Note: Because the Ashlands, Molag Amur and Red Mountain regions (where a lot of dwemer ruins can be found) have no chance of thunderstorms in the vanilla game, you will only be able to experience active lightning rods there with weather affecting mods. Some recommendations: Magicka Expanded : ME includes a weather magic pack where you can summon a thunder storm yourself! Creeping Blight : Gives a small chance of rain and thunderstorms in the previously dry regions of Vvardenfell. Weather Adjuster : If you just want to see the effect right away, Weather Adjuster is the perfect tool! There is an MWSE version and OpenMW version included. Note that the MWSE version automatically replaces all tower in your entire game with lightning-ready versions including province mods, exterior overhauls, everything! The OpenMW version manually replaces all the towers on Vvardenfell in the base game but does not cover the province mods or any other mods.
  4. View File Dwemer Lightning Rods  If you look closely at the steamstack exhaust pipes at dwemer ruins, you may or may not have noticed that the spike on the side of them appears to be a large lightning rod. Did the dwemer harness the energy of thunderstorms? Or were they just safety conscious? We may never know. But with this mod, if you visit a dwemer ruin during a thunderstorm, you'll be greeted by blinding flashes as lightning strikes the steamstack rods. But be careful not to get too close lest you be shocked!  Note: Because the Ashlands, Molag Amur and Red Mountain regions (where a lot of dwemer ruins can be found) have no chance of thunderstorms in the vanilla game, you will only be able to experience active lightning rods there with weather affecting mods. Some recommendations: Magicka Expanded : ME includes a weather magic pack where you can summon a thunder storm yourself! Creeping Blight : Gives a small chance of rain and thunderstorms in the previously dry regions of Vvardenfell. Weather Adjuster : If you just want to see the effect right away, Weather Adjuster is the perfect tool! There is an MWSE version and OpenMW version included. Note that the MWSE version automatically replaces all tower in your entire game with lightning-ready versions including province mods, exterior overhauls, everything! The OpenMW version manually replaces all the towers on Vvardenfell in the base game but does not cover the province mods or any other mods. Submitter MelchiorDahrk Submitted 09/10/2021 Category Miscellaneous  
  5. Version 1.1b


    The once generic stronghold of Marandus has now been given a facelift to truly show that it's now a Redoran conquest. This mod adds a new tower to the stronghold of Marandus, along with some exterior and interior decorations, making the fort more distinct. The rogue Redoran inhabitants will now tout some more impressive OAAB armour, truly preparing themselves for the inevitable onslaught of the enemies of Redoran. Future plans include making the denizens of Marandus friendly to high ranking Redoran characters (or maybe to those with a cunning disguise) and adding more services to make it something of an alternate Great House stronghold that the player can link up into with the propylon network. This mod requires Of Ash And Blight Data and all game expansions. This mod is likely incompatible with any other mods that change Marandus or edit the inventories of the NPCs there. Some recommended mods: Master Index Redux by me Streamlines Master Index functionality and can be useful when travelling to Marandus. Andasreth Stronghold by Rytelier Another stronghold overhaul to make the bandit hideout a bit more interesting. Berandas Overhaul by seelof A new dungeon redux that makes the daedra takeover of the stronghold more apparent and visible. Kogoruhn Expanded by Team Drama Kwama The stronghold of Kogoruhn has now been made fitting as one of the main strongholds of House Dagoth. 
  6. View File Marandus Rebuilt The once generic stronghold of Marandus has now been given a facelift to truly show that it's now a Redoran conquest. This mod adds a new tower to the stronghold of Marandus, along with some exterior and interior decorations, making the fort more distinct. The rogue Redoran inhabitants will now tout some more impressive OAAB armour, truly preparing themselves for the inevitable onslaught of the enemies of Redoran. Future plans include making the denizens of Marandus friendly to high ranking Redoran characters (or maybe to those with a cunning disguise) and adding more services to make it something of an alternate Great House stronghold that the player can link up into with the propylon network. This mod requires Of Ash And Blight Data and all game expansions. This mod is likely incompatible with any other mods that change Marandus or edit the inventories of the NPCs there. Some recommended mods: Master Index Redux by me Streamlines Master Index functionality and can be useful when travelling to Marandus. Andasreth Stronghold by Rytelier Another stronghold overhaul to make the bandit hideout a bit more interesting. Berandas Overhaul by seelof A new dungeon redux that makes the daedra takeover of the stronghold more apparent and visible. Kogoruhn Expanded by Team Drama Kwama The stronghold of Kogoruhn has now been made fitting as one of the main strongholds of House Dagoth.  Submitter EndoranWest Submitted 04/10/2021 Category Overhauls & Expansions  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    FIRST THINGS FIRST! This requires Tamriel Data and OAAB https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49042 https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44537/ , these are just asset repositories, THIS DOES NOT REQUIRE TAMRIEL REBUILT! just the assets. This is a super simple overhaul of Ahnassi's house in Pelagiad. I love this NPC and the quest related to her and thought that her house deserved a little more attention. Then i got carried away pretty bad XD To emulate the lighting from the screenshots I use Let There be Darkness and True Lights and Darkness. I think that's it. Thank you guys for giving it a look and happy hunting !
  8. View File Carefully Cluttered Cozy Cat Condo FIRST THINGS FIRST! This requires Tamriel Data and OAAB https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49042 https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44537/ , these are just asset repositories, THIS DOES NOT REQUIRE TAMRIEL REBUILT! just the assets. This is a super simple overhaul of Ahnassi's house in Pelagiad. I love this NPC and the quest related to her and thought that her house deserved a little more attention. Then i got carried away pretty bad XD To emulate the lighting from the screenshots I use Let There be Darkness and True Lights and Darkness. I think that's it. Thank you guys for giving it a look and happy hunting ! Submitter JuidiusX Submitted 02/08/2021 Category Housing & Estates  
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